Abrahams Wallet



This podcast is for family leaders and those who aspire to think multigenerationally about their money, culture, work, family and community. Living out a multigenerational mindset that embraces good stewardship as a building block of God’s Kingdom on Earth might produce Abrahamic levels of impact. Can you imagine?!


  • Open Enrollment Season!

    11/11/2020 Duração: 51min

    Yes, it's that time of year: a little spiced cider, digging out the scarves from the back of the closet, football games... and open enrollment for benefits! Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss how to make the most of your employer's health insurance, retirement saving plan, and all the other fun (or nerdy) stuff that falls into the benefits bucket. Get into the spirt of the season by reviewing your benefits options!

  • Praying for the President

    04/11/2020 Duração: 26min

    Whoever won yesterday's election, we are to be praying for him fervently. In this short episode, Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel guide you through WHY to pray for our president, and WHAT to pray for our president. Also, Mark has lost his dongle.

  • Huios-level Maturity

    27/10/2020 Duração: 55min

    Steven Manuel sits around a campfire and waxes theological as he describes 5 levels of sonship based on Greek words translated "son" in the scriptures. These levels are not foregone conclusions; they'll require increased levels of diligence, discipleship, and responsibility. He urges men to apprehend that for which Christ has apprehended them, namely, FULL maturity in Christ. This kind of maturity is not being sufficiently preached in modern evangelical congregations... but the ancient truths must be upheld and reiterated no matter what. Join him at the campfire!

  • Ok, should I still be wearing a mask... or buy a gun?

    21/10/2020 Duração: 59min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss the uncomfortable tension between running a home as a church HQ hospitality machine and the present cultural context that seems to be closing in on religious freedom. Do we submit? If so, for how long? Do we resist? If so, at what front? Also, Mark is ready to go to jail.

  • Things to Do in 2020

    14/10/2020 Duração: 35min

    Believe it or not, boys, we're in the fourth quarter. The year is winding down and we here at Abraham's Wallet have a few hot sports opinions on things you should do before the ball drops in Times Square. In this episode Mark and Steven cover everything from family summits to end-of-year tax moves. Hit us up at mark@abrahamswallet.com if you'd like to take advantage of the ground-breaking offer we made to AW listeners in this episode!! Or if you just want to check in. We take all comers here at The Wallet.

  • Financing a House

    07/10/2020 Duração: 44min

    Previously, Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel talked about finding and purchasing a home (there are lots of considerations!). Today, they talk about the various ways to finance (and re-finance) them. Mark borrows from his experience working at Freddie Mac; Steven harkens back to his mortgage brokering days. Make the financing of your home work for you!

  • How to Buy a House

    30/09/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel talk about all the various and sundry steps involved in buying a house. Whether you're a first time buyer or are finally getting into your dream home, they'll help you think through some details you might have missed...

  • Before Your Parents Die

    23/09/2020 Duração: 11min

    Thinking through all the decisions to be made, conversations to have... and passwords to gather. Have you thought about what you'll do when one of your parents die? Probably not. Let us help.

  • How to Use Credit Cards Well

    16/09/2020 Duração: 44min

    I know I know I know - Dave Ramsey told you never to have a credit card. And for some of you that's sage advice, but if you're managing your budget like a boss and don't have any consumer debt in your life, we think there's some treats in store for you simply by taking advantage of the amazing free stuff credit card companies are willing to hand out in attempt to snare you. Because you're running your home like a Biblical boss, we know you'll skirt the snare and run away with the goodies - so in this episode Mark and Steven discuss their favorite credit cards.

  • Apprentice Your Kids

    09/09/2020 Duração: 34min

    Want to teach your kids how to earn and steward financial resources? In this episode we talk through some steps our friend Seth Spading has taken to apprentice his kids - earning them cash, but perhaps more importantly exposing them to many different trades and skills at a young age. We also talk to Mark's daughter about a project that she undertook this summer and how she ended up as a 9 year old general contractor.

  • Talking With Kids About Divorce

    02/09/2020 Duração: 41min

    Steven Manuel talks to Jeff Davenport about talking with little ones (5-9 year olds) about divorce. Should we shield our children from the harsh realities of this fallen world? How long? How do we teach them Biblical fundamentals? When do we start introducing talk about the breaking of God's laws (i.e., divorce), and how? Tune in as old friends kick around a subject every Christian parent will eventually face.

  • Car Buying Do's and Don'ts

    26/08/2020 Duração: 31min

    In this episode Mark sat down with his buddy Murray who has been through just about every car buying scenario there is, and learned a thing or two in the process. Murray went from reactive, fear-based decision making to the shrewd use of debt and careful research as he evolved from car buying novice to auto financing expert. Learn from Murray and avoid some of the pits into which he fell!

  • Business Over People

    19/08/2020 Duração: 22min

    Steven Manuel offers a counter-intuitive perspective on the decision to prefer the livelihood of a business over the comfort or support of an individual. Referencing his days as a hair salon owner, he offers a short lesson in how a business, much like a ministry, is a platform for good works and Kingdom expression. And if that is the case... then the business must be protected!

  • Interrupted Rhythms

    12/08/2020 Duração: 33min

    What should you do when your weekly rhythm runs into a roadblock? This week Mark and Steven discuss how to react when your regularly scheduled Sabbath runs into a conflict or an opportunity. Should you say no to anything different on these set aside days, or is there a way to make your rhythms flexible enough without sacrificing their important place as guide rails for your family?

  • Tying Heartstrings

    05/08/2020 Duração: 39min

    Dads, you have a narrow window of time in which you can tie the heartstrings of your children. Did you know you need to win their hearts in that window? Most dads don't know that they need to be hard at work ingratiating themselves to their children RIGHT NOW. In this pod we discuss the why and the how, with guest Seth Spading.

  • Where to Put Your Stocks and Bonds (Build Wealth Like an Ant, Part 5)

    29/07/2020 Duração: 23min

    We made it - the finish line for our Build Wealth Like an Ant series. Last week we sung the praises of plain old stocks and bonds (aka 'boring investments') and this week we talk about where to put them once you get your hands on a few of those suckers.

  • Our New Biz: The Outpost Story

    22/07/2020 Duração: 49min

    Steven and Mark sat down to tell the end-to-end story of the formation of their business, Outpost Advisors. In this episode we talk through the ways in which Abraham's Wallet served as the catalyst for a new venture, describe why we're hiring more people to grow this company and finally reassure you that Abraham's Wallet will always be a free and evolving resource for you family-building, multigenerationally-minded studs.

  • BlogPod: Build Wealth Like an Ant, Part 4

    15/07/2020 Duração: 13min

    In part 4 we sing the praises of good ol' boring stocks and bonds. No matter how you plan to build and steward the resources that you've been entrusted with, we think that this investment class is worth a good look. There are not many other assets that require so little of your direct efforts in order to grow, and stocks and bonds can provide a fantastic foundation for other wealth-building efforts you might undertake later in life.

  • Mailbag #1: Listener Questions

    08/07/2020 Duração: 52min

    Could we be more excited to answer some listener emails right on the air? Nay. In this episode we hit questions about work, mortgages, tithing, generosity, our content and we even talk about meeting up with listeners in person. Give it a listen then write us your own listener email by sending your thoughts to mark@abrahamswallet.com.

  • BlogPod: Don't Worship Your Job

    01/07/2020 Duração: 17min

    Lately I’ve run into more and more talk from companies who will use language of family (which makes my skin crawl), even religion, to convince employees to sacrifice everything at the altar of profits, which they will disguise with language about vision, culture, inclusivity or whatever they think will adequately mask their true intentions. Some companies, I’m convinced, will do this unintentionally because they have drunk their own Kool-Aid at the highest levels. They really believe that the company doesn’t exist to make profits but to, say, “Improve life.” Some, as you'll see in this episode, do it with very clear (can we say evil?) intentions.

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