Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 41 - 1000 true fans and do you wish to be a millionaire?



Hello my lovelies, I’m writing about this article by Kevin Kelly (https://kk.org/thetechnium/1000-true-fans/) which I suggest you read if you are an artist, musician, podcast host, painter, blogger or anything else creative. Kevin explain a simple idea, you do not need to be famous, or have millions of fans to have a good life. If you can find 1000 true fans, by that Kevin means, people that love you so much that they will buy anything you are selling, then if you can produce a product (album, art piece, content, podcast…) for $100 every year, and that your true fans buy it from you, that is an income of $100000 a year, that is pretty good, since research shows that anything anything after between 70 000 to 100000 will not make any happier. If this is still too high for you, you could start by aiming at 500 true fans and produce something in the rage of $60 per year, that amount to $30000 per year. Let’s be honest, $30000 a year to do what you love is not bad at all right? It’s pretty awesome if no? Thi