Your Weekly Constitutional

Montpelier Summit! Congress, the Courts, and the Separation of Powers



The Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution at Montpelier does many important things in addition to underwriting this radio show. Among the most important is its sponsorship of “Montpelier Summits,” which bring together governmental officials and other influential people to discuss current constitutional problems and strategies to fix them. In this episode, Stewart interviews the moderators of a recent Summit: Lauren Bell, a Professor of Political Science and the Dean of Academic Affairs at Randolph-Macon College; and Paul Michel, the former Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Lauren studies Congress from an academic perspective, after having spent some time in Washington herself. Paul not only served as a federal appellate judge, but earlier worked as an assistant and counsel to United States Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Join us for a wide-ranging and thoughtful discussion with two people who have been there and done that.