Startups For the Rest of Us

Episode 499 | The (First) Six Stages of SaaS Growth - Part 1



This week is a conversation between Rob and Jordan Gal, the founder of Cart Hook. We dig into the six stages of SaaS growth. We compare our journeys 1:1 between growing Drip and growing CartHook. It's shocking how well the journeys line up with each other. Some of the differences in the journey are also quite striking. This episode is part one, and part two will go live later this week. Jordan started CartHook as cart abandonment software and became a checkout replacement solution for Shopify. He has been on the podcast a few times answering questions, and he has spoken at MicroConf a few times. He is also the co-host of the Bootstrapped Web podcast. The finer points of the episode: 6:00 - Stage 1: Prelaunch 8:33 - How to create your own luck when your SaaS app is in the prelaunch phase 13:37 - Stage 2: Post Launch 14:25 - The journey to finding product-market fit 22:25 - The most challenging parts of the journey for Rob and Jordan 23:29 - Stage 3: Product Market Fit Items mention