Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day



A weekly, quick podcast of about 5 minutes that features a tip about the paleo, ancestral, or barbarian template type of lifestyle. A succinct summation by your own PaleoJay!


  • Our Medical System is BROKEN!

    17/04/2024 Duração: 06min

    Most Americans nowadays are severely overmedicated, malnourished, and sick!  This sounds like an extreme statement, but is nevertheless true.  Most adults are on a number of drugs, from anti-depressants, statins, high blood pressure drugs; drugs to help you sleep, and drugs to wake you up.  The average number of drugs the average American is on at any one time, are 7.  At a cost of $1200 dollars per year, per person.  Of course, this is excluding the cost of going to see the medical doctor, and whatever procedure he decides you should have… Oftentimes, procedures and tests are given that result in huge bills for the patient, and those expensive tests are totally unnecessary.Also, you can be prescribed drugs for which the doctor receives a ‘kickback’ of commission for prescribing them.  All of this is ethically highly dubious, but it goes on regardless.  Is it any wonder that medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcy?  Perhaps this is why anti-depressants are one of the biggest drugs to be prescri

  • Wulf and the Son of Man audiobook

    30/03/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    An Easter StorySupport the show

  • Introduction

    23/03/2024 Duração: 09s

    A Barbarian in Chicago full audiobook by Jay BowersThis episode, I decided to include the audio readings of my book.  I write under the names Jay Bowers, and Jess Thornton.I hope you enjoy it!Support the show

  • The Northwoods

    23/03/2024 Duração: 54min

    Chapter 1Support the show

  • The University of Chicago

    23/03/2024 Duração: 01h14min

    Part 2Final part 3 published soon...Support the show

  • Escape from Decadence

    23/03/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    Chapter 3Support the show

  • What You Need For Health podcast

    01/03/2024 Duração: 07min

    I know, you’ve heard it from standard medical advice your whole life:‘You don’t need supplements!  Everything your body and mind needs is in the food you eat!’Well, this might have been true, even a couple of hundred years ago, to some extent.  But nowadays, when the majority of the ‘fake, engineered foods’ most people ingest; things like seed oils instead of real animal fat, and soda pop and fruit juices instead of actual water, and fast food fake meat and white buns instead of real pastured meat- well, most of us don’t really eat real food anymore!A good first step for most of us at this point is to make a real commitment to health and wellness- commit to eating a carnivore diet!  This means that you forget all the junk you’ve been eating, and just eat meat, salt, seafood, and eggs for awhile.  Nothing else!I know, I’ve preached a good paleo type of diet for a long time now: meat, eggs, seafood, along with full fat dairy, fermented yogurt and kefir, and even a bit of sour dough bread from time to time, alon

  • 2024 New Year- New You!

    25/01/2024 Duração: 07min

    New Year New YouNow I don’t mean that each year you should try to become a brand new person!  Not at all.  What I expect of each of us is to gradually learn about ourselves and our environment, and by self-observation and gradual study, to improve ourselves steadily, both physically and mentally.I’m not kidding; I know this sounds pretty crazy in a way, but I really do mean it.  While we do age and deteriorate in some ways, we should also learn going forward, and progress in any way we can.  I mean, it’s not like we forever get stronger and faster- no, we do not!  We should just change our focus…I used to do heavy single lifts to my max- now, I don’t.  In my 70’s, I don’t want huge mass, either on my body in the form of muscle, or on the barbell itself.  I can achieve what I want nowadays better with repetitions, and usually better on gymnastic rings than with the bar.  I’ve also discovered that shorter, although quite intense workouts, work better than long, marathon types of training.  I’ve found that short

  • Taper Back your Workouts! podcast

    26/12/2023 Duração: 09min

    Your daily workouts are crucial for your body, and mind!  Not only in the gym, or your living room, but outside and in the woods, roads, and park.  They don’t need to be written down or chronicled, or obsessed over.  Not at all! But they do need to be something that you fit into your daily life, as an important part, forever.When I was young, 20 or so, I started seriously working out with strength training.  As a skinny distance runner in high school running cross country, which was only 2 and 1/2 miles, I was not at all pleased with my progress!  I wanted to be like a superhero- strong, fit, and above all powerful.  So I started lifting weights, as so many do, 3 times per week.  Simple routines, of bench press, dips, military press, squats, bent over rows, chins, military press, and deadlifts.Let me tell you; if you are young and implement such a strategy, you will very soon no longer be skinny!  It will really build you up, both inside and out.  Next, you will get into nutrition, and healthy eating.  If you

  • Magnesium Oil for YOU!

    22/11/2023 Duração: 05min

    You don’t have enough magnesium!  Probably, because almost no one does.  The levels have been dropping in food sources for decades, and the diseases and illnesses caused by this lack are growing by leaps and bounds:  high blood pressure, inability to sleep and relax, migraines and headaches, arthritis, diabetes (studies show magnesium is necessary to properly convert carbs and sugars), and the list goes on.To even metabolize vitamin D you need adequate magnesium, and many mental phobias such as anxiety are linked to inadequate levels, and it also appears to be a shield of sorts against Parkinson’s and Alzheimers.Magnesium even is crucial to enable bone mineral density in post-menopausal women, along with relief from constipation (by relieving the smooth muscle in the gut) and also of gut problems and indigestion.Magnesium oil seems to me to be the best vehicle to bolster your levels!  If a food source has to be consumed and pass through your gut, only a fraction will be absorbed.  I injured my shoulder, and s

  • Oral Health for Total Health podcast

    27/10/2023 Duração: 08min

    Perhaps you’ve heard that our ancient Cro-Magnon ancestors in Europe of perhaps 35,000 years ago and more tend to have near-perfect dentition, despite not having toothbrushes, floss, or dentists…Why do you suppose this is?  And it’s not because they lived such short lives that they didn’t have time to develop cavities and the like.  Some did die young; indeed, such active lives in the outdoors, hunting with primitive tools and fighting large animals took their toll.  But, as always when comparing mortality in ancient times, we often forget that mortality figures are skewed by infant mortality in those times before hospitals and birthing assistance.  Many infants (and young mothers) dying in childbirth just make overall death rates far more likely, and much younger.Indeed, many Cro-magnon men and women, once they reached adulthood, went on to live quite long lives.  After all- they all exercised intensively, perforce, and ate a wonderful, Paleolithic diet of mostly meat, with some fruits and vegetables, when a

  • Live in the Country!

    27/09/2023 Duração: 10min

    Let’s say you are young, 18-22 or so, and just starting out in life.  You are hopefully well educated, and undoubtedly have some ideas of what you want to do, and how to support yourself, hopefully along with a family before too long.  Along with basic questions of career, and just how to get started, you really should consider as vitally important just where you should live!  City and metropolitan area, suburbs of a large city, or small town and country?Well, since the largest cities, like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Detroit are now all crumbling, crime-infested snake pits- well, I would avoid them at all costs.  Especially if considering a family!  The school systems in such places are horrible beyond words, as are all public works they control; things like water supplies are largely contaminated, crime is both unpunished and out-of-control, and the very air you breathe there is filthy.  Suburbs around cities tend to be much nicer, but the cost of housing in such places is prohibitive. 

  • Go Carnivore... For A While!

    03/09/2023 Duração: 06min

    Hopefully you’ve heard by now of the Carnivore Diet!It is very easy to understand; this is part of its charm.  You can’t go wrong- you only eat meat.  For some, like Jordan Peterson and his daugter, you only eat beef, and salt.  (If they don’t, they suffer debilitating autoimmune conditions, and massive depression).  And so, they follow this diet of necessity.  It is kind of, in my mind, an extreme paleo diet.  Kind of an ice age diet, as if you were living during the last ice age, and only animals were available to eat and so survive.  NO plants, or mushrooms… NOTHING.And so, why should you, a fully modern human, with grocery stores and endless foodstuffs available, follow such a restrictive diet??Well, if you have just about any health condition,, like diabetes, or psoriasis, or obesity- you are SURE to improve! Link to Dr. David Unwin on low carb versus diabetesAnd, just to point out- a Carnivore Diet is a NO CARB diet, by definition!!  Not just low, but NO.And

  • Fit and Healthy at Any Age

    01/08/2023 Duração: 06min read and hear all the time about how we all should do certain things when we reach a certain age.  If not, we are being irresponsible…It starts really young: get your baby vaccinations- a LOT of vaccinations, all at once!  (NOT a good idea. much better to space them out over years, and even better to pick and choose amongst the many pushed.). For instance: flu vaccine and coronavirus for babies??  Terrible idea!As for the dozen or so usually pushed for infants, I would explore which ones are really necessary!  (Recommendations change, but the number of vaccinesalways goes- UP!). If you or yours has a new baby, research this.  All vaccines are definitely NOT your baby’s friend.Now, I am not at the infant care level anymore, although I am soon to become a grandfather yet again.  (Hurray!) My daughter knows all about appropriate, and non-appropriate vaccines… But let me say here- if you give your infant the flu vaccine and the coronavirus vaccine , among others at tha

  • Build Yourself for Strength and Resilience podcast

    26/06/2023 Duração: 06min

    I just fell down, hard!I went out to the garage, in the rain, and slipped on the mud around our new sidewalk landscaping project.  It’s been dry here for so long that I think I forgot how to walk on mud, and my legs shot up in the air and I crashed down on my back.  I was fine, and so just got what I came out for, and went back in the house.But it got me thinking:  I’m 71 years old now.  Such a fall might have laid up many folks, and severely shaken many others, so that their back, knees, or other body parts would need medical attention.And that is my point- I am perfectly fine, although a bit dirty.  In fact, upon reflection, I realize that physically, I can do anything I could do when I was 35, or 25.  In fact, I am actually quite a bit stronger and more flexible than I was at those younger ages, and a m quite resilient overall.  Mentally and physically, I can do anything I want to, and never even consider my age in choosing activities to participate in.  I say this not to brag, but to point out that any of

  • What is Most Important in Your Life NOW?

    17/05/2023 Duração: 11min

    Hello, and welcome to the Smoothie Cafe!   We are here traditionally discussing health and fitness from a Paleo Diet point of view.  A smoothie, made preferably in a Vitamix, is key to maximizing your nutritional density intake, and that is still my belief.  But as in anything looked at honestly for a while, say 10 years or more as it is here, new facts come in, and opinions alter…As it is in life!  When you are young, say in your teens and twenties, you are rightly concerned with getting started in life.  You want to be strong and healthy, but much of it is to attract and establish a life with a like-minded mate.  This is right and natural.Much of your youth is fixated on finding the proper path (job), and the right place to live, and raise a family.  Traditionally, this was just on finding a place to live near your job, that was safe and with good schools, etc.  But, with the advance of Democratic socialism/liberalism, this has been perverted.  Now, you need to find a place that is not contaminated by ‘woke

  • Rolll With the Punches!

    23/04/2023 Duração: 07min

    I am at an odd place right now.  It’s now even that crazy, but it does confuse me- I have gotten a new computer!  I know, that actually sounds good, not bad… but trust me: I was so used to my old computer that, even though it was slow, and sometimes frustrating- at least I always knew where things were, and how things worked in general.  Nowadays, however, although my computer is really, really fast- my prep work on things is really slow.  I can’t find where my podcasts are, my apps are all updated and different, and so it goes, on and on.  And I think that life, in general, is often like this.  We work really hard on something, say to change our diet.  We switch from the SAD American diet to paleo, and then we replace most carbs with protein from meat and dairy.  We become much, much healthier, and hey- what could be wrong with that?Well, our friends might treat us differently.  They might denigrate us, saying that our diet is not healthy at all, since it is high in fat, and we don’t do enough ‘cardio’.  We

  • How to Achieve Lifelong Health and Fitness

    15/03/2023 Duração: 11min

    It’s really not that hard to accomplish.  The information is all there, unfortunately, much of it is obscured by people ‘selling things’, such as offering an easy way.  That is indeed the problem: no matter how hard you look, online, on TV or on YouTube commercials- there really is no easy way.  But there is a simple and effective way! Eat an ancestral, or paleo type of diet.  High animal protein, meat, and dairy.  Some vegetables, with cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, and small amounts of lettuce with olive oil and avocado and coconut oil types of dressing.  Seafood and eggs are wonderful as well; but the bedrock of your diet should be pastured meats and dairy, in particular ruminant meat, such as beef.  Like our ancestors ate long ago, and evolved alongside throughout the long ice age- mammoths, aurochs, and cows.  Same types exactly, that turned vegetation, however sparse, into protein-dense meat!And now we get to lifestyle, and the huge bugaboo of exercise.  For be assured that diet is c

  • The Liberal, Leftist, and self-styled Elites are Totally Wrong!

    21/02/2023 Duração: 10min

    ABOUT EVERYTHING!I know, that sounds a tad extreme…  but it is true, nevertheless.  I started out today thinking about this while listening to a podcast by Shawn Baker, a carnivore  doctor who has a podcast, and youtube videos about the subject.He was interviewing a former vegan, as he often does.  This was a man who almost died of his long-term veganism, and saved himself and his wife by becoming carnivorous.  The numbers of such misguided people seem legion, and they stick to this vegan notion of health well past the point where you would think that anyone would wake up!  They become walking stick insects, with (ironically) bloated bellies, incredibly weak, and with brains that are confused and very unhappy overall.  The almost universal result with such vegans is that, once they try eating meat, sometimes after many years of not doing so, it is as if ‘The lights come on’, and they finally feel alive!  Why does this realization take so long for these folks?I think it is the same shuttered state of mind that


    06/02/2023 Duração: 10min

    Was it really for almost 3 long years that we had to wear useless masks, had our churches and schools largely closed, and we were forced to inject into our bodies toxic MRNA fake vaccines that didn’t even work to protect us?  And that now are proving to have done irreparable harm to our bodies, making us prone to myocardial diseases of the heart, often fatal?Yes, that is exactly what we’ve lived through- the biggest scam and hoax in history.  We are still not supposed to talk about it, as we continue to pretend that Dr. Slouchi is a veritable god, instead of a madman.  But, I am here to tell you now, that it is OVER.  Don’t ever allow something like this, a toxic Democrat autocratic Big Lie to happen, ever again.  It’s time for all of this to turn around.  For big medicine, big pharmaceuticals, big government, and big top-down control are all evil, and actually what the United States was founded to eliminate!  We need to get back to basics: self-autonomy, where each of US decides what is best for our own heal

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