Podcast Inglês Online

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 10:15:42
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Aprenda os idioms e phrasal verbs mais comuns do inglês toda semana em menos de cinco minutos, com as explicações super fáceis de entender da Ana Luiza do site Inglês Online. Tudo que você ouvir nos episódios é usado no inglês de todo dia. Nível de compreensão recomendado: intermediário e acima.


  • Podcast: Passwords

    25/10/2019 Duração: 04min

    Hi, there. Hoje eu falo sobre.... senhas! Como você escolhe as suas? Eu conto como escolho as minhas. Enjoy :) Transcrição Hi, everyone, how's it going? How are you doing? Welcome to another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. You know what I was thinking about, today and yesterday... a little bit yesterday? Passwords. I'm just moving browsers, I'm just kind of switching from Chrome over to Firefox, which I used ages ago. I was a very loyal user of Firefox until... it just became a bit clunky and it wasn't working so well. I kind of abandoned it and switched over to Chrome... but now it's the opposite. Chrome doesn't suit me anymore, it's just... I just don't like the fact that I use so many Google products. I don't fully trust Google to take care of my personal information. Basically I think I'm giving Google too much personal information. I'm kind of trying to disentangle myself from Google a little bit and Chrome happens to not be working so well. Chrome sometimes is way slower than other browsers. I'

  • Podcast: Mary’s and Jack’s cars

    17/10/2019 Duração: 04min

    How's it going? Hoje eu falo sobre uma coisinha que todo mundo vê na aula de inglês básico: o possessive case ('s). Mas é comum a gente aprender Mary's car, John's apple e por aí vai... Os casos em que mais de uma pessoa é "dona" não aparecem com tanta frequência no livro de inglês - e mesmo que apareçam, muita gente acaba não "pegando" por falta de input. Esse é o tema do nosso episódio de hoje - enjoy! Transcrição Hey, everyone! This is Ana with another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. How are you doing today? So, listen to this: Mary's and Jack's cars are outside. Let me say that again: Mary's and Jack's cars are outside. What does that mean? That means that Mary owns a car, Jack owns a different car and both their cars are outside. So I'm focusing on the possessive case: it's that way of expressing possession where we use an apostrophe and the letter S. Mary's and Jack's cars are outside - each one of them has a car so I'm using one possessive for each: Mary's and Jack's cars are outside. What wo

  • Podcast: I’ll bring you up to speed

    03/10/2019 Duração: 04min

    What's up? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre a expressão 'bring someone up to speed'. Mais uma que é super comum no dia a dia dos nativos de inglês. Transcrição Hey, everyone, how's it going? Here's our podcast for this week. Yes! I'm recording it just now. How have you guys been? It's been crazy over here at Inglês Online as, I guess, many of you know... This week we've opened up enrollment for module one of our Curso Básico. In the past few weeks I... the past couple of weeks I recorded a series of three free classes where I talked about possessive pronouns and it's been awesome. I got great feedback, people told me that it's been really useful to finally understand those pronouns and you know what? It's been a lot of fun. You know what I just noticed? Everything I said up to now... I'm using the present perfect a lot, so there you go. Here's a little bit of practice on the present perfect at the beginning of this episode for you. Alright! We're right now in the middle of the enrollment peri

  • Podcast: Sorry to rain on your parade

    24/09/2019 Duração: 04min

    What's up? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre a expressão 'rain on someone's parade', super comum no dia a dia do falante de inglês. Não perca... Transcrição Hi, everyone. How is it going? What's up? How have you been? Today is the day for another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. I'm Ana Luiza and it's been busy... it's been a busy week. We're working on the relaunch of the 'Curso Básico'- the new edition of our Curso Básico. I've also been releasing free video classes, which, if you haven't watched yet... You should head over to the homepage of inglesonline.com.br, insert your email and watch these lessons because they're pretty cool. So, let's focus on the podcast. Today I just wanted to talk a little bit about this really cool expression, I mean... The meaning, you know... it's not that cheerful, but it's a very nice... It's a nice expression, very common and people use it a lot. Again, if you're someone... Like I said in previous episodes, if you are someone who watches a lot of movies

  • Podcast: Bear with me

    16/09/2019 Duração: 04min

    What's up? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre a expressão 'bear with me', super comum entre os falantes nativos. Ouça já! Transcrição Hi, everyone... how are you? How are you doing? This is Ana Luiza, with another episode of the Inglês Online Podcast. And this is very impromptu... I was just thinking now of this expression. This idiom from the English language, bear with me. And I thought it would make for a nice episode of the podcast. I'm going to give you mainly two examples or, rather, two kinds of situation where this idiom fits like a glove. It's perfect for a couple of situations and I'm going to explain them to you right now. One of them would be... let's say you're explaining something to someone or... you're sort of having a chat with someone and you're telling them a story. And your story has a point, right? You're going to get to the really interesting part in a few seconds or maybe in a minute, but first you have to kind of set up the whole story. You have to give the other person

  • Podcast: Does she, though?

    09/09/2019 Duração: 04min

    Hi, there. Hoje eu falo sobre uma maneira super comum de usar a palavra 'though' - os falantes nativos usam o tempo todo, mas você raramente vai encontrá-lo nas suas aulas ou no livro de inglês. Ouça bem o episódio e se familiarize! Quanto mais você ouvir, mais você internaliza as expressões e estruturas do idioma. Enjoy! :-) Transcrição Hi everyone, this is Ana Luiza with another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. How are you doing? How's it going? Today I want to talk to you about another one of those words that you will see, sort of briefly, in English schools and in your English books... If you go to school, if you go to... If you have English classes I'm sure you will have learned it, you will have done exercises about it. But again: this is another word that I don't hear a lot of Brazilians speak or, at least, speak naturally and today our episode is going to center around a particular use of this word which is really... It's really interesting and it's really common, of course. It's ver

  • Podcast: Either one or the other

    02/09/2019 Duração: 04min

    How's it going? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre algumas formas comuns de usar a palavra 'Either'. Transcrição Hello, everyone, how are you doing? This is Ana Luiza with another episode of our Inglês Online Podcast. And today we have a quick episode. I want to get right into it. It's something that is really, really useful and very common in the language and the reason I want to focus on it... Ok, so let me tell you what I am talking about: I'm talking about the word "either". Either, which is also pronounced 'AITHER' and sometimes E-I-T-H-E-R. Ok, and the reason I want to focus on the word either is that it is really common in the language. People use it all the time; it's a really good word. It's not difficult and if you've done English classes before, if you've gone to English school and if you've gone as far as... I don't know, maybe pre-intermediate or definitely intermediate, either is there. It's there in your books, but that doesn't mean that students come out of English school being

  • Podcast: Safe place for your mail

    19/08/2019 Duração: 04min

    How's it going? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre vocabulário relacionado a entrega de correio (especialmente encomendas) aqui na Inglaterra. Transcrição Hi, guys, how are you doing? This is Ana with another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Last week I talked about 'dad jokes' and bugs, and stuff. So, this week we are talking about a more interesting topic: mail delivery. So, here's what I got for you. I placed an order online for some food and this stuff is coming from far away... a bit far from where I live. The company posted the parcel and gave me a tracking number. And you know when you have the tracking number and you go online, and you go to the website of the delivery company. And you type in the tracking code and then you can follow the journey of the parcel and have a... Actually, sometimes, a pretty good idea... They give you a one-hour window of when you are going to get the delivery. Sometimes they tell you, "you are going to get it today between 3 and 4PM". So it depends - i

  • Podcast: Dad joke

    06/08/2019 Duração: 04min

    How are you? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre a expressão “dad jokes”, entre outras. Já ouviu falar? Ouça mesmo assim :) Listening é sempre bom, especialmente se você mora no Brasil! Transcrição Hi, everyone! This is Ana, today we have another episode of our impromptu podcast. Just to give you an update on the weather, like a couple of weeks ago I said that it was unbearably hot... and the temperature fortunately has dropped a few degrees. So today we didn't even have a sunny day, I mean, it was reasonably warm but not unbearable, y'know... So it was good, I mean, it was a bit cloudy, but that's fine, it was not too hot. So, how are you doing? What have you been up to? What's the weather like? Is it still cold in Brazil? What part of Brazil are you in, and what's the weather like where you are? I mean, if you are in Rio you don't even need to answer because I know it's super hot, but if you are in other parts of the country, what's the weather like right now? Probably not too hot, but getti

  • Podcast: Keep a straight face

    25/07/2019 Duração: 04min

    How are you? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre os idioms “put on a brave face” e “keep a straight face”. Já conhece? Ouça mesmo assim. Listening nunca é demais, especialmente se você mora no Brasil! Transcrição Hi, everyone, this is Ana of Inglês Online, yeah, that's me with another... I guess another episode of our podcast. How are you guys doing? Here where I live, it is so hot right now, like it's Brazilian heat honestly, it's... I think today we've reached 35º or 36º, it is really, really hot, and I've been eating a lot of ice cream and just kind of waiting for some rain, to be honest... to bring down the temperature a bit, like... What's the temperature like in Brazil right now? Is it... is it still winter, it is a bit lower, right? Well... lucky you! Here it's just insufferably hot. Ok, so, you guys, I was thinking today about a few expressions with the word face. So, one of them is put on a brave face, ok... It's very, very common, I mean, if you are someone who watches, y'know, America

  • Podcast: Moving forward

    17/07/2019 Duração: 04min

    Depois de um break, o podcast volta. Welcome back ;-) Ana How are you? Hoje eu falo sobre a expressão “moving forward” que eu ouço com frequência no meu ambiente de trabalho. Não perca! Transcrição Hi, everyone, this is kind of an episode of the podcast. As you guys know, if you've been listening to the podcasts or following the website for a while, you know there has been a break... We've taken a break with the podcasts and there are a few reasons for that. Things have gotten very, very busy with the site, and myself and Marcelo, who works for Inglês Online, who's part of the team... both of us have been working really hard to make the website better, and doing a lot of work behind the scenes and writing lots of new articles - especially Marcelo for the basic English section of the website. So, there has been a lot going on and in the coming weeks, there's gonna be more, more news. I just wanted to say "hi" and say that in the future... in the near future we will probably be having more impromptu podcast

  • Podcast: Self-stirring mug

    11/02/2019 Duração: 04min

    How are you? Hoje eu falo sobre a estrutura “self-stirring” em inglês. Não perca! Transcrição How are you? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! Alright, so let me show you something - and if you're just hearing my voice and not looking at the episode page at Inglês Online, you can head over there and check out this photo I'm going to talk about. This is a photo of a self-stirring mug. So, I found this product in a shop here in London and this shop is just full of novelty products. It's got all kinds of funny, interesting and unique products and sometimes they come up with some pretty useful stuff. Yes, I'm talking about this self-stirring mug. What is that? It's a mug that stirs itself. So, let's break this down: say it's 3PM and you feel you need that boost of energy only instant coffee can give

  • Como falo em inglês: Lobo em pele de cordeiro

    04/02/2019 Duração: 04min

    Hi, there. Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms muito diferentes, mas que significam a mesma coisa... e que são usados quando as aparências enganam. Não perca! Transcrição Hi, there. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, today I was reminded of this really interesting expression, devil in disguise. If you can understand the words I just said then you know what the expression means. We use this expression to talk about something - it can be a situation, or an object, or a car, a house, whatever - or someone, who appears at first to be helpful or well-meaning but turns out to be the opposite. So, let's say you just moved into a new neighbourhood, ok. The reason you just moved is, you've been saving money for years and you decided to invest in your own flat. So, you bought this property and you're really h

  • Como falo em inglês: Nasceu em berço de ouro

    28/01/2019 Duração: 04min

    How's it going? Hoje eu falo sobre alguns idioms com a palavra BORN - aquela mesma palavra que aparece em I was born... Não deixe de ouvir! Transcrição How's it going? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! Ok, let's get started. If you've read the title of this episode, well... that's the first term we're tackling today. Now, check this out: interestingly, in Brazil we say that someone who was born into a wealthy family was born in a cradle made of gold, right. So, we use the cradle, and gold, for a metaphor that expresses wealthy beginnings. In the English language, however, we use a spoon and not gold, but silver, to talk about people who were born rich. A silver spoon. And there's more: the silver spoon was in your mouth. And just like in Brazil, native English speakers don't say that someone's born w

  • Como falo em inglês: Se tem alguém que sabe fazer isso, é o Zé

    31/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    Hi! No podcast Inglês Online de hoje, falamos sobre mais um idiom daqueles que você não encontra no seu livro de inglês. Ouça bem o episódio e se familiarize...  Daqui a pouco, o idiom começa a sair da sua boca. True story! Não perca. Transcrição Hi! You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, we start today with a term that will make total sense to you - I'm sure of it. Check this out: “If anybody knows how to make a great cappuccino, it's Bruno”. See? Even the name is Italian. So, obviously you say that when you want to highlight that Bruno is very skilled at making cappuccinos. He's better than all the other people you can think of. So, when your coworker Elizabeth says “Hey, I'm throwing a party this weekend and the theme is Italian-Japanese fusion. I'm going to have sumo wrestlers and lasagna.” Yea

  • Como falo em inglês: Mais adiante, isso fará diferença

    24/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    Hello! No podcast Inglês Online de hoje, você me ouve falar sobre dois idioms relacionados ao que vai acontecer mais adiante... Ouça já! Transcrição Hello! You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, let's say you're walking sort of aimlessly on the streets of some American city - just picture that, in your imagination. Then, all of a sudden, you feel like having ice-cream. You don't know if there's an ice-cream parlour or a supermarket in the neighbourhood, so you ask a local: “Excuse me, sir? Do you know where to go for an ice-cream?” The man replies “Oh yes, there's a bakery just down the road - it's a two-minute long walk. They have great ice-cream.” OK, problem solved. There's a bakery that sells ice-cream just down the road. So, you keep going straight on, after a minute or so you'll find it. So,

  • Podcast: Time to step up your game

    17/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    How are you doing? Hoje, no podcast, eu falo sobre mais duas expressões super comuns do inglês do dia-a-dia. Não perca! Transcrição How are you doing? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, imagine you're working with your boss on a sales proposal for a new client. The two of you have worked on it for a couple of days, and you both agree that it looks alright. So, now you're both presenting the proposal in the client's meeting room, and the client people don't look like they're buying it. They look kind of suspicious... or just a bit unconvinced. So, by the end of the presentation, the head of Strategy for the client is saying “You know, we were expecting better terms, and a better offer in general. We have cheaper offers from other companies that do exactly the same thing you offer, but we were ho

  • Como falo em inglês: Vai quebrar paradigmas

    10/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    What's up? Hoje, no podcast Inglês Online, dois idioms do inglês relacionados a originalidade e inovação (veja também este episódio sobre inovação!). Um deles é uma das maneiras de dizer “vai quebrar/quebrou paradigmas” em português. Não perca este pod. Transcrição What's up? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, I'll kick off this episode with a question: what is a cookie-cutter approach? What is a cookie-cutter way of doing things? First of all think of what a cookie-cutter is. It is a sort of mold with a round shape, or maybe shaped like a square, or a heart... It's usually made of some kind of metal and nowadays we have lots of silicone molds as well. So, one day you decide to bake some cookies. So, you go to the kitchen, you make cookie dough and you roll it out using a roller pin. Now it's t

  • Como falo em inglês: Fica de olho

    03/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    How are you? Hoje, no podcast, eu falo sobre mais duas expressões super comuns do inglês do dia-a-dia. Não perca! Transcrição How are you? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, check this out: if you're receiving my message in your inbox (thanks for being a subscriber, by the way) then you probably keep an eye on your inbox for my messages, right? Otherwise, why would you be on the list...? So, when you keep an eye on something, that means you're focusing a little bit of your attention on it. It's like... you're aware that something's about to happen; you're aware that this cool newsletter you've subscribed to will be popping in your inbox shortly and for that reason you're keeping an eye on your inbox. Every time you fire up that browser window there's something in the back of your mind that tell

  • Podcast: Forward-thinking innovation

    26/11/2018 Duração: 04min

    How have you been? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre inovação, e um idiom relacionado a pensar pra frente! Não perca. Transcrição How have you been? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, I'm sure you will understand the word 'innovation'. When a person is prone to innovating or favours innovation in some way, that usually means this person is pretty open to new ideas. They're interested in learning new things and testing new ways of doing old tasks 'cause... That's one of the things innovation is about, I think. It's not just coming up with a new electronic device no one's ever seen before but it's also finding new and better ways of doing stuff you already do. I have to say, I love that concept. I'm all for finding new and better ways of doing things. And just to clarify, "new and be

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