Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 31 - Mini - Mark Freeman, author of The Mind Workout, 20 steps to improve your mental health and take charge of your life.



Does your morning routine looks sound like this: Waking up, Hit the snooze button faster than the speed of light, get back to sleep for another 5 minutes which turns into 20 minutes, realise I’m going to be late, rush to the bathroom and your flat mate or family member is already been there since yesterday, get dressed, rush out the door forgetting you packed lunch, if you even managed to get it down after your suppose I only got to the pub for one drink, unfortunately turned out to be 4 and a few shots, realise that everyone on your way to work is making your life hell by moving you further away from your naive thought that you could still make it on time to work even if this would only be possible if you were the owner of a rocket ship and turn a 40 minutes car journey into mere minutes...? Or does it look like this: Wake up, grab your phone, check facebook or instagram, look for interesting stories to share on my profile, maybe comment right beneath some nasty comment from someone you don’t even know