Radhaa Nilia

New Moon in Scorpio and the Solar Eclipse and opening up our Sophianic Light



Join Gila and me as we discuss the energetic significance of the New Moon in Scorpio and the Solar Eclipse on our lives and the collective. We focus on opening up our Sophianic light together as we dive deep into the dark spaces of our wombs. This energy is all about to reset and begin anew. We know many traditional structures are crumbling, including the need for obligation over self. Join us if you are ready to receive support, receive your Sophia Codes, and embody more of yourself. Here you will find the tools for personal healing, ascension, sisterhood, and spiritual support.  Join us for the Sophianic Womb Codes Healing journey as we travel through our shadows to access our most profound Sophianic Wisdom. This is where you can peel away your layers, recreate yourself, and evolve into your true Pillar of Light! Each month focuses on a specific shadow aspect of the WOMB - where we hold our deepest fears, pain, and secrets- that takes over when we don't address these shadowy issues. Many woundings of t