Don Woods

Seen and Done it all



Our wonderful couldn't make it up......I haven't got a clue what is going on and neither have they. I am enjoying the women's rugby league.......great win against France....and the England men's team were brilliant.....then we have the football with Liverpool beating Man City followed by fans throwing stuff at Klopp and him getting a red card on the touchline.............the game needs sorting ... it is slowly getting out of hand.................... stupidity is also creeping into the junior game with parents attacking the referee for giving a red card etc to one of their's a football match...that's all....mind you one town has cancelled certain games for the rest of the season because of low life behaviour....which is one answer.... I watched the TV Awards.....what a load of rubbish.....I had to laugh at the award for the best presenter with Bradley Walsh looking confident as he presents more programmes than anyone in history.......and guess who won it for the 21st consecuti