Podcast Talent Coach

Belief in Yourself – PTC 414



Finding belief in yourself is the most important and critical step when accomplishing anything. My coach recently challenged me to generate $100k in 100 days. Yeah, I got that feeling in my stomach. Who am I to generate that kind of money that fast? That's when I realized I am fighting against that same voice I help others defeat. It is funny how things appear in your path when you need them most. Three things came into my world this week that told me this is possible. Three is a magic number. These three things really got me inspired to take action. WAYNE First, I recently got a membership to MasterClass. It's the online platform where celebrities and experts teach from their zone of genius. Well, you know I'm a big hockey fan. The first MasterClass I had to watch was taught by Wayne Gretzky, arguably the greatest hockey player ever to play the game. It was amazing. He had so many great business and personal growth nuggets in that presentation. There was one that jumped out at me and grabbed me by the collar