Trinity Presbyterian Opc



A confessional reformed church in Capistrano Beach, CA


  • James 5:7-12


    In our sermon we will be reminded of the need for patience as we eagerly await the imminent return of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  • James 5:1-6


    In our sermon we will consider James' most serious and somber language in his letter as he denounces the wicked rich of his day.

  • James 4:11-12


    In our sermon we will consider the fact that when we speak evil against our neighbor we are also speaking evil against the Law of Liberty that Christ has written on our hearts.

  • James 3:13-18


    In our sermon we will see the stark contrast between the two different types of wisdom, one of this present evil age and the other coming from above from the Father of lights.

  • James 3:2-12


    In our sermon we will consider how although the tongue is a small part of our body, it can accomplish tremendous things, for good or for evil.

  • James 3:1-2


    In our sermon we will consider how the risen Lord has furnished his Church with men gifted to equip the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the building up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12).

  • James 2:14-26


    In our sermon we will see how James does not contradict the apostle Paul, but contributes to the unified message of Scripture that we have been given a lively faith.

  • James 2:1-9


    In our sermon we will see how we are to show no partiality towards others since we are all united to Christ by faith.

  • James 1:12-18


    In our sermon we will consider how God's unchanging nature is demonstrated in his singular purpose to bless us with His good and perfect gifts.

  • James 1:9-12


    In our sermon we will consider how being in Christ grants us a new identity regardless of our socio-economic status.

  • James 1:5-8


    In our sermon, we will see how the Lord uses prayer (and trials) to impart wisdom to us.

  • James 1:1-4


    In our sermon, we will begin our study of the epistle of James and see how one of the earliest of the New Testament letters speaks to our contemporary setting.

  • Psalm 137


    In our sermon we will consider the song of the exiles who lamented by the rivers of Babylon and called out for divine justice and ask whether such a song is appropriate for us as New Covenant believers to sing.

  • Psalm 2:1-12


    In our sermon we will consider Psalm two and how it is fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah, as well as in us who are united to him by faith.

  • Psalm 1:1-6


    In our sermon, we will begin a short series in the Psalms. Starting with Psalm 1, we will consider the identity and blessedness of the righteous Man. 

  • Jonah 4:1-11


    In our sermon we will conclude our brief study of the book of Jonah as we consider the Lord's final lesson for his wayward prophet (and for us!).

  • Jonah 3:1-10


    In our sermon, we will consider three radical changes: Jonah finally deciding to go to Nineveh, the Ninevites turning from their evil ways, and the Lord relenting from the disaster he said he would bring upon them. This will teach us of the importance for daily repentance and faith in Christ.

  • Jonah 2:1-10


    In our sermon we will consider Jonah's 3 day and 3 night journey in the belly of the great fish and what it has to teach us.

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