Mindful Medicine



Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.


  • The Pandemic, Resiliency, and Advocating for Women's Health


    Because health is a resource for everyday life and not just the objective of living, the mission of The Women’s Fund is to provide Houston area women, and girls, with the tools they need to be advocates for their health. Their health education classes are unique because they include preventative curriculum-based classes that teach resiliency skills and relate those skills to current health risks. Due to COVID-19, The Women’s Fund has pivoted to offer all its programs and classes online, at no cost to the public. I think now more than ever, it’s important to have discussions about health and resiliency especially among young girls. Parents can turn to The Women’s Fund for free tools and resources with a goal that girls learn skills needed to be advocates for their health, make healthy behavior choices, and develop resiliency.Andrea Watkins is the Program Supervisor of the Women's Fund and tells us all about how they have expanded their programming nationwide, growing resilience in women and young girls, and th

  • Staying Fit & Active During A Pandemic


    With all these lockdowns and businesses being closed, it's been difficult to stay fit during the pandemic, especially if going to the gym is part of your wellness routine.Molly Zientek is a registered nurse at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY, and she spent four years studying nursing and playing soccer at The College at Brockport. After college, she began her nursing career in the Burn/Trauma Unit at Strong Memorial Hospital but soon transitioned to work as a COVID nurse amid the pandemic. In this episode, she talks with Dr. Holly about transitioning to being a COVID nurse, the importance of staying fit and healthy during the pandemic, seeing how comorbidities affect COVID outcomes, and how mental health and exercise intersect.

  • Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity


    Have you ever been around someone just so genuine? They're in their body, they know who they are all of the time, and they just radiate this vibe. Well, today we are talking all about authenticity, with our guest Ora Nadrich. Ora Nadrich is the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking and author of the new book, Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity. A certified life coach and mindfulness teacher, she specializes in transformational thinking, self-discovery, and mentoring new coaches as they develop their careers. So why is authenticity especially important in our present time? It's hard to trust anyone these days and "fake news" is claimed almost every day about something, and this opposition and polarization only fuel confusion. Listen as she discusses with Dr. Holly shifting your perspective, raising your consciousness, dealing with the busyness, practicing gratitude in traffic, and their shared passion for mindfulness.

  • Biohacking Your Brain & COVID Long Haulers


    Kristen Willeumier, Ph.D., is a renowned neuroscientist with extensive research expertise in brain function, injury, and disorders. Dr. Willeumier holds a BA degree in psychology from Boston College, and MS degrees in physiological science and neurobiology, and a Ph.D. degree in neurobiology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is the founder of Willeumier Enterprises, LLC, a boutique consulting firm that provides an array of services including writing grants and manuscripts, designing research studies, and creating neuroscience-based brain health curricula.talks about losing her parents, her neurological research in football players & collision-based sports, what happens to people who have had COVID after they recover, what it means to hack your brain, and a bit about her new book BioHack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power.

  • Finding Gratitude and Hope in Trauma


    How are you doing? It's a pretty heavy question to ask someone these days given the state of the world. Well, our guest today has an incredible story to share and loss, trauma, and resiliency.After suffering from a stroke in 2017, Sameer Bhide's entire life came crashing down around him. From a life-changing, debilitating illness to the loss of work, and finally a divorce, his amazing story of struggle, and how he came back from the brink of despair will be an inspiration for anyone who is facing any life change or adversity.Sameer joins Dr. Holly from Mumbai to talk about his journey, as well as his new book One Fine Day. Using captivating examples and practical tips, Sameer shares how to overcome everything that is set against you, by focusing on positivity, gratitude, and grace.  

  • Working from Home: Mastering the Art of Sitting at Your Computer


    Working from home is more popular and possible than ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But whether you were doing it before or forced to because of the virus, you're probably hunched over your laptop right now reading this with a sore back.Dr. Mitchell Kershner has been studying naturopathy and ergonomics since the early 90s, before it was the trend it is today.He'll talk about the most common at-home working issues, like eye strain and carpal tunnel, the science of ergonomics, maintaining your work schedule, and some easy ways to adjust your at-home work set up. 

  • Managing Stress in an Ayurvedic Way


    Stress is so pervasive right now, even if we don't see it. Not only are there the obvious stressors of the pandemic but daily, passive ones as well. Dr. Avanti Kumar-Singh is an Ayurvedic practitioner and a former emergency medicine doctor. Listen as she tells us about her move from practicing Western medicine to the Ayurveda medicine she grew up with, the base elements and principles of Ayurveda, how it really is an intuitive practice, and tips to implement Ayurveda in your day to day life.  You can also check out Dr. Avanti's podcast The Healing Catalyst.

  • Harness the Healing Power of Nature and Travel the Road to Forgiveness


    In order to heal you must be willing to feel. The good, the bad, and all the experiences you encounter.Sara Schulting Kranz exemplifies this practice. She is a professional life and leadership coach, motivational speaker, and certified wilderness guide. She specializes in helping those who have suffered hardship or trauma to find forgiveness and strength in their lives through guided wilderness retreats in locations such as the Grand Canyon and the Pacific Rim.In this episode, she discusses with Dr. Susanne her commitment to changing the definition of “forgiveness” in The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the science of trauma, and her story as a survivor of sexual assault, rejoicing in nature, and how she made sense of it all in her new book Walk Through This: Harness the Healing Power of Nature and Travel the Road to Forgiveness.

  • A Mindful Year: 365 Ways to Find Connection and the Sacred in Everyday Life


    There is no better time than during this pandemic to get into mindfulness and meditation. Maybe it's a few minutes before you start your day or a moment of calm in the afternoon. But if you need help getting started, and maintaining a mindfulness practice, our guest today is for you.Dr. Seth Gillihan is a licensed psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the co-author of a new book called A Mindful Year: 365 Ways to Find Connection and the Sacred in Everyday Life. That's right, we're talking mindfulness every single day. Listen as the doctors talk about finding moments of gratitude during this chaotic pandemic, emotional resiliency, and slowing down to observe. You can also find Dr. Gillihan's podcast Think Act Be Podcast at https://sethgillihan.com/podcasts/

  • Staying Mentally Fit During Quarantine


    Remember when we all thought quarantine was going to last 2 weeks? A month, tops? Well, as we enter a winter still in some form of quarantine, we're talking about how to stay mentally fit during this ongoing pandemic. Dr. Gail Saltz is joining us today, she is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry with The New York Presbyterian Hospital and a psychoanalyst at The New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Listen as she talks with Dr. Holly about building resiliency, mourning loss and dealing with uncertainty, the pros and cons of telehealth, how to navigate the upcoming holidays and alcohol intake. Check out Dr. Saltz's podcast Personology at https://drgailsaltz.com/personology-podcast/

  • How To Avoid Burnout At Your New Home Office


    Almost a year into this pandemic now and a good chunk of us are still working from home. In fact, we may never go back to an office. But as wonderful as it sounds to never deal with traffic, working in your pajamas from your bed or couch, it can lead to burning out in both physical and mental ways. Joining us to talk about home office burn out is Dr. Greg Hammer, a pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, and professor at Stanford University Medical Center.We'll hear today about the stress put on our bodies from these new lifestyles, keeping work and home life separate even when they take place in the same building, creating a sleep schedule, and how to deal with the fear and anxiety heightened by this pandemic.

  • Health Benefits of Nasal Washing


    We here at Mindful Medicine do our best not to talk about COVID-19 too much. But, after being in this pandemic for 6 months now, it's hard not to! So today, we're talking about the health benefits of nasal washing for COVID, allergies, and much more! We're joined by Dr. Hana Solomon today, she is the founder of BeWell LLC and the inventor of nasal wash brand Nasopure. Think about it, when is the last time you washed your nose? In this episode, hear all about why its important to clean this part of your body, how a nasal wash works, 

  • Out of My Mind: (Not Quite a Memoir): A Conversation With Alan Arkin


    Our guest today is none other than the esteemed and beloved actor Alan Arkin!In addition to being an accomplished actor on stage and screen, Alan is an author, with his latest book being his ninth published work.In this witty and moving book Out of My Mind: (Not Quite a Memoir) Alan speaks openly about the existential crisis which brought him from analysis to the serious study of Eastern philosophy and several teachers who helped him revise his views on almost everything.In this episode, Alan and Dr. Holly dive into his book and talk about seeking purpose, finding peace in the current moment, his relationship with tennis, and the role of healers.

  • Sound Healing at Home


    Ian Morris was on track to become a collegiate baseball star. But a series of devastating health diagnoses diverted those dreams, and sent him down a different path; one that also sent him into a deep depression. It was here Ian sought solace in sound healing. Ian has over 21 years’ experience in the performing arts field now and has made it his life’s goal to use his gifts and passion to be of service to people in search of healing.In this episode, he tells us his compelling story of how he got to where he is today, how sound healing works, and Ian's motto "frequency is the fuel."To our loyal Mindful Medicine listeners - we will now be moving to a publishing schedule EVERY OTHER THURSDAY - our next episode will be 2 weeks from now on Thursday October 20th - as always, thanks for listening!!!

  • Democratizing Cancer


    This episode is personal for Dr. Holly, as she battles her own recent cancer diagnosis. Today we are talking to Matthew Zachary, who founded Stupid Cancer, the nonprofit responsible for igniting a global movement advocating for AYA (adolescent young adult) cancer programs and support that brought dignity in the face of health adversity.Ten years ago Matthew was a concert pianist and composer, heading to grad school when he was told he had 6 months to live after being diagnosed with brain cancer at age 21. Spoiler alert, he is alive and on our show today, discussing what cancer advocacy means, his own media & podcasting company "OffScrip," and navigating the healthcare system we have now. Check out his podcast "Out Of Patients" here.

  • Superior Toxicology & Wellness


    With over 30 years in the field, Dr. Joe Nieusma is an expert in the field of toxicology. He says his mission is to help people realize just how toxic our world is and how they can fight back against it. With a focus on pharmaceuticals and water quality, Dr. Nieusma also started an international scientific consulting firm called Superior Toxicology & Wellness.He joins Dr. Holly to talk about what's in our prescriptions, why it's important to filter water, and the dangers of processed food, GMOs, and sugar.

  • A Story of Karma: Finding Love and Truth in the Lost Valley of the Himalaya


    As the pandemic continues, and social distancing and canceled plans continue to be the norm, you might be missing your old way of life, those connections to others, and even a simple hug. People are really feeling it these days. Which brings us to our guest, whos story is perfect for this moment. In 2012 he finally made his childhood dream come true and made it to Nepal. What unfolded in the mountains forced him to question his values and his own identity, a trip that would completely change the trajectory of each other’s life.He talks to Dr. Holly about his life long draw to the mountains (specifically the Himalaya), and his new book about this journey, A Story of Karma: Finding Love and Truth in the Lost Valley of the Himalaya.

  • Encore Episode: Manufacture of Medicinal Marijuana


    In the changing landscape of cannabis legality, the growth of marijuana has become more industrialized.There are over 100 different active chemical properties present in the cannabis plant. THC is the psychoactive chemical that can get people high. CBD is the chemical that can do wonders for physical conditions. Different parts of the plants are used for different conditions.Facilities for marijuana manufacture are regulated by restrictive ordinances so cannabis isn’t grown on every street corner. Cannabis efficiency experts control quality and test for pollutants and pests. Growing cannabis isn’t the same as growing food, so cultivation conditions must be precise.Listen to this encore episode from 02/06/2018 as Bob Selan joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the manufacture of medicinal marijuana.

  • Encore Episode: Is Stress from Work Dragging into the Bedroom?


    With 24-hour connectivity to phones and work, people are more stressed than ever before.And, stress oftentimes shuts down your ability to have healthy relationships. It creates conflict with your partner and can make individuals crave isolation. When stressed, everything in your body tightens, your blood pressure rises, and you feel overwhelmed and drained, which makes intimacy a challenge. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini reminds couples that they have control over stress and their sex life. She offers tips on how to remove stress from the bedroom, re-establish intimacy, and improve communication inside and outside the bedroom. Listen as Mary Jo joins Dr. Holly Lucille in this encore episode from 04/30/19 to discuss how to keep stress from work out of your relationship and the bedroom.

  • Why Do African American Women Continue To Face More Complications Giving Birth?


    In the U.S., maternal mortality and morbidity disproportionately affect black women at a rate four to five times greater than white women. In New York City, black women are 8 to 12 times more likely than white women to die as a result of pregnancy and birth-related causes. Joining us to talk about these sobering statistics is Latham Thomas. She supports women in embracing optimal wellness and spiritual growth, especially during their childbearing years.  A celebrity doula and maternal wellness expert, Latham is the founder of Mama Glow, a global women’s health and education brand serving women along the childbearing continuum.In this episode Latham and Dr. Holly talk about a range of wellness topics affecting pregnancy, including what exactly a doula does, educating mothers about their choices in birthing options, environmental factors that affect comorbidities that disproportionately affect black women & families, and how quarentine could nudge us toward a (much needed) "anti hustle" lifestyle. 

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