Podcast Talent Coach

Helping Richard Chelson Find His Confidence – PTC 415



Last week on Episode 414 we talked about finding belief in yourself. On this episode, I want to bring you a discussion I had with Richard Chelson about finding confidence in yourself and what you do. WHERE DO YOU FIND CONFIDENCE? Where do you find the confidence to put it out there for the world to see? That is the journey I'm on. As I shared with you last week, my coach has challenged me to earn $100k in 100 days. A big, hairy, audacious goal like that is a little scary. But, exciting at the same time when you back it with confidence. Like we talked about last week, Wayne Gretzky said, "having a belief in yourself is ¾ of the battle." Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir men's souls. If you want to be great at something, be willing to be bad at it. If you missed that episode, give it a listen RIGHT HERE. THEY ARE JUDGING When you put yourself out there, people have the opportunity to judge you. With the trolls on social media, that is even more likely in today's world. That makes confidence even m