The Travelers

3: Exploring the Unknown with David Wood



In today's episode, a young chimney sweep goes to Tunisia and comes home an accidental world explorer. I'm welcoming a fellow podcaster to the show. He is the host of The Kickass Life  and Amplified Network Marketing podcasts. But he’s not just a podcaster, he is the creator of world-class personal development training programs that have impacted hundreds of thousands of people. On top of that he’s a Business Leader, Author, and Humanitarian, and proud father, who has lived, traveled and worked in over 50 countries. I’m excited for him to bring his passion for people, culture, travel, life, and especially the unknown to this show. Explorer Quote: “Beautiful things happen every time we walk into the unknown.” “Just say yes to more things and watch what happens. Your life is going to be more exciting.” In this episode, we cover: How a trip to Tunisia changed David and helped him go from an angry kid to world explorer who traveled for 10 1/2 years to over 40 countries. How to step outside of your comfort zone