Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church



Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church is a body of believers, called by the Holy Spirit, transformed by the Gospel to enjoy and glorify God as we proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.


  • The Canaanization of the Church Pt 1 - The Human Perspective


    Guest Preacher Rev. Ken Thurman preaches on Judges 1:22 - 2:5.

  • A Good Beginning-the Success of Judah and Simeon


    Guest Preacher Rev. Ken Thurman preaches on Judges 1:1-21.

  • Confidence in the Lord


    Guest Preacher Rev. Ken Thurman preaches on Psalm 27.

  • Prayer and Care in the Body


    As we conclude our study of this letter, James gives us picture of how life should be in the local church. He underscores the culture of prayer and practical caring that should describe our congregation and he demonstrates that we ought to develop a climate of intimacy, transparency, and accountability. Join us as we explore this passage together!

  • Patience and integrity Amidst Duress


    Writing to Christians experiencing various troubles, James encourages his readers to bear in mind that Jesus is coming soon. How does the return of Christ inform and shape our behavior in the troubles of our present lives? Join us as we explore this passage together!

  • Warning to the Wealthy


    In today’s passage James dons the mantle of prophet and delivers an oracle of judgment against “the rich” - the cultural ‘haves' who were leveraging their wealth to oppress the cultural ‘have nots’ that are the less fortunate, including many Christians. James delivers a stern warning in which their materialism and gross ambivalence and abuse of others is addressed. But what does this passage have to say to those inside the church? Join us as we explore James’s warning to the wealthy!

  • Deo Volente


    The pride of life tells us to make much of ourselves and our will. Yet this is the key to despair and anxiety rather than the way to encourage human flourishing. Instead, today’s passage picks up on a theme pervasive throughout Scripture, namely that we are small, and ought to reckon with and rest in the fact that it is the purposes of God that prevail. Join us as we learn what it means to live our lives Deo Volente.

  • The Cure for Destructive Defamation


    James concludes this section on conflicts within the Body by calling us to display the meekness of humility rather than the brazenness of pride. A quiet and gentle spirit that does not see the need to stick its nose in other people’s business unnecessarily will go a long way toward ensuring peace in the congregation… and in our lives!

  • The Path to Peace, Pt.2


    As we continue this section in which James describes the origin and nature of the external conflicts in which we find ourselves, James shows us how God addresses our divided loyalties, subduing us to himself, that we might live the purpose for which he saved us. Join us as we continue our study!

  • The Path to Peace, Pt.1


    We desire peace, and yet conflict and strife seem to be the norm for us. Why so? In today’s passage James confronts us with the true cause of much of the turmoil that characterizes our lives. Join us as we do the difficult job of diagnosing our problem as we make our way down the path to peace.

  • The Lord is My Light and My Salvation


    In this meditation on the first six verses of Psalm 27 we are challenged to depend on the Lord, who has shown himself to David, and us, to be trustworthy.

  • Heavenly Wisdom Described and Demonstrated


    Every civilization and culture operates with a prevailing “wisdom” - an agreed upon and accepted perception of what is important and right and good. Yet as Christians we often fail to recall that we are citizens of a heavenly Kingdom, and as such out to be characterized by our adherence to the wisdom of our King. Join us as we reflect upon the wisdom that should describe us and our actions.

  • Why We Need the Resurrection of Christ


    When we think of all that Jesus did, how does his resurrection fit into it all? Join us as we explore the resurrection and its implications not just for Jesus, but also for you and me!

  • Taming the Tongue


    In today’s passage, the longest continuous treatment in Scripture about our speech, we learn that in the great spiritual war into which we’ve been drawn we are either advancing the purposes of the Kingdom of God or the purposes of Hell. Join us as we learn the great power and potential of our speech, and why we must exert great control over our mouths.

  • Faith Justified


    Today’s passage is difficult precisely because James uses the same language as Paul, but in a way that at first glance seems to directly challenge and contradict Paul. However, bearing in mind that context “is everything,” in today’s passage we learn that the fruit of a living faith are what vindicate, or “justify” our claim to have faith. Join us as we study this famously controversial passage of God’s inspired and infallible Word!

  • Faith That Saves


    It is common for people to ask, “what does saving faith look like?” And in today’s passage we are given a poignant message about what faith is and isn’t. Join us as we explore with James the characteristics of true faith.

  • The Impropriety of Partiality


    In today’s passage James teaches us that we in the church are to learn the culture of heaven, and to live in accordance with the laws of our King. As such, behaviors that may be acceptable in the eyes of the culture around us but are nonetheless antithetical to the Gospel, must be eschewed. Join us as we learn how the priorities of God are to be modeled by us, his children.

  • Pure Religion


    As he continues to develop the idea that true faith is principally manifest not in acts of religiosity but rather in one’s manner of life, in today’s passage James draws out three key traits of true Christian faith. Join us as we get to the heart of what it looks like to have a heart for God.

  • Traits of True Christian Faith: Response to the Word


    In this section we are introduced to the premise that at its core, the Christian life is about rightly receiving and responding to the Word. In this passage James teaches us that who we are socially is the same us that we bring into God’s presence, so our attitude, demeanor, and behavior in all facets of life must be brought into submission to the Word. Join us as we explore how to bridge the gap that often exists between what we confess and what we do.

  • A Matter of Life and Death: Trials, Temptations, and God's Gifts


    In today’s passage our Lord’s brother encourages us with assurances of what God’s character means for our experience of the various trials we face. Join us as we learn what an active awareness of God’s presence and promises means for our interaction with the various situations we face.

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