Betch Slapped

How Did Betches Actually Come To Be?



In episode three of the new season, Aleen, Jordana, and Sami are talking all about the humble beginning of Betches. They explain what the social media landscape was like at the time, and how they went from an anonymous Twitter account to a bustling website that kept growing and growing. Then explain how they managed to monetize a company without ever raising any capital, and what the process of growing the business was like in the first few years. They talk about their ‘fake-it-till-you-make-it’ approach to pitching and acquiring clients, and the breakthrough that helped them land their first major deal. Then they dive into the Dear Betch email for the week, all about career choices and new beginnings. A listener writes in about feeling unsatisfied in her current career path and looking for the best way to explore new options. They round it all out with a game of Workplace Would You Rather? where they face some difficult decisions on everything from annoying co-workers to the ideal office environment. Visit a