Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

263. Dr. Amy Albright: Waking Up Your Spiritual Gifts



This episode is a re-release of our most downloaded episode from 2022, and one of the most instrumental people to enter my life - Dr Amy Albright.I first met this episode’s guest at a dinner earlier in the year. We had an instant connection that led to us spending time on the podcast, in private coaching sessions, healing journeys, and beyond. At the time I met Dr Amy, I was really curious about ways to connect deeper with my intuition. Little did I know the journey that yearning would take me down. This episode serves as an entry point for those on a similar path. For those who wish to turn up the dial to hear, sense, and feel their intuitive guidance in louder and more profound waysDr. Amy Albright is on a mission to advance humanity. She’s a top-tier executive coach, and strategic business advisor to high-level CEOs, leaders of multi-million & billion-dollar companies, and social changemakers. With over 20 years’ experience, Dr. Amy serves as the life-changing catalyst in her clients’ lives. Throu