Gluten Free Rn



Gluten Free RN, Nadine Grzeskowiak RN BSN CEN, talks about every aspect of a gluten free lifestyle, diet, Paleo Lifestyle and all related issues.


  • Thoughts on Celiac Disease EP054

    15/12/2017 Duração: 25min

    In 11 years as the Gluten Free RN, Nadine has done an incredible amount of research on celiac disease and delivered more than 2,000 lectures. No question she is frustrated to see misinformation continue to make its way onto celiac support sites and Facebook groups. How does the average person sift through all the material that’s out there—material that may be influenced by corporations and pharmaceutical companies with a vested interest in the way celiac disease is perceived—to get to the most accurate information? Just in time for the holidays, the Gluten Free RN is sharing her wish list around the direction of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity in the next ten years. She discusses the need for a global mass screening, explaining how celiac disease meets the World Health Organization’s criteria. She covers the reasons why pharmaceutical companies have no place in celiac research as well as the bad publicity the gluten-free community receives in the media. Nadine speaks to the grievous lack of e

  • Alex Michaels from LPI on Vitamin C EP053

    08/12/2017 Duração: 46min

    You know that vitamin C is good for you. It is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all your body tissues, and it plays a role in the healthy functioning of your immune system. But evidence shows that the RDA—90mg for men and 75mg for women—may be woefully inadequate. And if you are suffering from certain types of cancer or sepsis, vitamin C may be the key to recovery.  The Gluten Free RN is joined by vitamin C researcher Alex Michaels from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University to discuss the latest developments in vitamin C, explaining how intravenous vitamin C works to kill certain cancer cells and reverses the organ failure associated with sepsis. He also covers the difference between vitamin C inadequacy and vitamin C deficiency and the debilitating symptoms of scurvy.  Nadine and Alex speak to the best food sources of vitamin C and how it impacts other vitamins and minerals like iron and copper. Alex offers his advice around how much vitamin C you should get on a daily bas

  • Go Gluten Free for Good EP052

    01/12/2017 Duração: 36min

    How do you successfully transition to and maintain a 100% gluten-free diet for the rest of your life? The prospect of eliminating wheat, barley and rye from your diet may seem daunting, but it is possible to go gluten free for good—for the good of your family and your health! The Gluten Free RN explains the addictive nature of gluten and what to expect during the detox process as you begin your gluten-free journey. She offers valuable advice around how to choose the best quality food products while avoiding potential sources of cross-contamination. Nadine discusses the need for supplements that will help you heal faster and more completely, speaking to the vitamin levels you should monitor along the way. Listen and learn her best tips for navigating the grocery store and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process of going gluten-free—for GOOD! What’s Discussed:  The addictive nature of gluten Gliadin, gluten proteins bind to opioid receptors Wheat, barley and rye are cheap and readily available

  • Nutrient Dense Foods EP051

    24/11/2017 Duração: 38min

    ‘When in doubt, go without.’ The problem with processed food is that you simply can’t be sure that it is gluten-free. The risk of cross-contamination is high, and no one at the big corporations is accountable for your health. Not to mention the fact that processed foods have been irradiated to make them shelf-stable, effectively killing any probiotics. Even certified gluten-free products are often low in nutrients, high in calories—and expensive! So what should you eat? The Gluten Free RN is on the case with her best suggestions around finding organic, whole foods that contain the healthy fat you need to heal. She explains her revised, gluten-free version of the food pyramid and discusses how these nutrient-dense foods support the healing process. Nadine provides a list of the best nutrient-dense foods, offering the benefits of each. She also speaks to the most appropriate vitamins and supplements available to solve your nutrient deficiencies. You are what you eat, so make sure you are filling your tank with

  • Managing the Holidays with Celiac Disease EP050

    17/11/2017 Duração: 30min

    With the approach of the holidays, you may be nervous about navigating family and workplace gatherings—especially if you are newly diagnosed with celiac disease. How do you explain your dietary restrictions and keep yourself safe, eating well without getting ‘glutened’? Today the Gluten Free RN shares her best advice around managing the holidays with celiac disease. She offers ten key tenants to help you enjoy the holiday season and mitigate stress, without feeling like you’re missing out. She shares some things you need to avoid, including unsafe situations, people who make you miserable, and cheating on your gluten-free diet! But she also discusses strategies you can implement to make the season bright, such as creating new traditions, getting creative in the kitchen, and finding your tribe—the people who will support you in your gluten-free journey. Nadine also gives tips around where to go for gluten-free ingredients and holiday recipes, and how to develop a backup plan so you won’t go hungry if the food

  • Lyme Infection and Celiac Disease EP049

    10/11/2017 Duração: 49min

    If you’ve been following a strict gluten-free diet, but continue to suffer from lingering neurological symptoms, you may need to explore the possibility that you have Lyme disease. In fact, there are many parallels between celiac disease and Lyme, and the Gluten Free RN has called in an expert to discuss the similarities between the two disorders and why a gluten-free diet is part of the proper treatment for both. Dr. Usha Honeyman, a chiropractic and naturopathic physician out of Corvallis, Oregon, joins Nadine to explain the fundamentals of Lyme disease. She shares her best advice around prevention and treatment, exploring why it can be difficult to get an accurate diagnosis. Nadine and Usha also cover the inflammation of the gut that plagues both celiac and Lyme patients, the neurological component of Lyme disease, and the relationship between Lyme and illnesses like MS, Parkinson’s and ALS. Listen in to understand what can happen when Lyme goes untreated and how antibiotics coupled with a gluten-free diet

  • Gluten Free Products EP048

    03/11/2017 Duração: 34min

    The increasing number of gluten-free products on the market can be both a blessing and a curse. Yes, it gives us more options, but are those options truly safe and healthy? Today the Gluten Free RN goes over the important questions to ask about the products you consume, explaining how the foods promoted by some gluten-free groups may be influenced by their corporate sponsors. She reminds us why we can’t simply trust the products labeled ‘gluten-free’ or ‘gluten removed,’ discussing the lack of oversight and standardization around classification and the cumulative effect of consuming a number of products that are just under the 20 ppm cutoff. Nadine also shares a list of companies she trusts to consistently produce gluten-free products and offers suggestions around new food options we might explore. Listen in and learn to choose the nutrient-dense foods that will help your body heal! What’s Discussed: The importance of questioning the source of your information Gluten-free groups take money from sponsors (co

  • FAQ’s About Celiac Disease Answered EP047

    27/10/2017 Duração: 30min

    How do I get over feeling sad about giving up the foods I love? Don’t celiac patients look a certain way? Can I eat wheat when I travel to Europe? Today the Gluten Free RN is answering your frequently asked questions about celiac disease, clearing up misconceptions around the safety of wheat in Europe, the appearance of a celiac patient, and the percentage of the population that suffers from gluten sensitivity. She speaks to the challenges of getting your healthcare provider to do appropriate testing for celiac disease and the learning curve associated with changing your diet. Nadine also explains the risks of embarking on a gluten challenge and the benefits of a super-good high fat diet. She discusses why a single breadcrumb can trigger an autoimmune response and how she uses tools like a Nima Sensor when she eats out. Listen in and learn why one negative test doesn’t rule you out for celiac disease, especially if you suffer from type 1 diabetes. Having celiac disease doesn’t mean you have to live in a bubbl

  • Where Gluten Hides EP046

    20/10/2017 Duração: 31min

    Never assume. It makes an ass of u and me! Not only do assumptions make you feel foolish, they can be dangerous. If you suffer from celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, assuming that a product is safe and gluten-free can be hazardous to your health! Gluten is hiding is some surprising places, from cashews to PlayDoh, and it is in your best interest to remember that anything processed in the same facility with wheat is at risk for contamination. Today the Gluten Free RN shares the many places she has discovered gluten ‘hiding in plain sight,’ including personal care products, olive oil and communion wafers. She offers advice around supporting companies that are 100% gluten-free, alternatives to gluten-containing products, and choosing nutrient-dense foods that will help you heal. Nadine also covers labels, discussing why you can’t necessarily trust the information you find there, the many different names for wheat to look out for, and why you should take a look even when the product should be natur

  • The Psychology of Eating Gluten Free EP045

    13/10/2017 Duração: 38min

    We all just want to fit in, so it can be embarrassing to have special needs when it comes to your diet. Whether you are gluten-free, Paleo, or suffering from food allergies, a feeling of isolation is not uncommon. After all, you have to eat differently from the rest of your friends, family, or colleagues—and that makes you stand out. You run the risk of being perceived as picky or annoying, when the truth is that certain foods are toxic to your system! Today the Gluten Free RN speaks to the psychology of eating gluten-free, explaining the sense of disbelief many gluten-sensitive individuals feel when the food they love turns out to be poison. She discusses ‘food ideology’ and why changing your diet can be so challenging. Nadine also covers the doubt, mocking, and even anger that celiac and gluten-sensitive individuals face, offering suggestions for building connections with a like-minded, gluten-free community. Listen in as she outlines her approach to dating on a Paleo diet and reassuring family and friends

  • Staying Healthy in the Hospital with Celiac Disease EP044

    06/10/2017 Duração: 28min

    Hospitalization is nearly always the result of a sudden, unexpected event. So how do you plan ahead to keep yourself safe in the event that a health emergency lands you in the nearest emergency room? What steps can you take to stay healthy in the hospital as a celiac or gluten-sensitive patient?  Thanks to a listener suggestion and Nadine’s recent experience with a client recovering from surgery, the Gluten Free RN is addressing the cross-contamination risk in hospital kitchens and the nutrient-deficient foods available in hospital gift shops and vending machines. She also covers the responsibilities of the pharmacist to ensure that medications are gluten-free as well as resources you can use to verify that your prescriptions are safe.  Listen in as Nadine explains the significance of having an advocate with you at the hospital, who can prevent inadvertent gluten exposure and bring in the nutrient-dense food you need to heal. Learn how to communicate your needs as a celiac patient to resistant doctors, nurses

  • Eating Disorders and Celiac Disease EP043

    29/09/2017 Duração: 33min

    Imagine being admitted to a psychiatric hospital and accused of being a pathological liar because no matter how carefully you follow the high-carb diet prescribed by your physicians, you continue to lose weight. In the introduction to his book, How Doctors Think, Dr. Jerome Groopman shares the story of a woman who was misdiagnosed with anorexia nervosa. The patient was ready to give up when one last doctor discovered villous atrophy and determined that it was celiac disease—not an eating disorder—that was causing her malnourishment. Today the Gluten Free RN explores the reasons why celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are often mistaken for anorexia nervosa. She shares the limited research in the field, as well as the symptoms related to malnourishment that may be caused by gluten, including several mental health disorders. Listen in as Nadine covers the use of PWAG (people who avoid gluten) as a derogatory term and shares her frustration with labels like ‘orthorexia nervosa’ which imply that gluten-sensitiv

  • The 2017 International Celiac Disease Symposium Recap #1 EP042

    22/09/2017 Duração: 31min

    In his opening talk at the 2017 International Celiac Disease Symposium, celiac expert Dr. Abul Abbas of UC San Francisco said, “We are drowning in data, but thirsting for information.” Though there is still much debate around celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (even among global experts), the featured ICDS speakers sifted through the numbers to help practitioners interpret what the latest studies can tell us about the negative effects of gluten and how celiac disease presents in populations all over the world.  Today the globetrotting Gluten Free RN is coming to us from Thailand, after attending the International Celiac Disease Symposium in New Delhi, India. Armed with the latest information from the ICDS clinical forum, Nadine covers talks given by Dr. Abbas on gluten and the immunological system, and Dr. Alessio Fasano on the spectrum of gluten-related disorders. She relays information regarding the barriers researchers face in studying autoimmune disease as well as gluten’s negative impact o

  • The History of Celiac Disease EP041

    15/09/2017 Duração: 36min

    Perhaps the most intriguing thing about the history of celiac disease in the US is its absence—from medical textbooks, the vast majority of research studies, and the news—from 1952 through the 1990’s. Why did celiac disease disappear from the healthcare consciousness as well as the public eye? Today the Gluten Free RN takes a closer look at the story of celiac disease, starting with the first doctor to understand it as a dietary issue back in 1888. She highlights the important progress made by pediatricians Willem Dicke who is credited with identifying gluten as the issue and Sidney Haas who honed the gluten-free diet to exclude specific carbohydrates. Nadine explores the period of time when celiac disease seemingly ‘went dark’ in the United States, discussing the handful of renegade authors and researchers who continued to study the disease despite its absence from health education. Nadine also explains the resurgence of gluten sensitivity to the public consciousness in the 1990’s, when medical professionals

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Celiac Disease EP040

    08/09/2017 Duração: 30min

    According to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, 10% of MS patients also suffer from celiac disease. Studies conducted in Italy and Spain uncovered a significant increased prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of MS patients, 18% and 32% respectively. Additional research has identified situations in which celiac disease mimicked other neurological disorders such as MS and ALS.  With evidence like that, it is definitely worth it to further explore the relationship between MS and celiac disease. Today, the Gluten Free RN investigates whether MS and celiac disease are similar, related, or perhaps the same thing, as she shares case studies from the literature and her own experience. Nadine discusses the story of Dr. Terry Wahls, explaining how she was able to resolve her symptoms of MS with a variation of a Paleo diet. She outlines the analogous symptoms of MS and celiac cerebellar ataxia, the neurological damage caused by gluten, and how malabsorption of nutrients caused by intestin

  • Dental Issues and Celiac Disease EP039

    01/09/2017 Duração: 30min

    Did you know that it is possible to diagnose celiac disease with a smile? Damage from gluten starts in the mouth, and today the Gluten Free RN explores the important role dentists can play in identifying undiagnosed celiac disease. She outlines the symptoms of celiac disease that present in the mouth, the follow-up questions dentists should ask when they notice dental enamel defects or aphthous ulcers, and the nature of the tongue as an indicator of overall health. This episode covers how the plastics in orthodontic retainers might contain gluten and what to do if you are accidentally exposed. Nadine also explains the relationship between fat-soluble vitamins and celiac disease, as well as the nutrient deficiencies a potential celiac patient should test for. You’re never fully dressed without a smile, so listen in to understand how to keep your mouth healthy—and prevent the accumulation of complications from celiac disease with a whole food, gluten-free diet! What’s Discussed:  How the GI tract functions St

  • Celiac Disease, Suicide, Morbidity and Mortality EP038

    25/08/2017 Duração: 35min

    People are suffering. From a feeling of hopelessness. From depression and anxiety. Add to that a despair that no one supports them, and you have a desperate individual at an increased risk of committing suicide. This topic hits close to home for Nadine, as she lost a nephew to suicide in 2007. Ian struggled with addiction issues, and he took his life at the age of 19. Because her family is predisposed to celiac disease, Nadine wonders if undiagnosed celiac disease may have been partially to blame for her nephew’s issues. Today she explores the mental health disorders that are associated with gluten getting through the blood-brain barrier. She also explains how undiagnosed celiac disease puts patients at an increased risk for morbidity, and stresses the fact that celiac disease can—and will—kill you if it goes untreated. Listen in as the Gluten Free RN tells her own story of improved mental health on a gluten-free diet. She also covers the types of cancers that might be prevented by going gluten-free, the conn

  • Celiac Disease for Nurses EP037

    18/08/2017 Duração: 43min

    Nadine spent 17 years working as a nurse in the ER. She holds a membership in the Emergency Nurses Association, as well as a Certified Emergency Nurse certification. During the course of her career, Nadine obtained ACLS, PALS, NALS, ENPC and TNCC certifications, honing her skills in advanced cardiac life support, neonatal advanced life support, pediatric advanced life support, and trauma. Despite this impressive background and experience, she had never been educated about celiac disease, and didn’t know what to look for until she was diagnosed herself. Nurses are in a unique position to recognize potential celiac patients and act appropriately. Though most nurses don’t have the authority to diagnose, they do have an obligation to act as patient advocates. Because celiac disease is the most underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed autoimmune disease in the world, it is important that nurses get educated about the fundamentals of celiac disease, the wide array of symptoms an undiagnosed patient may present, and how to k

  • Safely Traveling on a Gluten-Free or Paleo Diet EP036

    11/08/2017 Duração: 26min

    Wanderlust. It is human nature to want to explore, to experience a geography and culture different from our own. Travel can truly enrich our lives. Yet if you have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, the prospect of being away from the familiar for an extended period can be intimidating. Will I be able to find a grocery store? How do I locate a gluten-free restaurant that I can trust? What do I need to bring with me to ensure that I am avoiding gluten? And what if, despite my best efforts, I am accidentally exposed to the gluten protein? No one wants their trip ruined by an unexpected illness, but you shouldn’t let the fear of gluten exposure keep you from going on an important business trip or taking that vacation you’ve always dreamed of. The Gluten Free RN has ten years of experience helping people discover that they can travel safely on a gluten-free or Paleo diet, and today she shares her recent travel experiences with you. Road trip with Nadine and learn how she locates safe restaurants, wh

  • Men and Celiac Disease EP035

    04/08/2017 Duração: 33min

    When boys are hurt, we tell them to ‘rub some dirt on it’ and get back in the game. So it comes as no surprise that men have a tough time admitting weakness, especially to something as innocuous as a slice of bread. Perhaps this explains why celiac disease is considered a women’s issue, when in reality the male-to-female ratio is closer to 1:1. Today the Gluten Free RN discusses the large numbers of men in the US who go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, sharing several anecdotes of patients whose symptoms resolved on a gluten-free diet. She covers the particular social challenges for men with celiac disease, the laundry list of symptoms men may encounter, and the specifics of nutrition she recommends for gluten-sensitive patients. Through it may be difficult to give up pizza and beer with the guys, it is worth the effort to go from sick and struggling to happy and healthy. Listen in and learn how to make going gluten-free simple and easy, even for men with limited culinary skills. Add bacon fat to your greens AND

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