Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast



Every week day, Certified Scrum Master, Agile Coach and Business Consultant Vasco Duarte interviews Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches from all over the world to get you actionable advice, new tips and tricks, improve your craft as a Scrum Master with daily doses of inspiring conversations with Scrum Masters from the all over the world. Stay tuned for BONUS episodes when we interview Agile gurus and other thought leaders in the business space to bring you the Agile Business perspective you need to succeed as a Scrum Master. Some of the topics we discuss include: Agile Business, Agile Strategy, Retrospectives, Team motivation, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Backlog Refinement, Scaling Scrum, Lean Startup, Test Driven Development (TDD), Behavior Driven Development (BDD), Paper Prototyping, QA in Scrum, the role of agile managers, servant leadership, agile coaching, and more!


  • Lessons from a Top-Down Agile Transformation Journey | Aria Omidvar

    08/11/2023 Duração: 11min

    Aria Omidvar: Lessons from a Top-Down Agile Transformation Journey Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: Aria recounts his involvement in a top-down, multi-layered agile transformation in a company with five teams. Despite management's drive for change, the transformation faced resistance from the teams on the ground. After six months, it became evident that morale and engagement had plummeted, and the desired outcomes were not met. Aria attempted widespread training, but this approach backfired. He learned the importance of focusing on one major change at a time, prioritizing people, and fine-tuning direction for successful transformations. The episode serves as a valuable guide for navigating complex organizational shifts.   [IMAGE HERE] As Scrum Master we work with change continuously! Do you have your own change framework that provides the guidance, and queues

  • Friendship or Performance, The Hard Dilemma Scrum Teams Sometimes Face | Aria Omidvar

    07/11/2023 Duração: 13min

    Aria Omidvar: Friendship or Performance, The Hard Dilemma Scrum Teams Sometimes Face Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: Aria shares a common team pitfall: sacrificing trust, transparency, and courage for camaraderie. In this case, a team's cohesion eroded as they prioritized friendliness over addressing performance issues. One underperforming developer strained the team's efforts, despite trying to help that team member. The team's hesitancy to confront the issue led to a painful breakdown. Aria emphasizes proactive communication and recommends 'The Hard Thing about Hard Things' as a resource. He underscores the importance of clear warnings and transparent discussions to salvage a struggling team. Featured Book of the Week: Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams by DeMarco and Lister Aria discusses the profound impact of the book "Peopleware," which pre

  • Rebuilding Trust In Your Scrum Team, After A Big Disappointment | Aria Omidvar

    06/11/2023 Duração: 17min

    Aria Omidvar: Rebuilding Trust In Your Scrum Team, After A Big Disappointment Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: Aria, a Scrum Master, recounts a challenging situation where his team faced significant changes, including losing key members and transitioning to remote work. He attempted to address the issues through a retrospective but faced resistance in setting up follow-up sessions. This led to a team member deeming the retro "useless," which left Aria feeling disheartened. As a developer and Scrum Master, Aria reflects on the importance of open communication and acknowledges his loss of faith in the team at that time. Ultimately, he grapples with regaining faith in his team, highlighting the complexity of his role in this critical juncture.   [IMAGE HERE] Recovering from failure, or difficult moments is a critical skill for Scrum Masters. Not only because of

  • Embracing Change, A Conversation with a Change Leader | Susanne Taylor

    04/11/2023 Duração: 32min

    BONUS: Embracing Change, A Conversation with Change Leader Susanne Taylor   In this episode, Susanne Taylor shares her profound experiences that have shaped her approach to change leadership. From navigating different environments to choosing change willingly, Susanne's life has been a testament to the inevitability and transformative power of embracing change. Embracing Change: A Natural State of Being Susanne enlightens us on the essence of change: it's not something we choose, but how we choose to react to it. By reframing our perspective on change, we can shift from a mindset of control and fear to one of adaptability and growth. This change in mindset holds the key to thriving in a world of constant transformation. As Scrum Masters and coaches, it's imperative to develop certain capabilities that allow us to navigate change effortlessly. Susanne imparts wisdom on slowing down, building trust, setting boundaries, and honing our ability to sense the subtle shifts in a room. Recognizing our own wo

  • A Great Collaboration Between PO and Scrum Master, The Enabler For Agile Greatness | Chris Garvey

    03/11/2023 Duração: 10min

    Chris Garvey: A Great Collaboration Between PO and Scrum Master, The Enabler For Agile Greatness Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: A Great Collaboration Between PO and Scrum Master, The Enabler For Agile Greatness Chris reflects on a remarkable Product Owner who previously served as a Scrum Master. Their collaboration was marked by mutual support and a keen understanding of when to lead and when to step back. The Product Owner fostered team involvement in story definition and ownership of implementation. This environment allowed for reciprocal coaching, accountability, and a harmonious working dynamic. Chris emphasizes the delicate balance of knowing when to be present and when to provide space for others in Agile teams. The Bad Product Owner: Overcoming PO Micromanagement Challenges Chris discusses anti-patterns related to Product

  • Crafting a Culture of Love for Work, The Real Challenge for Real Agile Leaders | Chris Garvey

    02/11/2023 Duração: 09min

    Chris Garvey: Crafting a Culture of Love for Work, The Real Challenge for Real Agile Leaders Chris delves into his perspective on success for Scrum Masters, drawing inspiration from a Simon Sinek story about hotel experiences. He aspires to help team members genuinely love their jobs. Success, for Chris, hinges on trust among team members and leaders, enabling them to excel and voice concerns. He emphasizes the transition from stressing about delivery to focusing on high performance. Ownership of work methods and problem-solving is key, as is the ability to step back under pressure. Chris also advocates for creating a safe space to foster open communication within the team. Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: Visualizing Progress with the Speedboat Retrospective Chris discusses his favored retrospective format, the "Speedboat." He appreciates its visual nature and the ease with which participants grasp it. Using a standard laminated print, he guides teams to imagine their ideal day together.

  • The SPINE Model: Simplifying Change Leadership for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches | Chris Garvey

    01/11/2023 Duração: 12min

    Chris Garvey: The SPINE Model: Simplifying Change Leadership for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches Chris offers us a reflection on a change leadership challenge, acknowledging the failure of linear approaches in that context. He emphasizes simplicity and introduces the SPINE model. Starting with a clear contract with clients and understanding the purpose of the Agile journey are crucial steps. Chris underscores the importance of documenting the "why" and the problems to be addressed before delving into practices and tools. Communication is key, and sharing observations with teams using phrases like "what comes up for me is..." fosters understanding. He advises against seeking future certainty and emphasizes that it's people who must undergo change, not be changed. Ultimately, success is defined by the client, not the coach's agenda.   [IMAGE HERE] As Scrum Master we work with change continuously! Do you have your own change framework that provides the guidance, and queues you need when working with chan

  • A Tale of Two Agile Teams, A Key Lesson on The Impact of Leadership on Team Self-organization | Chris Garvey

    31/10/2023 Duração: 13min

    Chris Garvey: A Tale of Two Agile Teams, A Key Lesson on The Impact of Leadership on Team Self-organization In this episode, Chris shares a pivotal experience managing two teams as a Scrum Master. While one team was granted time to embark on their own agile journey, the other team faced time constraints. Despite having the same coach, manager, and product owner, the teams significantly diverged. A key insight emerged when one tech lead allowed the team space for self-organization, while the other did not. This distinction played a crucial role in team performance. Chris emphasizes the importance of providing support for teams to take ownership and grow, as it doesn't happen naturally without guidance. Featured Book of the Week: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle Chris delves into the profound impact of The Power Of Now By Eckhart Tolle on his Scrum Master journey, emphasizing its focus on presence and challenging thought patterns. He highlights the gift of being fu

  • When Agile Alone Can't Save the Day, Avoiding The Temptation To “Save” A Scrum Team | Chris Garvey

    30/10/2023 Duração: 15min

    Chris Garvey: When Agile Alone Can't Save the Day, Avoiding The Temptation To “Save” A Scrum Team In this episode, Chris recounts a challenging experience as a Scrum Master in emergency services product development. Faced with exploding software development and delayed deliveries, the team turned to Agile for a solution. The immense pressure led Chris to take the role too seriously, causing a detrimental shift in focus. To top it all, three team members were experiencing burnout. Chris emphasizes the importance of coaching by invitation and avoiding the temptation to micromanage the team. Ultimately, this episode raises questions about leadership's openness to change in such high-pressure situations. In this episode, we refer to the book Shift From Product To People, a book that explores the need to focus on working with people first, before being able to work with the product.   [IMAGE HERE] Recovering from failure, or difficult moments is a critical skill for Scrum Masters. Not only because of us,

  • When Roles Blur In Agile Teams, the Product Owner and Manager Anti-Pattern | Anna Mbengam

    27/10/2023 Duração: 15min

    Anna Mbengam: When Roles Blur In Agile Teams, the Product Owner and Manager Anti-Pattern Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: Personal Connection and Growth, The Power of Supportive Product Ownership Anna shares her experience with an exceptional Product Owner who stood out for his genuine care and personal investment in team members. Beyond professional expertise, he took the time to understand Anna and offered invaluable support in communication and interactions within the organization. This Product Owner's willingness to seek and provide feedback, both positive and constructive, played a crucial role in Anna's growth and development. This episode sheds light on the qualities that make a Product Owner truly great, emphasizing the importance of empathy, mentorship, and effective communication. The Bad Product Owner: When Roles Blur, The

  • Prioritizing People And Empowering Teams in the Scrum Master's Absence | Anna Mbengam

    26/10/2023 Duração: 10min

    Anna Mbengam: Prioritizing People And Empowering Teams in the Scrum Master's Absence Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Anna emphasizes the critical role of a Scrum Master in ensuring team happiness. She prioritizes facilitating self-organization and meaningful interactions among team members. Anna's success criteria extend beyond metrics to encompass factors like continuous improvement, agile mindset adoption, and positive team culture. She advocates for open dialogue and hosts regular one-on-one meetings to gauge individual team members' progress and well-being. Anna also empowers the team to take ownership of the Scrum Master role in her absence, assessing the impact upon her return.  Featured Retrospective Format For The Week: Start/Stop/Continue, To Help Scrum Masters Listen Better Anna likes the 'Start/Stop/Continue' retrospective format

  • Strategies for Aligning Distributed Agile Teams In A Large Scale Agile Adoption | Anna Mbengam

    25/10/2023 Duração: 11min

    Anna Mbengam: Strategies for Aligning Distributed Agile Teams In A Large Scale Agile Adoption Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Anna shares experiences from a large-scale tech company, detailing the challenges of setting up distributed teams across different products while implementing scaled agile practices. Leadership alignment on the change's purpose was established, but resistance arose due to time constraints for training. Anna advises comprehensive training for all, along with piloting the change with one team. Balancing role transitions and training proved overwhelming, prompting Anna to involve leadership. She underscores the importance of leadership buy-in, advocating their participation in key processes like PI planning and Inspect and Adapt sessions. Supporting team autonomy and experimentation is crucial for successful change manageme

  • Strategies for Navigating Difficult Conversations, Solving Conflicts, And Coaching Scrum Teams | Anna Mbengam

    24/10/2023 Duração: 14min

    Anna Mbengam: Strategies for Navigating Difficult Conversations, Solving Conflicts, And Coaching Scrum Teams Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Anna shares a scenario where a team grappled with a fear of conflict. She emphasizes the need to step back and listen attentively, advising against cornering teams during discussions on sensitive topics. Anna highlights how team members confided in her privately, often about cultural disparities. She offers practical tips, such as gauging comfort levels for public discussions and maintaining confidentiality. Anna advocates for transparency, suggesting collaboration with the Product Owner to demonstrate openness and acknowledge mistakes. Additional advice includes fostering trust, utilizing icebreakers to bridge diverse perspectives, and encouraging active leadership within the team. Featured Book For The

  • Rising From Disruption, After The Departure Of A Key Scrum Team Member | Anna Mbengam

    23/10/2023 Duração: 13min

    Anna Mbengam: Rising From Disruption, After The Departure Of A Key Scrum Team Member Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Anna discusses a critical juncture at a startup where a key developer left, disrupting the team's dynamics. The team struggled to self-organize and lacked expertise after that senior developer left. Stakeholder expectations were high, making the situation even worse for the team. Anna implemented smaller group discussions, fostering a sense of ownership for specific development areas. This led to knowledge-sharing and a collaborative approach to improve performance. The team also sought stakeholder support in hiring. The episode highlights the importance of adaptability, stakeholder collaboration, and teamwork in agile development, especially in the face of unexpected departures.   [IMAGE HERE] Recovering from failure, or diff

  • BONUS: The Art Of Crafting User Stories | Christopher Lee

    21/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    BONUS: The Art Of Crafting User Stories with Christopher Lee In this episode, we talk with Christopher Lee about his latest book, "The Art Of Crafting User Stories." Christopher shares the fascinating origin story of his book and how principles of product management were applied to its creation.  Product Development Insights Christopher draws intriguing parallels between software development and book creation, highlighting two key concepts that apply to both realms. He introduces the concept of "debugging for books" and shares essential tips, like the importance of having multiple content reviewers and utilizing the technique of "Rubber Duck Debugging" for authors. The examples he uses also clarify how his approach to Product Management can help you with software products. Learning To Empathize With The User We discuss how understanding the user perspective is a critical skill for Product Owners and teams, and enables them to write better User Stories. Christopher emphasizes the development of per

  • When Ego Hinders Progress For PO’s, The Overconfident Product Owner | Michael Schmidt

    20/10/2023 Duração: 13min

    Michael Schmidt: When Ego Hinders Progress For PO’s, The Overconfident Product Owner Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: Building Respect and Trust With The Team, The Skills of a Great PO In this episode, Michael shares an insightful story of a product manager turned Product Owner, faced with the challenges of a complex, high-tech product. Despite initial uncertainty, she learned to trust her team's expertise and leaned on them for guidance. This shift in approach earned her the respect and credibility of her team. Michael emphasizes the importance of seeking help from the team and highlights this as a key trait of a great Product Owner. This episode provides valuable insights into the qualities that define an exceptional Product Owner. The Bad Product Owner: When Ego Hinders Progress For PO’s, The Overconfident PO In this episode, Mi

  • Sustainable Agile Practice, A Success Factor For Scrum Masters | Michael Schmidt

    19/10/2023 Duração: 15min

    Michael Schmidt: Sustainable Agile Practice, A Success Factor For Scrum Masters Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Michael delves into the critical question of what success means for Scrum Masters. He stresses the need for individual reflection as a way to grow in that role. For him, achieving a sustainable pace for everyone involved is paramount. He emphasizes regularly assessing if the team is operating in the "green area" of sustainability. Additionally, Michael offers a valuable tip: clearly define the team's playground and set explicit rules for both team members and external stakeholders.  Featured Retrospective Format For The Week: Fostering Conversations, The Biergarten Retro Experience In this episode, Michael introduces the "Biergarten Retro," a conversation focused agile retrospective. He emphasizes how this format can adapt to diff

  • Leading Change with Trust and Agility, To Help Teams Find Their Flavor Of Agile | Michael Schmidt

    18/10/2023 Duração: 12min

    Michael Schmidt: Leading Change with Trust and Agility, To Help Teams Find Their Flavor Of Agile Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Michael shares his experiences in leading change within a large corporation. Backed by strong executive support, the co-located team cultivated a positive attitude towards change. They stopped the day-to-day operations for some time, to be able adopt a fresh approach, focusing on efficiency and self-organization. Lively discussions and diverse approaches were encouraged, showcasing that Agile could benefit the entire organization. Trust and flexibility were key, allowing teams to find their own paths within the selected Agile framework. Value delivery was prioritized, and roles remained fluid, emphasizing adaptability in achieving success. Michael's story highlights the power of change leadership and collaborative, go

  • When Comfort Stagnates Progress For An Agile Team, The Problem Avoidance Anti-pattern | Michael Schmidt

    17/10/2023 Duração: 17min

    Michael Schmidt: When Comfort Stagnates Progress For An Agile Team, The Problem Avoidance Anti-pattern Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Michael recounts his experience in a company where he went against his instincts due to comfort. The software development environment prioritized being busy over progress. Goal setting and sprint planning were undervalued, and negative behaviors like gossiping prevailed. Michael's attempts to offer help were met with resistance, as the team downplayed any possible issues. This anti-pattern of avoiding talking about problems hindered growth. Through perseverance, Michael learned the importance of trusting his intuition and initiating small, positive changes to build trust and overcome the fear, or dislike to discuss obstacles and problems. Featured Book Of The Week: Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great

  • Ensuring Kanban Sustainability Despite The Scrum Master’s Absence | Michael Schmidt

    16/10/2023 Duração: 13min

    Michael Schmidt: Ensuring Kanban Sustainability Despite The Scrum Master’s Absence Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Michael shares his experience with implementing Kanban in a software development team. Despite a functional team, the input quality was not good enough, and the team also had too many people taking on the product manager role. Michael collaborated with them, establishing a workflow and introducing a "Ready-kanban" system. Daily product standups were instituted, but progress halted when Michael went on vacation. Upon his return, he discovered no improvements, highlighting a trust deficit in the Kanban process. Michael emphasizes the need for collective ownership and sustainability of the practice, urging reflection on its benefits for lasting success.   [IMAGE HERE] Recovering from failure, or difficult moments is a critical skil

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