Burner Podcast

Episode 135: What the Fudge Just Happened at Burning Man?



Buck AE Down ponders this question in his viral Medium think piece Artist, musician, writer, one of the gate perimeter and exodus managers and 24 year Burning Man veteran, Buck AE Down, might be the first of us to seemingly be able to answer the question that's been gnawing at all our craws since the 2022 exodus: What the #$%& just happened back there?? Get to know the talented and delightful writer of the Medium op-ed that any burner worth their salt is still talking about. Closing set by The Mutaytor (Gigsville) https://buckdown.medium.com/what-the-fuck-just-happened-at-burning-man-fd5e5b95e011 buckdown.net *** Hosted by (mr)Arash instagram.com/mrarash youtube.com/mrarash mrarash.com Producers instagram.com/muloka and instagram.com/lolmonday Follow instagram.com/BurnerPodcast and facebook.com/burnerpodcast for wildly irregular updates.