Abrahams Wallet



This podcast is for family leaders and those who aspire to think multigenerationally about their money, culture, work, family and community. Living out a multigenerational mindset that embraces good stewardship as a building block of God’s Kingdom on Earth might produce Abrahamic levels of impact. Can you imagine?!


  • HOME: Eldership and Money

    17/03/2021 Duração: 32min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel conclude their series about spiritual leadership at home with a discussion on money (4:15). They review "not being a lover of money" (7:00), being "temperate and self-controlled" (9:30), "not given to drunkenness" (yes, we're talking about money, 12:00), not being "quarrelsome" (15:00), "his children obey him" (18:45), "hospitable" (20:20), and "managing the household well" (26:35). If you don't handle your dough right, you're disqualified for more Kingdom leadership... so let's get this right!

  • HOME: Eldership and Conflict

    10/03/2021 Duração: 01h07min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel continue their series about spiritual leadership at home, and consider that handling inevitable conflict and correction are part of the deal. Have you graduated into true eldership? If not, this episode will help set the Biblical bar for you.

  • HOME: Eldership and the local church

    03/03/2021 Duração: 57min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel continue their series about spiritual leadership at home and how to interface with the local elder/fathers, thick community (12:20), iron sharpening iron (18:00), receiving at a church where you don’t feel to be in submission (43:30), and mutual submission with other believers (53:45). They also talk about naked old men in saunas (it’s not weird).

  • HOME: Eldership

    24/02/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss eldership in the home (8:30): what do the elder descriptions from 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 have to do with home leadership (Hint: a lot. Your home IS a tiny church nugget). They also discuss celebrity conversions (52:00) because they can't help it.

  • DOUGH: LoDoFeb '21

    17/02/2021 Duração: 28min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel talk haircuts, crypto (while Steven eats… forgive us listener), and then review and celebrate LoDoFebruary, their annual season of cost-cutting and self-denial. Then, they go off on a tangent about headphones (24:30) for some strange reason.

  • MISC: Come Work For Outpost!

    15/02/2021 Duração: 20min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel host this special edition of the podcast to talk about a job opening they have at Outpost Advisors. They attempt to do so with a light touch, as usual. See the job description right here, or visit OutpostAdvisors.net and scroll down to 'careers' if you're on a platform that doesn't like our links.

  • HOME: Creating Spiritual Rhythms With Tiny Kiddos

    10/02/2021 Duração: 49min

    Michael Beausejour joins Steven Manuel to talk about what can reasonably be done with young children to develop spiritual capital in them. They discuss goals for infants in arms (6:30), the young father who feels he has to choose between disciplemaking and changing diapers (12:15), how to make Bible reading meaningful for kiddos (26:00), which weekly chores are good for a 6-year-old (31:00), what a normal week looks like in the Beausejour home (31:45), where to start if you’ve never tried to have spiritual rhythms in your home (36:45), and how having godly, just-a-bit-older heroes for our kids is a major win (45:00). Michael has more kids than you do (7 under the age of 8!) so give him a listen.

  • NEWS: GameStop Stock and Market Shenanigans

    03/02/2021 Duração: 20min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel review the latest goings on with definitions of key terms, colorful/questionable illustrations, and sound effects. All in under 20 minutes!

  • DOUGH: Biden's Financial Policies

    03/02/2021 Duração: 01h07min

    Mark Parrett joins Steven Manuel to talk about the coming financial changes under the Biden administration, and how Bibilically-thinking family leaders can prepare their finances for those changes. Mark shares his research regarding Biden’s financial policies (11:30), including tax changes, charitable giving (17:00), Roth IRAs (24:00), real estate investing (27:45), estate tax changes (33:30), and free money for first-time home buyers (50:20)… Steven also rants about inflation (51:15). The fellas finish with an assurance that you don’t have to agree with us about any of this (1:04:00).

  • HOME: Navigating A Biden Presidency

    27/01/2021 Duração: 01h26min

    Steven Manuel and Jeff Davenport get together to discuss a new president, new policies, and how Biblical family leaders should get upstream of today’s most pressing cultural issues. They discuss how to pray for President Biden (9:15), failed election prophecies (13:30), and what the Biden administration promises to look like culturally (and how we might respond) (20:30). Jeff also describes his love of Larry King, and shares his timeless impersonations of Tom Brokaw and Keith Jackson.

  • MISC: The Urgency of Discipleship

    20/01/2021 Duração: 01h13min

    In a recent talk given at the semester kickoff of a Cincinnati-based discipleship group (Jump School, http://www.crossroads.net/jumpschool), Steven Manuel shares that, when institutions around us are shaking, it becomes clearer that tethering ourselves to God is job one. Discipleship is urgent business.

  • Best Books From 2020

    13/01/2021 Duração: 01h10min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel are joined by Jeff Davenport to review the best books they read last year. They also cover reading books to your children, whether the modern man has the mettle of men from 1895 (he doesn't), and what the novelization of Rocky III can teach us about race relations (nothing).

  • A sneak peak at YOUR 2021

    06/01/2021 Duração: 08min

    All we've got for you this week is a quick admonition to take a gander at your own upcoming year. Set some goals! We can help with that. Back to our regularly scheduled programming next week.

  • Where to keep your cash

    30/12/2020 Duração: 48min

    A few weeks ago we discussed how financial ratios (along with many other tools) can be used to measure the financial wellness of your household. A big driver of those ratios is the cash you've got on hand - but where should you keep cash? We explore different types of accounts and wrap up 2020 with a highly practical episode for our crew of Abrahamic family leaders.

  • Conversation with Aaron Renn of The Masculinist

    23/12/2020 Duração: 59min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel have a chat with Aaron Renn, hitting issues like how the home interfaces with the church, on being fiscally conservative (Aaron has never spent more than $5K on a car), and how the Masculinist became their favorite emailed newsletter.

  • Christmas? Making Traditions and Celebrating

    16/12/2020 Duração: 38min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel consider celebrating Christmas for the Jesus-loving family. Is it right? Is it pagan? What about yule logs? What about lighting up the front yard? What about giving gifts? Anyway, they discuss it all. And whether or not a Charlie Brown style tree is charming or just plain pathetic.

  • Don't Give Away Any Money! (Until you know your Family Vision)

    09/12/2020 Duração: 42min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel enter the year-end giving season by discussing the idea that family vision drives financial giving. Mark lets Steven pull apart, in real time, his family's vision statement, then together they take that vision statement and apply it to several year-end giving opportunities that have come the Parretts' way. Steven also gives tips on giving to individuals vs. organizations, giving to the local church, how to be a hilarious giver, and not giving only to "needs".

  • Using Ratios to Take Your Family's Financial Temperature

    02/12/2020 Duração: 14min

    Quick hit this week to give you a few ratios that you can use to check in on how your family is doing when it comes to spending, saving, giving and managing debts (both good and bad). Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and we'll be back next week with a full length episode.

  • Don't Fear Death (or COVID) with Roger and Linda

    25/11/2020 Duração: 35min

    Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel sit down with Roger and Linda Manuel (Steven's parents) in Houston, Texas and talk about what pervasive fear looks like, what the Bible says about fear (and death)... and whether or not being burned at the stake is a good thing.

  • HSA Hacking

    18/11/2020 Duração: 36min

    We referenced this podcast a while back only to discover that we never actually recorded a podcast about HSA hacking. So this week we bring you a sneaky way to save extra dollars in a tax-free account. This hack is only for those already maxing out their 401k and IRA options, but can be a great way to save for the future! Link to the article: https://abrahamswallet.com/2019/07/30/hsa-hacking/ Link to Outpost Advisors: www.OutpostAdvisors.net

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