Fja Research And Education Foundation

Titans of Trial – Michael Haggard



Having a father who was a well-known and successful trial lawyer didn’t mean that Mike Haggard was on easy street.  His interest in practicing law first came from his dad Andy, but Mike had to work hard.  He had no success in repeated testimony before the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission on swimming pool safety.  But he didn’t give up.  He found a unique opportunity to finally make the kind of lasting policy change that all trial lawyers hope for.  Swimming pools are safer today because of the results he achieved.While he and his Coral Gables firm focus on representing injured clients, Mike devotes significant time to proactive efforts to avoid injuries and death, speaking to corporate groups on how to improve safety for consumers.   Mike Haggard sat down with Florida Justice Association Radio host Harvey Bennett in May of 2020 to talk about the ongoing relationships with clients that have sustained his career,  how the trial bar and the business community can successfully co-exist, and the link bet