2 Minutes Chinese (mandarin)

20069 easy



It's easier said than done. (traditional) 説起來容易 做起來難 / 站著 説話 不腰疼  (simplified)  说起来容易 做起来难 / 站着 说话 不腰疼 * say, speak    説,説話//说,说话 difficult   困難,難//困难,难 著/着   after a verb, means keeping the action status. E.g. 站 means the action "stand”, 站著/站着 means continue the stand action     hurt, ache  痛,疼,疼痛 站著説話不腰疼/站着说话不腰疼 literally means when a person stand talking, no waist ache. He should try to sit talking, then he will know the waist will hurt. So actually means it's easier said than done.