Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet



Join Janet M. Taylor, Professional Organizer each week on Got Clutter? Get Organized! Gain valuable techniques from Janet and her guests on how to eliminate the junk to create the space, business and life you want.


  • "From Chaos to Clarity: A Journey to an Organized Life and Happy Home with Tracy McCubbin

    05/02/2024 Duração: 28min

     In this episode of "Got Clutter? Get Organized!", we embark on a captivating journey of transformation and organization, exploring the life of our special guest, Tracy McCubbin, a seasoned organizer and author of not one, but two incredible books. Join us as we delve into her inspiring story and uncover the secrets to a clutter-free life and a happy home. Our host sits down with Tracy to address the following questions: Can you share your journey of becoming an organizer, then author of two books? Gain valuable insights into the guest's personal journey, from the initial spark of interest in organization to becoming a published author, and discover the wisdom she's acquired along the way. You got married last year so what are things that couples do that can make a home more cluttered? Explore the common pitfalls and habits that couples often fall into, leading to a cluttered living space, and learn how to avoid them. How can couples be happy and organized? Get expert advice on how couples can maintain a h

  • Streamlining Your Digital World with Dana LaRieal Morales, Organized Academy

    29/01/2024 Duração: 32min

    In this insightful episode, we're joined by Dana LaRieal Morales, a dedicated coach for SideHustling Solopreneurs, specializing in creating and implementing organization and process systems in both business and personal lives. Dana's expertise, offered through her membership site, Organized Academy, and personalized 1:1 coaching services, has helped countless individuals reclaim their time and boost productivity. We explore three key questions with Dana: What clutters our digital life? Dive into the digital chaos that many of us face daily, from overflowing inboxes to disorganized files and apps, and learn about the common culprits that contribute to the clutter. It has been little over a month since the holidays, and Dana shares ways we can declutter our digital life. Discover actionable strategies and practical tips to kickstart your digital decluttering journey, helping you regain control and reduce digital overwhelm. How do you stay organized? Dana provides insights into her own organizational techniqu

  • Managing My Crown: Embracing Change and Staying Organized with Michelle Larkin

    22/01/2024 Duração: 21min

    In this episode of "Got Clutter? Get Organized!", we dive into the world of personal development and organization with a special focus on author and expert, Michelle Larkin, who wrote the inspiring book, "Managing My Crown." Join us as we explore the motivations behind the creation of this transformative guide and discover the strategies for embracing change and maintaining an organized life. Our host sits down with Michelle Larkin to answer the following questions: What made you decide to write "Managing My Crown?" Get an exclusive peek into the author's personal journey and the driving force behind this enlightening book. Are there things we do that prevent us from embracing change? Learn about the common pitfalls and behaviors that hinder our ability to welcome change and growth. Are there things we can do to better cope with change? Find out practical tips and actionable advice on how to navigate life's transitions and adapt with grace. How do you manage your time and stay organized? Discover the expe

  • From Clutter to Clarity: A Minimalist's Journey to Full-Time Travel with Kayla Ihrig

    15/01/2024 Duração: 27min

    Join us in this inspiring episode as we sit down with Kayla, a dedicated minimalist and full-time traveler. In April, Kayla took a bold step by parting ways with her entire apartment and letting go of 98% of her belongings to embark on a life of full-time travel with her husband. Her story of transformation is not only fascinating but also holds valuable insights for those looking to break free from clutter and bad habits. Kayla, who is set to release a book about digital nomad travel this month, has become a true expert in living a minimalist and organized lifestyle on the road. In this conversation, we delve into several intriguing topics: What motivated you to get rid of 98% of your belongings and become a minimalist? Discover the personal journey and motivations behind Kayla's decision to embrace a minimalist lifestyle, and how it has enriched her life. How should someone start the process of letting go of items? Kayla shares practical tips and strategies for anyone looking to declutter their life and t

  • Unlocking Your Organizational Potential for Simplified Living

    08/01/2024 Duração: 34min

    In this episode we sit down with Miriam Ortiz y Pino CPO®, Simplicity Expert & Money Breakthrough Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Writer, and Creator of The Streamlined Solution. Miriam has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in helping entrepreneurs and creative individuals craft environments that balance control and freedom while building wealth through organization. Miriam's impressive list of certifications includes Workplace Productivity, Residential Organizing, Courageous Coaching Method, Fire Starter Sessions, Sacred Money Archetypes, and Money Breakthrough Business Coaching. She is also a Golden Circle member of NAPO, an active member of the ECO SIG, a NAPO Ambassador, and an instructor for NAPO University. In this engaging conversation, we explore three key questions: Are there habits, routines, or things that we should have left in 2023 that are preventing us from being organized? Miriam shares valuable insights into common pitfalls and how to avoid them. Can you share a few habits and routines that

  • Mastering Life's Chaos: Practical Tips from Janet

    01/01/2024 Duração: 32min

    Welcome to "Got Clutter? Get Organized! with Janet M. Taylor," the renowned expert in decluttering and organization. With a career spanning decades, Janet has brought order and simplicity to countless lives. A true testament to Janet's impact is her podcast, "Got Clutter? Get Organized," a weekly resource that has soared to remarkable heights. With dedication and expertise, they've cultivated a platform that resonates with listeners seeking clarity and order in their lives. The podcast's rise to the #1 spot in Indie Home & Garden and Top 100 Home & Garden Charts reflects its profound influence. In this informative episode, join Janet as she dives into practical strategies and tools to help you take control of your life: Time management tools and strategies: Discover valuable time management techniques that can help you maximize productivity and make the most of your day. Janet shares her insights on how to effectively manage your time. Make time to be healthy: Your health is a priority, and Janet discusses

  • Reflecting on Life: Questions to Ask Yourself with Janet

    18/12/2023 Duração: 24min

    Got Clutter? Get Organized! with Janet M. Taylor," the renowned expert in decluttering and organization. With a career spanning decades, Janet has brought order and simplicity to countless lives. A true testament to Janet's impact is her podcast, "Got Clutter? Get Organized," a weekly resource that has soared to remarkable heights. With dedication and expertise, they've cultivated a platform that resonates with listeners seeking clarity and order in their lives. The podcast's rise to the #1 spot in Indie Home & Garden and Top 100 Home & Garden Charts reflects its profound influence. In this special year-end episode, Janet shifts the focus onto you, the listener, by presenting essential questions that can help you navigate your own journey: This year’s wins: As you listen, think about your own achievements and successes of the past year. What moments made it special for you? Celebrate your victories and acknowledge your progress. What could I do better: Janet encourages you to introspect and consider areas w

  • Simplicity Unveiled: A Conversation with Beth Macy

    11/12/2023 Duração: 39min

    Join us for a captivating conversation as we delve into the world of simple living with Beth Macy, a dedicated practitioner of this mindful lifestyle for over 6 years. In this episode, Beth and I explore the art of simplicity, sharing their personal journeys and insights on decluttering, organizing, and living with intention. Discover the power of letting go as we discuss the possessions, habits, and mindsets that have been released along the way. Tune in to gain valuable inspiration for your own journey towards a more purposeful and organized life. Key Topics: Letting go: The transformative process of decluttering Purging goals: Setting intentions for a simplified future Embracing simplicity: Insights and wisdom from seasoned practitioners Whether you're a seasoned minimalist or just embarking on your own journey towards a clutter-free existence, this episode offers practical tips and heartfelt anecdotes to inspire your pursuit of a simpler, more intentional life. Don't miss this enriching conversation o

  • Unlocking Your Potential: Navigating Life's Obstacles with Tracy Pleschourt Solutions Coach

    04/12/2023 Duração: 30min

    In this empowering episode of Got Clutter? Get Organized we sit down with Tracy Pleschourt, a certified professional and personal coach, and the founder of Self-Made U, a life coaching school dedicated to helping individuals become the solution to any challenge they face. Tracy's journey into becoming a Solutions Coach is a remarkable one, driven by her personal transformation. She shares her story of overcoming overeating and overdrinking, while simultaneously building a thriving multi-six-figure business. Tracy's commitment to her own growth and her passion for teaching others to achieve similar transformations make her a compelling guest on the show. As we delve into Tracy's insights, we explore the common obstacles that often hinder us from reaching our goals and living the lives we desire. Drawing from her extensive experience working with clients, Tracy sheds light on the mental and emotional barriers that can hold us back and offers valuable strategies to overcome them. One of the key takeaways from th

  • Elevating Your Midlife Mindset for a Fit, Healthy You with Heike Yates, Midlife Mindset Coach

    27/11/2023 Duração: 32min

    In this inspiring episode of "Fit, Healthy, and You," we explore the fascinating journey of Heike Yates, a seasoned Midlife Mindset Coach. Join us as we uncover her path to becoming a master of midlife transformation. We'll delve into the mindsets and habits that may be holding you back from achieving your fitness and health goals, discussing what needs to be left behind in 2023. Heike will also share valuable insights on how to lead a healthier life in the new year, offering practical advice on nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being. Lastly, discover the secrets of staying organized as Heike reveals her personal strategies for maintaining order in a busy world. Learn how effective organization can be a cornerstone of your fitness and health journey. Tune in to this transformative episode and prepare to embrace a midlife mindset that propels you toward a fit, healthy, and more fulfilling future. Website: FB: IG:

  • Financially Empowered: Unpacking Money Mindsets and Holiday Spending Tips with Shante Copeland

    20/11/2023 Duração: 34min

    Join us on Got Clutter? Get Organized! with guest Shante Copeland, a seasoned personal and financial coach, advisor, and consultant. As the proud owner of Copeland Consulting LLC, located in the heart of Delaware, Shante has dedicated her career to guiding thousands of individuals and small businesses toward the realization of their personal and professional financial aspirations. With over two decades of certification and hands-on experience in an array of financial domains such as tax preparation and advising, credit education and repair, small business startup, budgeting, business management and administration, fundraising, real estate investing, and more, Shante brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. Shante's lifetime of expertise empowers her to craft tailored financial plans for her clients, enabling them to build wealth through strategic investments and effective money management. She is passionate about teaching her clients how to make their money work for them, offering programs that transform "s

  • Holiday Harmony: Tackling Anxiety and Finding Year-Round Peace with Jen Schwytzer

    15/11/2023 Duração: 22min

     In this insightful episode, we sit down with Jen Schwytzer to uncover the driving force behind her decision to become a life coach specializing in stress and anxiety. Learn about her personal journey and the experiences that shaped her mission to help others find peace and balance in their lives. As we approach the holiday season, anxiety can often loom in the background. Together with Jen, we explore the various triggers and factors that can cause anxiety during this festive time of year. From family gatherings to the pressures of gift-giving, we'll dissect the common sources of holiday stress and provide practical insights. But the conversation doesn't stop there. Jen shares her expertise on proactive measures we can all take to prevent anxiety not just during the holidays but throughout the entire year. Discover actionable tips and strategies that can empower you to manage stress and foster a sense of well-being. Ever wondered how a seasoned life coach structures their day for optimal productivity and bal

  • Maximizing Productivity Through Office Decluttering: Insights from Carina Lawson

    10/11/2023 Duração: 33min

    Join us in this dynamic episode as we engage with Carina Lawson – a business efficiency consultant, high-performance coach, and the visionary behind Ponderlily Paper & Planners. Carina's expertise shines as she unveils the transformative power of decluttering within the work environment. Discover the catalyst that led Carina to become a multifaceted professional, dedicated to streamlining businesses, empowering individuals, and fostering organizational excellence through her acclaimed venture, Ponderlily Paper & Planners. Intriguingly, Carina delves into the profound impact that clutter wields over us within our workspace. As a seasoned expert, she shares invaluable strategies that transcend mere tidying, elevating productivity, focus, and overall well-being in the work environment. Uncover actionable insights as Carina presents a treasure trove of methods to declutter at work, seamlessly integrating them into your routine to unleash unparalleled productivity. Her approaches serve as a beacon, guiding you tow

  • Navigating Breast Cancer and Menopause: Insights from Dr. Deborah Roebuck, Menopause Whisperer

    30/10/2023 Duração: 28min

    In this insightful episode, join us as we sit down with the esteemed Dr. Deborah Roebuck, renowned as the "Menopause Whisperer." Drawing from her vast expertise, Dr. Roebuck delves into the intersection of breast cancer, menopause, and overall well-being. With authenticity, Dr. Roebuck candidly shares her personal journey through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, offering a narrative of strength and resilience. As the Menopause Whisperer, she uncovers hidden facets of menopause that women often overlook in relation to breast cancer, shedding light on crucial insights that can impact health decisions. Explore actionable strategies and guidance to navigate the intricate landscape of menopause while prioritizing health. Dr. Roebuck's wisdom offers a roadmap to embrace this life transition with vitality and empowerment. As the episode unfolds, Dr. Roebuck imparts a message of hope and inspiration to those currently battling breast cancer. Her words resonate as a beacon of encouragement, instilling a sense

  • Empowerment Unveiled: Dr. Angela's Journey Through Breast Cancer

    23/10/2023 Duração: 24min

    Welcome to another captivating episode of "Empowerment Unveiled," where we delve deep into narratives of triumph over adversity. In this installment, we are honored to sit down with Dr. Angela Butts Chester, an extraordinary force dedicated to empowering purpose-driven women across the globe. Dr. Angela graciously shares her fearless journey through breast cancer, imparting profound insights into resilience, recovery, and the embrace of a faith-enriched existence. Dr. Angela's expedition through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment stands as a testament to her unyielding fortitude. She candidly lays bare the trials she confronted, the choices she made, and the lessons she unearthed along the path. Through her experiences, she kindles a beacon of hope for those navigating parallel journeys, reinforcing that even in the bleakest moments, light can find its way. The emotional and psychological facets of a cancer odyssey can be tremendously overwhelming. Dr. Angela candidly shares her approaches to managing th

  • Thriving Beyond Challenges: Christy Lingo's Breast Cancer Journey

    16/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    Welcome to a poignant episode of "Thriving Beyond Challenges," where we are honored to host Christy Lingo, the ADHD Mompreneur specializing in guiding business-owning mothers with ADHD through the intricate terrain of entrepreneurship while maintaining the delicate balance of family life. Christy's narrative is one of resilience, fortitude, and metamorphosis, encompassing not only her triumphant business ventures but also her victorious battle against breast cancer. Christy's journey through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is an embodiment of courage and unwavering determination. She candidly shares the hurdles she confronted, the pivotal decisions she undertook, and the unshakeable willpower that guided her through the journey. Christy's open and genuine account resonates as a beacon of optimism for those grappling with similar trials. Navigating the emotional and psychological dimensions of a breast cancer journey is integral to the process. Christy delves into her strategies for navigating a spectrum

  • Empowering Breast Health: Conversations with Dr. Mo

    09/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    Welcome to a compelling episode of "Empowering Breast Health," where we have the privilege of sitting down with the remarkable Dr. Monique Gary, affectionately known as "Dr. Mo." With a plethora of roles under her belt – breast surgical oncologist, Medical Director of the Grand View Health cancer program, CEO and Founder of Still Rise Farms, and Associate Professor of Race & Health Equity at Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine – Dr. Mo is a force to be reckoned with. Her dedication as a medical advisor to national breast cancer advocacy organizations underscores her commitment to health equity and holistic cancer care approaches. Our dialogue dives deep into Dr. Mo's journey, her fervor for breast health, and her resolute mission to revolutionize cancer care and wellness strategies. Dr. Mo candidly unfolds the inspirations behind her dual roles as a doctor and a breast surgical oncologist, offering insight into her unwavering commitment to enhancing the lives of those impacted by breast cancer. When a breas

  • Fourth Quarter Focus: "Your Home- Your paper- Your workspace-Your Time

    02/10/2023 Duração: 28min

    Welcome to an enlightening episode of "Got Clutter? Get Organized! with Janet M. Taylor, the renowned expert in decluttering and organization. With a career spanning decades, Janet  has brought order and simplicity to countless lives. In 1994, Janet harnessed her innate organizational talent to establish Totally Organized, LLC. Over the years, this dynamic individual has excelled as a government contractor and even worked with prominent figures like Les Brown and Dyana Williams. Their prowess in the field has led to opportunities as a featured speaker for IKEA, appearances on television shows like the Rachael Ray Show and HGTV's Mission Organization, and more. A true testament to Janet's impact is her podcast, "Got Clutter? Get Organized," a weekly resource that has soared to remarkable heights. With dedication and expertise, they've cultivated a platform that resonates with listeners seeking clarity and order in their lives. The podcast's rise to the #1 spot in Indie Home & Garden and Top 100 Home & Garde

  • Mastering Office Organization for 4th Quarter Productivity with Nicole Gabai

    25/09/2023 Duração: 26min

    Welcome to an enlightening episode of Got Clutter? Get Organized!, where we extend a warm welcome to the esteemed Nicole Gabai – a seasoned professional organizer enriched with over two decades of expertise. Nicole's captivating journey and the propelling forces that have vaulted her to revered status in the realm of organization assume the spotlight. Venturing deep into the intricacies of office organization, Nicole adeptly exposes the common stumbling blocks and pitfalls that individuals encounter when endeavoring to conquer the chaos of their workspace. Armed with a treasury of insights, she imparts invaluable counsel on sidestepping these missteps, cultivating an office environment that marries orderliness and inspiration, thus amplifying operational efficiency. For those poised to embark on their personalized office organization expedition, Nicole lays out actionable tips and a navigational guide to triumph. Whether confronting overwhelming clutter or aiming to optimize an already functional domain, he

  • Unapologetically Organized: Embracing the Next Phase of Womanhood with Elle Nagy

    18/09/2023 Duração: 53min

    Welcome to another empowering episode of Got Clutter? Get Organized!, where we have the honor of sitting down with the remarkable Elle Nagy, the passionate host of the Unapologetic Woman Podcast. Join us on a journey through Elle's life that led her to become a prominent advocate, mentor, and podcaster inspiring women across the globe. Elle generously shares the genesis of the Unapologetic Woman Podcast, uncovering the pivotal moments that ignited her fervor for empowering women. With heartfelt anecdotes and candid reflections, she unveils the core driving her mission – inspiring women to authentically embrace themselves without apology. Amidst celebrations of birthdays and life's seasons, Elle emphasizes the significance of shedding limiting beliefs that often hinder women's progress. She takes us on a transformative exploration, urging women to release self-doubt, societal pressures, and comparisons. Through this process, women can step boldly into their power, celebrating their uniqueness. Embracing one

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