Wolfe-island Photography Business Podcast



Want to become a full-time, sold out photographer? Want some company and a bit of fun, to interrupt your dull day of endless editing in an empty office? Welcome to Wolfe Island! Home to the big-hearted, laugh-a-minute, international photographers and business mentors Matt and SJ Ethan.Learn the art of creating an irresistible brand, marketing like a pro and turning your photography business into a lean, mean, selling machine... with lots of fun and laughter along the way.With Q&A, interviews and current news reviews covering the very latest in creative sales, marketing, branding and workflow, Wolfe Island is the place to be for any photographer wanting to go full-time, change their clientele or increase their profit.Better clients, better business, better life. Head over to www.Wolfe-Island.com for more infoThank you Beneath the pines for this awesome picture too.


  • String Me Along

    30/01/2020 Duração: 19min

    Sometimes business can be frustrating - keeping track of all your client's preferences and keeping them in the loop, when it's them wanting to hire you! Wouldn't it be nice, that if they wanted you so bad that they'd prioritise you and your work rather than stringing you along for weeks (or months if you shoot weddings!)... Well, hear SJs genius way to deal with this recently - AND the basics of changing your own mindset to come up with similar solutions for yourself!

  • When clients demand...

    15/01/2020 Duração: 20min

    What do you do when a client asks to meet AGAIN to go over shoot plans? Or they keep calling you, even on your day off? Ever had it where a client seems to be in your space? It’s nothing major, so you feel like you have to be at their beck and call simply because they’re paying you? I know you have - we all have! But you don’t need to cater for every whim of your client! Do a good job, yes - use up more of your time and energy than other paying clients? No! In today's episode we’re going to tell stories from our own businesses how we dealt with the clients, even in one case how Matt might do it differently now… Remember, just because they’re paying, doesn’t mean they own you!

  • Thank you 2019!

    30/12/2019 Duração: 14min

    I don't know about you - but I'm thankful for 2019... Not because it was good, but because it made me stronger. I hope you had a great year but if you didn't, I really hope that you can look back with some perspective this New Year and see some benefit to all those trials and disappointments. Our photography businesses are a little like a boat on the sea - at the mercy of the wind and waves. There are things we can do to prepare, there are things we can do to adapt - but sometimes stuff just happens. Or you might be like us - business is fine, it's just the rest of life feels like a storm... the good news is that at some point it will be over, but even better you'll be stronger and be more experienced because of it all! So in this short episode, before we kick off 2020 with a bang, we just wanted to share a little about what's been going on for us, and how that will hopefully encourage you for this coming new year!

  • The Truth Behind Photography Business Success

    15/05/2019 Duração: 38min

    So many photographers consider throwing in the towel - endless hours trying to figure out marketing, new photographers undercutting the market, social media not working... I'm sure you've been there too! It can be hard to believe there is another side, a side where the grass truly is green! But we're here today to tell you that the grass really can get green - you can get clients, start shooting the type of work you love and earn more than enough to pay the bills. In this episode hear Matt's story from the very beginning, going from struggling artist to international wedding photographer. Sure, the answer isn't EASY but it is SIMPLE - and if you're willing to commit, you'll see success sooner than you think!

  • Where Do I Find Those Destination Wedding Clients??

    01/05/2019 Duração: 28min

    This episode, discover EXACTLY where we get all of our Destination Wedding clients (x2 because SJ & Matt have separate wedding photography businesses!) and how we get them to book. It all started as a happy accident - frankly, we assumed we wouldn't be 'good enough'. But now years later, we still consistently book multiple destination weddings per year... but here's the thing - at FULL price. No discounts, no paying for your own flights, no desperate comments on Facebook posts. Find out how we accidentally fell into destination weddings, and how we charge full price, and where we get the enquiries from!

  • Price Wars - The Best Pricing for Your Photography Business

    17/04/2019 Duração: 27min

    Have you found yourself stressing over which pricing strategy you should be doing? One price on your website? Packages on enquiry? Price list available as a pdf...? The options are endless, but you're not alone!  We actually disagreed on this one (only a little!) - but agreed on one thing for sure... No matter what pricing strategy you go for, implementing staggered commitment systems will help you get more clients! Find out how in this weeks episode!

  • Ghostbusters - How To Stop Clients Ghosting You!

    11/04/2019 Duração: 28min

    The most frustrating thing! You get a dream enquiry, you imagine shooting the job, you get excited, you reply.... And then silence! It's so common! And infuriating! When a client ghosts you, it can feel like rejection. And in some ways it is... But it doesn't need to be. There are two things you can do to defeat ghosting - i) fix your sales process, ii) not let it get to you We're talking about how to do both in this weeks podcast!