Bible Faq With Kirk Van



Ordained minister with years of study and experience answers listener submitted questions about God, the Bible, the spiritual life, and more.


  • Ep. 040 - What is it Important to go to Church?


    In episode 040...  - Why is it important to attend Church?...  - Why is it vital for believers to take part in the life of the Church?...Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief,... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 039 - What is the ‘Firstfruits’ and ‘Earnest’ of the Spirit?


    In episode 039...  - What does the phrase “firstfruits of the Spirit” mean?...  - What does the phrase “earnest of the Spirit” mean?...Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief,... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 038 - What is the Biblical Purpose for Speaking with Tongues?


    In episode 038...  - What is the biblical purpose or speaking with tongues?...Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief, thoughtful, biblical answers to your questions. To ask a question, visit our... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 037 - What is the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ?


    In episode 037...  - What is the Law of Moses?  - What is the Law of Christ?Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief, thoughtful, biblical answers to your questions. To ask a question, visit... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 036 - What Does it Mean to have a Reprobate Mind?


    In episode 036...  - What does it mean to have a reprobate mind?  - What is a seared conscience?Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief, thoughtful, biblical answers to your questions. To... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 035 - What is the Kingdom of God?


    In episode 035...  - What is the Kingdom of God?Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief, thoughtful, biblical answers to your questions. To ask a question, visit our website or send a message... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 034 - Do Righteous People Become Angels When They Die? (Acts 12:15)


    In episode 034...  - Do righteous people become angels when they die? Do guardian angels exist?Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief, thoughtful, biblical answers to your questions. To ask a... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 033 - Does the Date of Christmas come from Pagan Holidays?


    In episode 033... - Is December 25th the actual date of the birth of Christ? Is this even possible? - How did December 25th come into acceptance in Christianity? Was it really the co-opting of pagan... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 032 - Impossible to Repent After Falling Away? (Heb 6:4-6)


    In episode 032...  - In Hebrews 6:4-6… what does it mean to “fall away” and why would it be impossible to repent?...Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief, thoughtful, biblical answers to your... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 031 - Demonic Possession and Exorcism


    In episode 031...  - Can believers be deomon possessed or influenced? - Is there a connection between spirit activity and medical conditions?Bible FAQ with Kirk Van provides brief,... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 030 - David’s Census Contradiction? / Joseph’s Unmasking


    In episode 030... - How do we reconcile the apparent discrepancies between the two accounts in the events leading up to David’s census? Is there a contradiction? ... - When Joseph revealed his... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 029 - Fasting 101


    In episode 029... - What does the Bible say about fasting? What is the purpose?...  - Are there different ways to fast?...  - What did Jesus mean to wash your face and anoint your head... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 028 - Demonology and Mysticism / Two Creations?


    In episode 028... - Who is Azazel as seen in Leviticus 16:8, 10, and 26?...  - Who is the ‘night creature’ mentioned in Isaiah 34:14?...  - Why was a human female created twice in... Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 027 - Quenching the Spirit / Pagan Hairstyles


    In episode 027...- What does it mean to ‘quench the Spirit’?...- Why don’t believers today obey Lev 19:27 regarding hair or beards?...   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 026 - The King James Only Movement and Related Tidbits


    In episode 026... - Is the King James Version the only acceptable or accurate or inspired English translation of the Bible? How should we view other modern translations?...   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 025 - Missing Verses in Modern Translations of the Bible


    In episode 025... - Why are there missing words, phrases, and verses in modern translations of the Bible compared to the King James Version?...   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 024 - Speaking in Tongues... Human or Unknown Languages?


    In episode 024... - In the New Testament when believers spoke in tongues did they speak in human languages or other unknown languages?... What is the purpose of tongues?...   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 023 - Food in Heaven? / Meaning of Salvation


    In episode 023... - Will we eat food in heaven?... - What does it mean to be saved... what are we saved from?...   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 022 - Marijuana, Drug Use, and the Bible


    In episode 022... - What does the Bible have to say on the topic of marijuana and drugs?  Should Christians support the use of medical marijuana?   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

  • Ep. 021 - Thoughts on Biblical Numerology


    In episode 021... - What is the significance or meaning of special numbers in the Bible (such as 3, 7, 10, 12, and 40)?   Visit our website for free access to all episodes -

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