Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church



Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church is a body of believers, called by the Holy Spirit, transformed by the Gospel to enjoy and glorify God as we proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.


  • The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked


    Guest speaker Rev. Ken Thurman leads us through an examination of Psalm 1, differentiating the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked.

  • The Christian's Need for Wisdom


    Building on the exhortation in verse 2 to “count it all joy” when we face various difficulties, James addresses our need for godly wisdom in order for us to have the perspective and disposition that will enable us to rejoice even when the circumstances of life are hard. Join us as we explore what this passage has to say about God and ourselves in our walk of faith.

  • The Way to Maturity


    Maturity in life comes as a result of growing through lessons and experiences, many of them painful. The same is true with maturity in our spiritual life: it is developed by how we endure and engage with our many and various trials. Join us as we learn from James the attitude that should inform our daily walk in pursuit of maturity!

  • Time Marches On


    In today’s passage we encounter “another” early genealogy, this time culminating with the birth of Abram (Abraham) and his brothers. In the context of these words we are invited to see God’s marvelous wisdom and sovereignty even as we are summoned and invited to trust in his providential rule of all creation. Join us!

  • What is Our Hope in Times of Change?


    Guest speaker Rev. Joshua Rieger leads us through an examination of Psalm 90. This prayer of Moses exhorts us, as Christians, to have an eternal perspective and to trust in the Lord with confidence through all of life's fleeting days.

  • A World of Division


    In today’s passage we are presented with how humanity went from being one family with one language and culture to the veritable cornucopia of diversity we have today. Our world of division and suspicion between people groups is the context into which the Lord sends his people. Join us as we explore the significance of these words for how we understand our own mission!

  • When Fresh Starts Don't Stick


    In today’s passage we see the depressing reminder that even when given a fresh start, we bring our own problems with us. Our greatest problem is not environmental, but rather the sin that lurks within ourselves. Yet even as this passage paints a depressing picture, it nonetheless brilliantly highlights our need for Christ and sheds light on the future work of our Savior. Join us as we learn about the nature of self, sin, and our Savior!

  • God's Covenant with Creation


    In today’s passage we are presented with God’s blessing, ordinances, and covenant that govern life on this planet. In his gracious forbearance God promises not to destroy all life again. What does this mean for us? Join us as we explore God’s covenant with creation!

  • Hope That Things Will Turn Out Okay


    Summary: We live in a world of sorrow, suffering, and strife. In the midst of all that, God promises his people real and abiding peace. Join us as we explore how the coming of Christ at provides the grounding for us to have confidence that everything really will turn out ok, and how that hope can impact our lives in the meantime.

  • Hope That You Really Are Saved


    During the Christmas season we celebrate the advent, or coming, of Christ. Yet what did he come to do? Join us as we discover how his name reflects his mission, and how this gives us hope that he really has saved those who call on his name.

  • Hope that God Will Keep All His Promises to You


    Our experiences have conditioned us to be skeptical of promises, especially when they sound too good to be true. Yet what of God’s promises to us? Join us as we explore the lengths to which God goes to assure us that he can be trusted and may your heart be filled with hope for the future!

  • Hope that Your Story Matters


    With so much trouble around and within us, it can be difficult to be hopeful. Yet despite knowing the gritty realities of life, hope is spoken of 83 times in the New Testament. Each mention of hope is a statement of what God has given believers in Christ. Join us as we unpack how Jesus’s coming gives us hope that our personal stories matter!

  • The Great Flood


    Christians live our lives against the backdrop of the warning of impending judgment upon the world. The account of the great flood shows us how we ought to live in this context, as well as what God’s faithfulness to his people looks like in a world filled with trouble. Join us as we explore what this ancient account reveals for how we should believe and live today!

  • The Suffering Servant of Jehovah


    Guest speaker Rev. Tim Hoke preaches from Isaiah 52, discussing the Suffering Servant of Jehovah.

  • Partnership in the Gospel


    Paul's letter to the Philippians lays out the template for the spread of the gospel through partnership, giving, and prayer. In this sermon, Rev. Zugg speaks about the privilege and responsibility we have to extend God's kingdom.

  • Sola Scriptura: The Clarity of the Word


    Can the Bible be read and understood by average people, or is it only comprehendible by specially trained religious experts? With Scripture, the Reformers asserted that the Bible is able to be understood by common, everyday Christians. Join us as we discuss how God’s self-revelation is intended to spur us into personal engagement with him through his Word thanks to it being understandable.

  • Sola Scriptura: The Sufficiency of the Word


    Does the Bible tell us everything we need to live the Christian life? Or has God not shared with us important things we need? In response to these types of Christians the Reformers proclaimed, with Scripture, that the Bible is sufficient for us to know God and what he expects of us. Join us as we seek to grow in our appreciation of God’s Word!

  • Sola Scriptura: The Necessity of the Word


    The Reformers were passionate about getting the Bible into the hands of the people. Why? Because we need the Word! Join us as we continue our series on Sola Scriptura by discovering how a greater understanding of what we mean when we call the Bible the Word of God and how that informs our desperate need for the Word

  • Sola Scriptura: The Authority of the Word


    Who or what is the final decider of what is true, right, and good? The answer to that question is found in the Reformation slogan “sola scriptura.” We begin our study of the doctrine of sola scriptura, “Scripture alone,” by considering the authority of the Word, and what it means for Scripture to be called “the Word of God.” Join us!

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