

Let me start by saying that goal setting is powerful, and you should be doing it - but there is a good chance that you are overdoing it. It's human nature to set goals, and you do it every day without thinking. That's why it's so powerful. It's also why it's so easy to set so many goals that you can never get any of them done.  Let me define how I see goals. No matter what distracts me, I've come to think of goals in two ways: 1) Legacy Goals that I will spend my entire life achieving. 2) Living Goals that will propel me to my Legacy Goals. I didn't think this way for much of my life, but one day, I accepted that no matter what I was chasing, it was the "who I would become in my life and how do I get there" thoughts that were always rolling around in my head.  My internal ScottLOGIC told me that if I'm thinking about something anyway, I might as well think about it purposefully. Also, since I've never met anybody who was happy to pursue daily activities that didn’t lead to something bigger, I knew that everyt