Proverbious David Lindner



: Being Deliberate With Life :


  • Proverbious – Day 11 – Proverbs 3:7-8 – Plop. Fizz. Wisdom.


    Have you ever met someone who truly believes they are the wisest person they know? I have a feeling that just by asking that question someone’s face popped into your head. I have known several, and not to boast, but there is no way they are as wise as me! Okay, I’m kidding. I’ll freely […]

  • Proverbious – Day 10 – Proverbs 3:1-6 – Magic Bible Verses


    I have been excited about this passage from before I started doing this series.  This is one of the most quoted and most memorized verses in the whole Bible. But, I’ll be honest, one of the reasons I’m excited is because it brings to memory a song I learned in VBS when I was a […]

  • Proverbious – Day 9 – Proverbs 2:12-22 – Build A Bear Bible


    Two nights ago, before I finished yesterdays’ proverbious, I came into the house and turned on the church channel. I don’t know if you have the church channel where you live, but we have it here. It’s a free, over-the-air, station that we get. Normally, they’re playing stuff I would never watch. I mean, how […]

  • Proverbious – Day 8 – Proverbs 2:5-11 – Yelling at the TV


    Ever yell at the TV? Are you willing to admit it? If so, join with me right now and say, out-loud, “I yell at the TV like they can hear me.” I remember when I was a kid and my dad would…raise his voice…at the tv. I thought it was so ridiculous. He obviously knew […]

  • Proverbious – Day 7 – Proverbs 2:1-4 – The hole you’re leaving in the world


    In college I had the privilege on several different occasions to sing in travelling music groups. They ranged in size from 3 to 90. It was fun to travel to different churches and get to know different people. I’m the kind of guy that likes a change in scenery from time to time, so being […]

  • Proverbious – Day 6 – Proverbs 1:29-33 – The taste of Dawn Dish soap, The Key to security


    When I was a younger teenager (I’m not exactly sure of the age) I experienced something rather unpleasant. It was a warm, summer day and I had been outside doing something. I grew up in the midwest, southeast Ohio, actually. And if you’re from that area, you know that summers tend to be warm and […]

  • Proverbious – Day 5 – Proverbs 1:24-28 – Full Steam Ahead


    I’m going to be honest with you, like any parent, I’m terrified of something happening to one of my kids. Of course I have all the usual fears that they’ll choke on something, get burned by the stove or a hot pan, cut themselves with a knife. But there is one thing in particular that […]

  • Proverbious – Day 4 – Proverbs 1:20-23 “This is wisdom, and she wants to introduce herself.”


    Have you seen the movie, Martian Child? If you haven’t, it is one I would happily recommend, and you may want not want to listen to this introduction… There is a scene in the movie when Dennis, the little boy goes missing. David (John Cusack) does what any parent would do if they couldn’t find […]

  • Proverbious – Day 3 – Proverbs 1:10-19


    Does wealth entice you? Do you want to be rich? I’ll be honest with you, I do. It seems to me that life would be so much easier if we had more money. And I don’t mean just a little more, I mean the kind where I never have to worry about money again. You […]

  • Proverbious – Day 2 – Proverbs 1:7-9


    Today we encounter the theme of the entire book of Proverbs, as well as its two primary characters. Yes, I realize that this isn’t a narrative per se, but the first few chapters of this book are written as wise man speaking to his son or “my child.” So, what is this theme you may […]

  • Proverbious – Day 1 – Proverbs 1:1-6


    Why is wisdom so important? Well, wisdom is not only knowing what is right or true, but it is acting in accordance with that truth. In other words, wisdom is more than knowledge. Many people know what the right thing to do is, but not nearly as many people do the right thing. That is […]

  • Proverbious Podcast – Episode 000


    To answer your first question, no – I don’t believe there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. To answer your second question, no it’s not a word. So, I made up a word. I spent a lot of time thinking about a name for this blog series and podcast, but […]

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