Get Rooted Radio With Erica Gifford Mills



Are you ready to branch out? To take a leap of faith? To love yourself and others fully? then Let go of whatever no longer serves you to take action now on, Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford Mills Living It Up Loving It Up Letting It Go! Erica will energize and excite you to power up your passionate dream that sets your soul on fire! With Ericas e3 approach: equipping, empowering and enlightening yourself so you can be yourself, for yourself! Get ready and get rooted to live life without regrets, without what ifs, without should haves, and especially without empty feelings from a life unexplored. This hit show helps you build powerful and intentional roots to live it up, love it up and let it go. Get fearlessly ready and powerfully rooted in your YES with your host Erica Mills Gifford and be fearless about your more and stand in your YES now on Get Rooted Radio.


  • Get Present So You May Dance To Heal


    Being present is pivotal when actively focused on healing through movement. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Jenny C. Cohen, as they discuss emotional mental fitness and the mind body connection through Jenny's Outside In Mastery™ approach.  Jenny’s Dance to Heal Wellness program focuses on reconnecting your exterior protective shell with your inner knowledge in revolutionary ways.   Join the discuss and find out how you may get present and dance to heal.

  • Hidden Potential - The Art and Science to Achieving Excellence


    Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Dr. Val Margarit, an esteemed educator, transformational coach, and mindfulness teacher, on an inspiring journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment and well-being. In this captivating podcast episode, Dr. Margarit shares the secrets of unlocking your hidden potential and achieving excellence, regardless of where you are in life right now.    Drawing from her extensive background in education, sociology, neuroscience, leadership, and mindfulness, Dr. Margarit explores the transformative power of building a growth mindset, fostering resilience, and living in alignment with your core values. She offers practical strategies for overcoming obstacles, setting meaningful goals, building confidence, and living holistically, with intention and purpose.    Discover how to thrive in today's rapidly changing world as Dr. Margarit reveals insights and actionable advice that will leave you inspired and motivated to pursue your dreams fearlessly. Whether you'

  • Honor Your Instincts, Increase Your Intuition, and Quiet Your Inner Critic!


    Feminine intuition can be a woman’s greatest superpower; but not if she ignores it!  Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Lisa Gillette, as they discuss science-based approach to increase intuition, access natural instinct, and quiet the inner critic, so you can rise and thrive!

  • Let The Next Leaders Lead


    For us, older and wiser leaders, we must think about developing the next generations of leaders more as a right to passage and ours to do. We must also think about our responsibility to those coming after us and the longevity of our organizations…our world.   Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Dr. Sheila Trapp, as they talk about letting the next leaders lead.  Remember, we must get the next set of leaders ready to take our place in organizations because we need them to take us to another level. We must let them in and let them lead.

  • 3 Practical Tools for a Healthy & Abundant Life


    Are you choosing to create a healthy, happy and abundant life? Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Sherry Anshara, as they discuss three practical tools to get you there!

  • Why are you sitting around waiting? What are you waiting for?


    From time to time, we all find ourselves feeling a bit discombobulated and at times we really don’t know what triggered this feeling. It’s ok to feel this way, really it is. We can't be superwoman every day. This is life…there will be off days as well as perfect days. What we must understand is that it is ok to not feel happy and jovial all the time so long as we don’t allow this feeling to linger too long.   Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Dee Burrell, as they discuss letting go, overcoming obstacles, starting over with a new beginning, and believing in yourself.

  • The Journey from Anxiety to Peace and How Meditation can Help


    In this episode, join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Jean Walters, as they discuss practical steps to handle fear, embrace struggle, and eliminate worry to become happy and free. They will also discuss what meditation is, how it can help and why it is important.   Join the journey from anxiety to peace!

  • Embarking on the Transformative Journey of Self-Love


    February is the month of love. But we should love ourselves each and every day!   Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Dr. Donna Lindsay, as they lead listeners to reflect on the thought processes we have been entertaining and the heart issues and attitudes we have been avoiding that have hindered our self-love journey.     This time of reflection will be instrumental in improving self-esteem and self-confidence and allowing all of us to gain a greater understanding of ourselves.  This greater understanding will lead to an overall improvement in our relationship with self and others as we learn how to love unconditionally and unapologetically.

  • Assertiveness and Boundary Setting


    Learn how to harness the power of assertiveness to build and maintain healthier, safer relationships, both personally and professionally. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Cara Tuttle Bell, as they discuss the potential and limits of boundary-setting, how assertiveness differs from aggressive and passive-aggressive behavior, and the benefits of incorporating assertive communication into our daily lives.

  • Bring Your Full Power into 2024


    As we enter into the new year, we must bring our entire self. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Dr. Diane Garrison, as they discuss setting intentions, goals, balance and self care, building confidence to gain clarity and tools to pull it all together.   Enter the new year in your FULL POWER.   Watch Here:  

  • Looking back to look ahead!


    The saying goes don't look behind you, you aren't going that way. However, sometimes, you need to look in that rearview mirror to see what went wrong and what went right to keep moving forward.   Join Erica Gifford Mills on this January 1, 2024 episode as she discusses how looking back can help you look ahead. She will discuss the advantages of setting goals, how to set goals and become a GOAL digger in 2024.

  • Personal & Professional Leadership and Work-Life Harmony


    Leadership and success are only words; they are a choice and a language! Therefore, let's be sure to do it right!   Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Andre Young, as they discuss personal and professional leadership and work/life harmony for organizations, leaders, employees, and people worldwide. When we do work towards harmony, we allow a professional and personal evolution.   Let's stop being "Busy" and start being "Better"! 

  • Unlock Your Unyielding Potential


    Unlock the unyielding potential within you by prioritizing your emotional health and confidence through the transformative practice of EFT Tapping. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Andrea Hunt, as they discuss the benefits of EFT Tapping. Start by managing stress, worries, and fears, laying the foundation for conquering negative self-talk and dismantling imposter syndrome. This powerful journey empowers you to overcome internal barriers, paving the way for unparalleled personal growth and success. Don't miss this informative and transformative episode.

  • How To Feel Good When You Say NO: 3 Keys to Successfully Setting Boundaries


    Boundary management is key to succesfully managing your mind, body and spirit. Boundary management is important in both your personal and professional life. Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Lisa Gillette, as they discuss how to feel good when you say no. They will discuss 3 keys to successfully setting boundaries.

  • Embracing Life’s Infinite Possibilities


    In this one-on-one podcast interview, join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Tonya Whiteside, as they dive deep into the art of living it up, loving it up, and letting it go. We ll explore the transformative power of these three principles and how they can guide you to create a life filled with joy, connection, and a sense of purpose. This podcast interview promises to be a journey of inspiration, self-discovery, and actionable insights, encouraging individuals to live life to the fullest, embrace love and connection, and let go of what no longer serves them.

  • Demystifying Mindfulness


    It is one thing to read about mindfulness and have an intention of slowing down in life, it s another to deliberately cultivate awareness into your thoughts, emotions and sensations. With mindfulness based stress reduction interventions becoming a staple in healthcare, it becomes important to understand the power of acceptance in the setting of change. Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest Dr. Lyndsey Wallace, as they explore in this episode techniques people can apply to their circumstances so that they can gain awareness and facilitate new relationships between the mind and body that promotes harmony rather than resistance.

  • Find Your Tribe - Love Them Hard


    Having a social support system a network of strong relationships has a tremendous effect on one s health. Science has shown that people with supportive people in their lives live longer, have better health, and report having higher well-being. It s important to surround yourself with positive and trustworthy people who can walk through your triumphs and struggles with you. They should be encouraging, care about your life goals, and have your best interests at heart. When you have that kind of support system, you ll be more likely to reach your goals and persevere through hardship. But these relationships must be maintained to reach their full benefit. Join the return of Erica Gifford Mills as she discusses why finding your tribe and loving them hard will get you through even the most difficult of times.

  • Empower yourself to bloom with flower therapy and abundance mindset


    Mindset matters. The best friend and the most dangerous enemy is yourself. Why is it important to have a growing mindset in life? How do flowers and colours can help you uplift your mood, heal and attract abundance? What is common between flowers and money? Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Vaida V. Stone, as they answer these questions and more so you are able to bloom and grow.

  • Social Good Networking with Kristen Thomasino


    Creating positive outcomes requires community interaction and the ability to network through various means. The good news is the internet has made it easy to find others to collaborate with. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Kristen Thomasino, to learn about the importance of face to face interaction and what we can do when we partner with others for social good to increase global trade and tourism.

  • Take Control, Own It, and Lose It!


    We spend our lives living according to what "they" say is the "right" way to live, or the "right" way to eat or the "right" way to behave. There's also the "Shoulds" - we should do this or that; I should have done it better. Whoever determines these "right" ways, we seem to accept and follow that throughout our lives. However, when someone else defines and determines what is right for us, it is not sustainable and can backfire. And, we miss out on a whole lot of living what we, in our core, truly would like. Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Lisa Christy, as they discuss how to claim it for ourselves and take control of our life, and determine, embrace, and create our own path according to what we want and choose for ourselves.

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