Swinging Through Spider-man: A Spider-man History Podcast

Episode 34: The Amazing Spider-Man #30 - LIVE IN BIRMINGHAM



Your boys are all grown up. James and Brad performed the latest episode of Swinging Through Spider-Man live at the Birmingham Podcast Festival over the past weekend. Their radio silence is because of the hearty prep required to bring such a magnificent showcase of all things Spidey to an adoring crowd. We hit issue #30. Peter Parker's life starts to get rough as forces collide. His Aunt is ill, his ex-girlfriend seems to have moved on, and it's getting to him. He's even missed a new criminal causing widespreas havoc. The Cat is loose, and he's got a big victim in mind. The day was marked with the sad news of the passing of Steve Ditko. Steve, of course, was the genius behind Spider-Man - truly. While the work of Stan Lee should never be discounted, the reason that Spidey is Spidey is more than likely because of Ditko. RIP Steve. We wouldn't be doing this without you. We'd like to take this time to place on record our thanks to Podiant, Mark Steadman, Jon Hickman and the Mockingbird Cinema for allowing us t