C View Quantum Network

10/28 ~ C View 2022 The Art of Self Healing Part 3 Fine Tuning. Siobhan Nicolaou



Join Host Siobhan Nicolaou on C View Quantum Network. We have another great conversation with producer/Host: Claudia Pureco on "The Art of Self Healing, EET©, Part 3 / Fine Tuning. The Subtleties and Nuances of the Process". call (805) 830-8344Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12135083#TAKEMYCALL “Pay what you can” – we are now following the “Pay-what you can” businessmodel – you pay what you feel our services are worth to you –  Paypal.me/Pureco and add the amount you want for our services: https://www.cview1111.net/takemycall.html People seek healers in doctors, metaphysicians, and psychics thinking that healing is a product they can purchase when in fact it is a process, and ongoing process that unfolds in our Life Path. you will listen to: Several transmutation techniques that are the organic process making the “Self” of Love conscious within the emotion and physical bodies. How  to transform  “darkness”  without separation or resistance -thus reclaiming  the light of  the soul and re awakening Spirit within