Girlboss Radio With Sophia Amoruso

Making life-coaching and other "far-fetched" careers profitable, with Marie Forleo



Today, it’s not uncommon to hear how highly successful entrepreneurs and C-level executives work with a fabulous life coach. But in the 90s, when Marie Forleo was in her early 20s, the practice of having someone “coach” you to be a better *you* was, well, a novel concept that required a lot of explaining. That didn’t stop Marie, though, from carving out a career path as a life coach—even if that meant a lot of bartending and waiting tables to make ends meet while she built her client roster. Now, Marie Forleo has built a thriving business that includes MarieTV, The Marie Forleo Podcast, the online business training program B-School and, a new book, Everything Is Figureoutable. Tune in to hear Marie and Sophia talk about what why it’s important for people to understand their own “risk-averseness.” Plus, find out Marie’s tips for how you can tell the difference between anxiety and a true gut check. **Have questions for Marie Forleo?** You can ask Marie for advice and tips in our next Digital Fireside on the Gir