Martha Runs The World Podcast



A podcast with an honest and open look at running, fitness and all things health-related with a bit of humor and saltiness thrown in.


  • Ride to Walk Race 2023!

    26/09/2023 Duração: 26min

    #245 -  For the second year in a row, I participated in the Ride to Walk Race just east of Sacramento. This time it was in Rocklin, a lovely community east of Sacramento, California. I talk about my trip there, my race and what else I did while I was there, including the train tunnels near Donner Lake. Have you seen them? It was a great weekend! You can become a Show Subscriber! Check out the website!All information on everything can be found on the show website. Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Bob Dion of Dion NeviTrek Snowshoes!

    19/09/2023 Duração: 43min

    #244 - Winter is coming! Want to try something new this winter? Tired of post-holing in the snow? Why not give snowshoeing a try! Bob Dion of Dion NeviTrek Showshoes talks to us all about the company and why we should try it out this year! All of Bob's information is on the website! Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Run Through Your Golden Years!

    12/09/2023 Duração: 31min

    #243 - If you go to a race now, it's not unusual to see a big percentage of older runners. And why not? We're living longer, healthier lives. Running plays a very important part in our healthy lifestyle. To keep running throughout our lives, we may need to switch up a few things, though, and I'm here to help you do that. I'm a young-ish runner in my 60s and I'm well aware of the changes an older runner brings. So, let's face this age thing together with a smile and our determination! Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • The Lore of Running

    05/09/2023 Duração: 29min

    #242 - This week, I talk about the most important book in the history of running: The Lore of Running. This breakthrough book was THE book to set running on its whirlwind course into an incredible future. We may think of it as outdated today, and in a few aspects it is, but in its basics, it is very much a viable source of terrific information and should be in every runner's running library. All links talked about can be found in the show's website. Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • I Don't Have Time To Run!

    29/08/2023 Duração: 25min

    #241 - Life gets busy. Sometimes, we have to take extra steps to get our runs in. This week, I help you find the time to make sure and get your training in, because not running is NOT an option! The links to the races I mentioned are on the show website. Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Ultrarunner Coree Woltering Talks Western States, HURT & So Much More!

    22/08/2023 Duração: 35min

    #240 - It's been a busy year for Coree Woltering. Every time I read a new Facebook post from him, he seems to have finished another tough race. His love and passion for ultraraces is contagious and makes me want to get out there. I'm sure he will drive you to sign up for a race too once you hear this week's episode. I'm so happy to welcome him back as he shares what's been going on with him, including this year's Western States race and Hawaii's HURT 100, both very difficult races, and he's done a few more besides those two! All Coree's information is on the show website! Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Don't Let Stress Hurt Your Running!

    15/08/2023 Duração: 27min

    #239 - Every person suffers from at least a little stress. Some of us handle it better than others. This week, I help you identify the stress in your life and help you relieve at least some of it. As the title says, don't let stress hurt or interfere with your running. It's easier said than done if we don't know what to do if stress has us at odds with our modern lives, but after listening to this episode, you will be better prepared to deal with it. All links discussed are on the website. Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Jenn DeVore Talks Road & Trail Running And Pennsylvania Rocks!

    08/08/2023 Duração: 37min

    #238 - It's called Rocksylvania for a reason, Jenn Devore tells us, as she talks about her home state, Pennsylvania. She lives close to some very beautiful trails in the mountains of her lovely state. I enjoy looking at all the photos she shares and one day, I'll visit to try out some of those technical trails! She shares how she got started running and tells us about the charities that are close to her heart. She works very hard to spread the word about the rare disease Dystonia and tells us about it in this episode, as well as the fund raising she's doing for Dwell Orphan Care. We'll help spread the word for her. All links are on the MRTW website. The Pennsylvania running community is alive and well! Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Fall On the Trail? I'll Help You Stop!

    01/08/2023 Duração: 25min

    #137 - If you find yourself falling during a trail run more often than you'd like, or you're new to trail running and find it much harder than you thought, or if you'd like to get better balance and agility for trail running, this episode will help you! We all take a tumble once in a while, but no one should get tripped up frequently. Trail running is a different sport from road running and should be treated differently. I'll help you out with tips, exercises and ways to think of trail running to keep you upright! All information on the exercises discussed are available on the MRTW website!  Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Pay A Lot or Not?

    25/07/2023 Duração: 32min

    #236 - The running world is filled with tons of financial pitfalls. Some thing in running are worthwhile paying a lot of money for, while other things, not so much. I help to give a bit of guidance this week, by steering you through some of them, helping you determine if some things are worth the extra costs or if they really are not worth it. Of course it's up to you and perhaps you'll have a clearer picture after listening. Note: The trekking pole I talking about is Leki brand, pardon my mistake. Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • A Brief, Strange History of Exercise and Exercise Equipment

    18/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    #235 - We humans have been active, well, ever since we had to run away from dangerous beasts and run towards what might be our dinner. But we never embraced what might be called "exercise" until we were advanced enough to have leisure time. This week, I take a very brief look at the history of exercise as well as a look back at some of our favorite exercise equipment. And it is indeed a brief look because a full history could become a complete podcast all its own. So, if someone wants to run with that, I would take a listen. If you didn't know, the treadmill started as punishment for prisoners in England. And it's still punishment today! Some things never change. Also, did you know that in the Middle Ages, knights exercised by dancing in full armor! Those are just a couple of the fun and strange facts you will learn this week! Links to some of the information are on the podcast website! Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Are You Overtraining?

    11/07/2023 Duração: 30min

    #234 - We all love running; that's why we put so many hours into our sport. We plan our training, we sacrifice much of our lives to train, we spend hours on trails and road to be ready for big races. But, one day, we may find ourself waking up and not wanting to go out on that long run. Our muscles may ache, day after day. We may lose our appetite or lose sleep, or both! These could be signs that you're overtraining. Listen to this week's episode to see if you are one of many runners who may be over doing our wonderful sport! I also give suggestions to help you recover and ways to keep from overtraining in the first place. Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Miriam Gilbert: Come What May, I Want to Run

    04/07/2023 Duração: 38min

    #233 - Miriam Gilbert is back! This is her second time on the show and this time, she back to talk about her knew book, a memoir about her life in running! I'm very excited about having her on again and about her new book. It's a great read and I know you'll want to hear all about it! Come What May, I Want to Run: A Memoir of the Saving Grace of Ultrarunning in Overwhelming Times is the complete name on the book. You'll find links to purchase the book on my website listed below. Miriam doesn't hold back, she's very open about the good and sometimes very painful times in her life. I found myself in tears reading about what she went through. I was touched and moved by her writing! Miriam is a strong runner who gives inspiration and guidance through her own words! Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World websitehttps://www.martha

  • What is Nature Deficit Disorder?

    27/06/2023 Duração: 29min

    #232 - Modern society is spending less and less time outdoors and unfortunately, the effects of this are taking its toll. We runners know how important it is to be outside, to enjoy a great run in a beautiful setting and how much it improves our entire being. If we can't run or can't get outside, we suffer. Humans are suffering, especially children, and Nature Deficit Disorder is what it is called. I talk about this in this week's episode and how we can take steps to stop its effects. All information can be found on the MRTW website. Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • San Francisco Half Day Race & 18 Years of Sobriety!

    20/06/2023 Duração: 29min

    #231 - This week I give my full race report, including why it's now the Half Day race instead of the One Day race. I'll give the ending away: It was a wonderful race! I also talk about 18 years of sobriety and why I drank in the first place. I have peace of mind because of sobriety. I would have nothing without it. Life is beautiful! Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Martinus Evans - The Slow AF Run Club!

    13/06/2023 Duração: 27min

    #230 - Martinus Evans is a man with a mission. He is determined to show the world that people of all sizes can run. He talks about his start in running and why he put together the Slow AF Run Club. This in turn led him to write The Slow AF Run Club: The Ultimate Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Run. He knows that if he can do it, most people can run. And what better and healthier lives we can lead! He's inspiring and his story is great. All his information, including how to get your copy of his book, was well as joining the Slow SF Run Club are on the MRTW website! Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Vince Jones Lives a FULL Life!

    06/06/2023 Duração: 37min

    #229 - To say Vince Jones keeps busy would be an understatement! Vince runs, he's an Ironman, he's on an amateur hockey team and he coaches other athletes. Plus! He's a full-time college teacher. And, has a family! Where does he find the time for everything? That's part of his story this week. I really loved talking with Vince. He has a passion for life, for movement, for athletics, including hockey, as I do and he has a passion for helping others. He also going into detail about the unfortunate accident hat happened to him just recently. I'll let him tell you about that. You'll be inspired and if you're like me, you'll want to fit more activities into your life! Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Stage Races Might Be For YOU!

    30/05/2023 Duração: 27min

    #228 - There are so many types of races, everything from the Beer Mile to very long ultras. One type of race are Stage races. This week, I talk about what they are and why they might be THE type of race you could be looking for! Lots of companies produce these terrific races and I just skim the surface, giving you a taste of what they're all about! All the links for the companies mentioned are on the website.  Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Jim Thorpe - America's Greatest Athlete!

    23/05/2023 Duração: 29min

    #227 - Jim Thorpe, born to the Sac and Fox tribes in Oklahoma, was a natural in nearly any sport he tried. He excelled the most in football and track and field. But his life was far from perfect. He was born in a time that was less than kind to Native Americans, and his home life wasn't easier. This week, I tell Thorpe's tale. We should pay homage to this incredible athlete. He was not perfect, but he represented sports with an undying love that in born in great athletes and he needs to be recognized. I hope you join me.  Support the showMartha Runs the World website

  • Bay to Breakers! Long-Running Race with a Crazy History!

    16/05/2023 Duração: 28min

    #226 - The Bay to Breakers is a San Francisco staple. It's been part of the city's history for over 100 years. It has changed with the times, starting as a way to lift San Francisco's spirits after the 1906 Earthquake, it now takes its place as a nearly regular road race. But that hasn't always been the case. This week, I talk about the race's history, it's start, what's changed and why you might consider running it! Also, stick around because I talk about this year's Sierra Nevada snowpack and how it may affect your mountain races! Walking is FitnessIf you’re looking for a boost of fitness motivation, join Dave for a daily ten-minute...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Support the showMartha Runs the World website

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