The Island Of Sea Women: A Novel

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"This multigenerational tale of women living on an island off the coast of Korea details a world in which women have power and authority and work hard as deep-sea divers. Two women and their friendship are at the heart of a tale in which war and disruption, including American occupation, destroy some lives and alter others. Jennifer Lim . . . is an appropriate narrator who understands the correct pronunciation of local names and locales. The novel is a beautifully written, sublime piece of fiction."


  • 021 TheIslandOfSeaWomen Day4Continued 2008

    Duração: 09min
  • 022 TheIslandOfSeaWomen Part5 Forgiveness 1968-1975 BornACow

    Duração: 35min
  • 023 TheIslandOfSeaWomen Part5 Forgiveness 1968-1975 AGuestForOneHundredYears

    Duração: 49min
  • 024 TheIslandOfSeaWomen Day4Continued 2008

    Duração: 23min
  • 025 TheIslandOfSeaWomen Credits

    Duração: 01min
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