Weight Loss Nation



Weight Loss Nation is NOT a Diet! Weight Loss Nation is a LIFESTYLE. It is the one place to find the tools you need to live a long-term healthy lifestyle. The one location for online support, guidance, recipes and video demonstrations to assist you in cooking simple and healthy meals. We eat REAL food. If it grows out of the ground, hangs from a tree, roams the Earth, flies in the sky or swims in the ocean.....we EAT it!. No GMO, We stay away from "boxed" food as much as possible. This has to last a lifetime....so we make it easy and delicious!We have Mentors from the health & wellness industry ready to guide you on your journey. Go to www.TheWeightLossNation.com for more details.


  • Welcome Back Diane Daniels

    14/10/2020 Duração: 18min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation...... I'm back! www.TheWeightLossNation.com I'm over this COVID thing! I've spent the last 14 months worrying, being scared, living an emotional roller-coaster, and ... EATING! I allowed FEAR and the UNKNOWN to control my life and my actions led me down a path of destruction. I gained almost ALL the weight I lost. I allowed FEAR to open the door to negative feelings, guilt and emotional eating. I battled childhood feelings over my father, who died this past March..... and COVID was the straw that broke the camel's back! I was despondent, afraid, lost and disgusted with myself. Then....... I spoke to a friend of mine named FRANK ATKINS.  Frank is a spiritual coach, who deciphers biblical principals, in a language anyone can understand. Frank recently published his book, "Faith Without Religion." I congratulated Frank, and I told him I would purchase the book and give him a review on Amazon. When the book came, I looked at the cover and quickly flipped through the over 400 pages of text.

  • Are Your Hormones Making You Fat?

    12/07/2019 Duração: 50min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Subscribe to Weight Loss Nation! How many of you have hormone problems? I'm certain many of you do....especially women! Hormones are messengers in your body that help regulate all the systems in your body.  Dr. Mariza Snyder is a Functional Practitioner and Chiropractic Physician. Dr. Snyder is also the author of - "The Essential Oils Hormone Solution: Reclaim Your Energy & Focus and Lose Weight Naturally" Here's a "Sneak Peak" of what Dr. Snyder and I discuss in today's episode: 1. What are Hormones? 2. Which hormones are most prevalent in Women? 3. What are Essential Oils? Dr. Snyder provides an online quiz to see if your hormones are in balance. Take the FREE quiz here: www.DrMariza.com/Hormonequiz Dr. Snyder states that "Essential Oils" help stimulate the production of hormones to assist in balancing your body systems. In her book, Dr. Snyder discusses the "5 Pillars of a Foundational Lifestyle." Dr. Snyder lists the 5 Pillars as: 1. Nutrition 2. Exe

  • How About Some Chocolate Mousse For Dessert Tonight

    14/06/2019 Duração: 13min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com     Host -  Diane Daniels   Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse Ingredients 6 ounces dark chocolate dairy-free (Taza Wicked 95% Dark Choc 2 Bars) You can use whatever brand of Dark Chocolate you want. Make sure the chocolate has 80% of Cacao in it.  I use Taza “Wicked Dark” Chocolate bar. Taza has one of the least processed Dark Chocolate in the friggin world. With the “Wicked Dark,” containing 95% Dark Chocolate, SWEET is NO longer in the equation. We’re talking HEALTHY HERE! Go to www.tazachocolate.com to purchase “Wicked Dark” Chocolate Bars. Dark chocolate gives you a variety of antioxidants including POLYPHENOLS!! Antioxidants help prevent damage in your body caused by oxidative stress and harmful free radicals. That means Dark Chocolate with 80% or more cacao….is part of our PAC MAN Family!!   1 15 oz can unsalted chickpeas BPA-free. BPA is that crap in the lining of cans that can get into your system. Causing toxicity and whatever. ¼ tsp cream of tartar 1 tsp

  • Achieve Your Goals by Resisting Fear With Courage

    31/05/2019 Duração: 42min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com How many times has "Fear" prevented you from doing something?  Fear comes in many forms. Procrastination is one form. I know....   I've "procrastinated" doing something MANY times in my life! Depression is another form of Fear. Hiding from your emotions or feelings.....because they make you feel sad, overwhelmed, anxious is another form of Fear. How do you get rid of Fear?  One way..... is "Focusing" on your Goals. One of my favorite sayings is ........ "The only obstacles you will see..... is when you take your eyes off of your goals." Think of a time in your life when you achieved a goal. How did you complete it? One reason is that you "focused" on that goal and you didn't allow "distractions" to come between you and your goal. FOCUS is extremely important when you set out to achieve your goals. Any kind of distraction.... social media, phone calls etc. will keep you away from working on your goal. Soon.....those distractions add up and your goal seems imp

  • E Coli Epidemic From Tainted Gound Beef Reaches 10 States

    17/05/2019 Duração: 27min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) estimates about 48 Million people get sick each year from Foodbourne Illnesses. In 2018, The U.S. Population was 327 Million People..... 48 Million People is almost 15 PERCENT of the Population! That's INSANE! Of those 48 Million People....About 128,000 people are hospitalized and around 3 THOUSAND people DIE from Foodbourne Illnesses each year in the U.S.  More and more cases of E Coli from tainted Ground Beef, are spreading nationwide.  The CDC reported on April 12, 2019, that E Coli contaminated Ground Beef was the culprit in an outbreak that crossed the borders of 6 States. That was in April.......To Date..... 196 people, from 10 Different States, have contracted the Shiga Toxin producing E Coli (STEC) strain, that causes Illness. Two types of E. coli that cause foodbourne illnesses diagnosed in the United States are Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and entero-toxigenic E. coli (ETEC). STEC are a

  • LOVE Every Living Thing That Comes Into Your Life Today S4 EP011

    03/05/2019 Duração: 19min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com   LOVE Everything that comes into your life today! SMILE at Every Person......SMELL Every Flower......PET Every Animal....Every Living Thing is A GIFT.....Just for YOU!  Accept that Gift and use YOUR SENSES to RECEIVE that LOVE! SMELL the Flowers......LOOK that Stranger in the Eye and SMILE......LISTEN to the Dog who Barks & Wags his Tail at you......FEEL the Breeze on your face! GIVE LOVE to EVERY Living Thing that YOU come into contact with Today!! SMILE at a Stranger.....THANK the person who holds the door open for you......GIVE some change to the Homeless person who holds out their hand.....WHISPER to a child who is crying "Hey Beautiful....it's Ok....SMELL the beautiful Flower that is right in front of you! When YOU GIVE LOVE .......YOU Will RECEIVE LOVE Back 3x More than You Gave! LOVE Every Living Thing You Come In Contact With Today...... Watch What Will Happen to YOU! Do You Want to SLAY Emotional Eating? Do You Want to SLAY Binge Eating? Do You

  • When Nobody Supports You...Do This! S4 Ep010

    26/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com   Here's A GREAT Tip that will STOP family, friends even strangers from Sabotaging your healthy lifestyle! Go buy a 4" x 6" Index Card. Buy a LOUD Colored Card....Neon Green or Neon Yellow. In your best handwriting....with a magic marker...write this on the card...in BIG .... Capital letters.... NO......THANK YOU! Get the index card laminated. Then carry this "Secret Weapon" with you! The next time someone says to you...... Would you like a piece of bread? Would you like some more pasta? Would you like some cake? Shove your secret weapon index card in front of the person and let them read it! The person will read it ....and...they will LEAVE you alone! I bet they will even "apologize" for saying it! This works Nation! Here's my FAVORITE saying..... "The Only Obstacles You Will See......Is When You Take Your Eyes Off Of Your Goal." Stay Laser Focused! Super Tip #2 Carry your bottle ...or container of water with you wherever you go! When people see you with a

  • How Cherry Pie Is Helping Me SLAY Emotional Eating

    23/04/2019 Duração: 27min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Here we are in mid April! April Showers bring May flowers! I have a question for you.....How many of you would describe yourself as an "Emotional Eater?" I AM.....I have spent my WHOLE Life being an Emotional Eater! NO MORE!! I am on a MISSION to SLAY Emotional Eating in 90 Days! Why??? Because Emotional Eating is taking a toll on me and it is Preventing me from Achieving MY Goals! I'm on a 90 day mission to SLAY Emotional Eating! Join Me! If you'd like to be part of the WLN Community.....go to www.facebook.com/groups/TheWeightLossNation It's Free, it's SAFE.....it's a place where women come to share....listen....and GROW! If you have a question you'd like me to answer...send me an email....send it to Support@TheWeightLossNation.com   Are YOU POOPING EVERYDAY! I Am! I drink my TEA 2x a day....Ice Cold when it's warm, nice & hot when it's cooler. Want to start Eliminating Waste, Toxins, Virus & Bacteria from YOUR Gut? Try the TEA! It works! Go to -   

  • Drink This Much Water Everyday to Lose Weight

    19/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com We ALL drink water everyday.  How much do you drink in a day? Did you know YOUR Body is made up of about 60% water? Your body uses water in ALL of it's cells, tissues and organs.....to regulate body temperature.....and to maintain other body functions. Your body loses water everyday when you sweat, through digestion....and.....BREATHING! You REHYDRATE by drinking fluids and eating food with water in it. How much water you need depends on a lot of things. Do you live near Fairbanks, Alaska....where the average temperature RARELY gets over 75 degrees?  Then....you're not sweating that much.  Or....do you live near...... New Orleans?....which is the most HUMID city in the U.S......bet you thought is was Florida! I did.  if so.....you're sweating pretty much all the time and you NEED to rehydrate often. How active are you? Are you a couch potato? If so...... you're probably not going to get dehydrated.  But.....if you exercise or do physical activity for 30 minu

  • Feel Happiness Today without Food!

    05/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com   Today.....I'm going to be Happy! I'm going to be Happy...and.....I'm going to FEEL Happiness....without EATING! I NEED to FEEL the Happiness fully....without food. I want you to be Happy today! Smile at a stranger today....I promise they will smile back...or....give you a second look! One or the other will happen. Go do something you enjoy doing! Go walking...go swimming....go read a book! Whatever you want to do ....that will make you happy. While your at it....go back and listen to S2 Ep004, which came out on 11/17/16.  I interviewed Patricia Noll the "Happiness Coach" and I want you to feel HAPPY as much as you can today! Thanks to Pachyderm for the Happy Song! If you are an Emotional Eater and an Overeater...and you want to SLAY Emotional Eating....join me in the Weight Loss Nation Community... You will be in a SAFE Place....to share your thoughts...feelings...emotions with our community members.... who feel just like you! I welcome YOU to the communit

  • Are You An Emotional Eater And An Over Eater?

    29/03/2019 Duração: 24min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Here we are at the end of March....AND....I just had an AHA moment. A BIG one! So BIG...that it has caused a "Transitional Shift" on my Weight Loss Journey. I just realized after two years....(not kidding)....that I NEVER need a "Take-Out" box, when I go out to eat. Almost everyone around me, usually takes a portion of their food home with them. NEVER me! I also started playing "pickleball." Ever heard of it? It's a combination of tennis, badmitten and ping-pong. You usually play with a partner and the court is smaller than the size of a tennis court. You also play with a plastic "wiffle" type of ball and the racquets are square! I LOVE it! Another physical activity I want to do! Well, I started playing....and after just a few games, my knees are killing me! I'm in MUCHO pain! I figured out that my body is telling me....."Diane, you are still too heavy for your joints." I NEED to lose more weight to keep the burden off my knees and ankles. How much?? I have

  • Suck on This Lady!

    15/03/2019 Duração: 16min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Delicious Blueberry Popsicles   Prep Time – 5 minutes   Ingredients   2 Cups of Fresh Blueberries ¾ Cup of either   a. Chobani Non-Fat Plain Yogurt  or So Delicious Coconut Milk Unsweetened Vanilla Yogurt Alter ½ Cup of Almond Butter  ( I use Artisana Raw Organic Almond Butter)                   Go to  www.ArtisanaOrganics.com 1 teaspoon of Vanilla  (REAL Vanilla has no alcohol in it.) Vanilla EXTRACT does contain Alcohol as a preservative.  The most sought after type of REAL Vanilla is Madagascar Vanilla. As the name suggests….the Vanilla beans or pure extract come from the island of Madagascar. Madagascar is about 266miles off the East Coast of South Africa….or directly East of the country of Mozambique. Madagascar Vanilla is expensive. For a 2 oz. bottle on the Amoretti.com website,  you will pay about $11.99. By Comparison…..Vanilla Extract…which does contain alcohol, can be bought at your local supermarket. I priced a 2 oz bottle of “McCormick’s” Vani

  • This Vegetable Was Good Enough For The Roman Emperors S4 Ep004

    15/02/2019 Duração: 18min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com https://shop.totallifechanges.com/34605577/enrollment   Today, I'm going to tell you a little bit about Broccoli! Broccoli is a super vegetable that is being harvested NOW! Broccoli is planted in the fall & the spring, since Broccoli loves the cooler temperatures and full sun. Broccoli is part of the Brassica Oleracea species, which includes cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussel Sprouts, Collard Greens and Savoy Cabbage. Broccoli comes from the Italian word ...... "Broccolo," which means.... "The flowering crest of a cabbage".....or a.k.a.  ......"cabbage sprout."  Broccoli has been recorded since the times of the Roman Empire! But..... in the U.S.....Broccoli has only been popular since 1925! China and India are the largest producers of Broccoli, with 73% of the world's Broccoli product.  In the U.S.......California is the largest producer of Broccoli producing over 92% of the annual product. Arizona is second. All the States have Broccoli as a crop, depe

  • Is Thai Food Good For You? S4 Ep003

    05/02/2019 Duração: 20min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com It's Tuesday.....A Tampa Bay Tuesday as a matter of fact! I'll be reviewing a local restaurant in the Tampa Bay area. For those of you vacationing in the Tampa area, or...... for those of you who live in the Tampa Bay area and are looking for a restaurant with "healthy options" on their menu, this is for YOU! Today, I'm reviewing .......... Thai Sweet Basil. A Traditional "Thai Cuisine" restaurant, that is located in the Northdale - Carollwood section of Tampa. #ThaiSweetBasil is located at 3875 Northdale Blvd, across from Whole Foods. The restaurant is owned by "Ally," who came to America 6 years ago. With a lifetime of cooking traditional Thai cuisine experience, Ally wanted to open her own "Thai" restaurant, to give the Tampa Bay area a place to go for delicious, traditional Thai food. Thai Sweet Basil won't disappoint! The decor is nothing to print a magazine article about. But...I wasn't there to review the decor. I was there to review the food! As soon

  • Crockpot Dinner to Keep You Warm During the Polar Vortex S4 Ep 002

    29/01/2019 Duração: 13min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com What's with the FREEZING temperatures? I feel for all of you in the Midwest and North East! For all of you....I have a special recipe to warm you right up! Crockpot Southwest Chicken & Beans Ingredients 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 15oz can of pinto beans 1 15oz can of black beans 2 28oz cans of Diced Tomatoes in juice 1 lb frozen organic corn 1 12oz jar of salsa (no sugar added)   Instructions 1. Place the Chicken Breasts on the bottom of the crockpot. 2. Pour the Tomatoes and Salsa over the Chicken. 3. Pour the Beans and Corn over the Chicken. 4. Cook on LOW for 5-7 hours.... until the chicken falls apart when you stir the pot. 5. Serve out 1 Cup portions   Nutritional Value Serving Size - 1 Cup Calories  243 Fat  3gms Sodium 300 - 600mg (depending on which brands you use) Potassium 925mg Carbs  28gms Sugar 3-4gms (depending on which brand you use) Protein  25gms Each cup has tons of Vit A, Vit C, Calcium, Iron and Vit B!   Let me know how yo

  • Why YOUR New Year's Resolution is Going to Fail!

    15/01/2019 Duração: 25min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Happy 2019! It's a NEW Year! You have a clean slate! Leave any negativity you had behind you. Every New Year's Eve....Millions of people make New Year "RESONLUTIONS." All these people are ready to take on the world to.....Lose 100lbs.....Make a Million Dollars....take a trip "Around the World,"......and many, many other types of RESOLUTIONS. The "hard" fact is.......just about 8% of people will achieve their New Year's RESOLUTION.  Why you ask? It's a simple answer. The majority of us have competing priorities in our lives. We have kids, we have pets, we help take care of our parents, our grand-parents.....we volunteer at very passionate places....AND.....we WORK! It is soooo difficult to meet an outrageous, difficult RESOULUTION, while you are "Living" your life! The Fact is..... HUGE New Year RESOLUTIONS are a "set-up" for Failure.....right from the start. Let's look at an alternative. Make a TANGIBLE....AND......ATTAINABLE GOAL! Let's use this example....

  • What Does The Color of My Poop Mean? S3 Ep051

    21/12/2018 Duração: 33min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com https://Shop.TotalLifeChanges.com/34605577/Products   What Does the Color of My Poop Mean?   Here we are towards the end of December! Wow! The Holiday season is cranking. Today, I’m going to be speaking to you about the COLOR of your Poop. That’s right….the COLOR of your Poop. It’s important to know about what the color of your Poop means. We all are familiar with the shades of Brown Poop. The oh-so-familiar brown poop. Brown Poop is NORMAL! But…….what about the other colors Poop can be? Let’s take a look at some other colors your Poop may be.   Yellow If you see that your Poop has some shades of Yellow, you may have eaten a meal that was extremely high in fat. Yellow Poop could also mean your intestine is not absorbing nutrients properly. You could also have Celiac Disease or another Digestive issue. Call your Doctor if you see Yellow Poop more than one time.   White, Pale or Clay colored Poop Your Bile Duct could be blocked or you may not be producing

  • Have Dessert On Thanksgiving S3 Ep050

    02/11/2018 Duração: 20min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com It's November.... The Holidays are Here! Let's plan for Thanksgiving Now! Whether you are hosting Thanksgiving at your house or you're visiting family & friends, I have the perfect dish for you to make for dessert that everyone will enjoy. If you "Plan" out what you are going to eat on Thanksgiving Day, you will "Enjoy" yourself and still maintain "control" of what you eat. Call and find out what is on the "menu" for Thanksgiving. Write down what you are going to eat. If you want to have stuffing, then have it! Just "control" how much of the stuffing you are going to eat. I'm going to have ONE Healping Tablespoon of Stuffing. I'm going to have ONE Heaping Tablespoon of Sweet Potato Casserole and I'm going to fill up on Turkey and vegetables. Then...for dessert...You'll be bringing it!  Don't worry about ANY other Dessert that is on the table. Don't even look at it. You are bringing a DELICIOUS Baked Apple Pie without the Crust! A healthier, Yummy Dessert

  • Lose 5 pounds in 5 days! S3 Epo49

    26/10/2018 Duração: 25min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! The Weight Loss Nation https://Shop.TotalLifeChanges.com/34605577/products I'm going to be talking about "pooping" and detoxing your intestine today. It's very important to "poop." Your body excretes excess waste, toxins, fats and bacteria from your body.  I asked my Doctor how often should I be "pooping." She told me everybody poops differently. My doctor also told me the average cycle of "pooping" is from 3 times a day down to once every 3 days. "Pooping" improves your digestive health. Today and next week we are going to be talking.... a lot....about "Poop." I've always had problems "pooping." I suffered all my life with constipation. I use to EAT a lot of processed foods.....fatty foods.....and I EAT a "large amount" of food. These are some ways that cause constipation. Being Pre-Diabetic or having Diabetes can also cause Constipation. Since I started living a long-term healthy lifestyle TWO years ago.....I improved my "constipation" problem.  NOW.... I wanted to improve the freque

  • Make Me Happy Soup! S3 Ep048

    12/10/2018 Duração: 24min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Welcome to Autumn! I love the month of October! I miss seeing the leaves change color, but the pictures I have stored in my memory are serving me well, while I live in Florida. The fall also brings up fond memories of my grand-mother cooking pumpkin and squash this time of year.  Butternut Squash is soooo good for you! Here are some incredible healthy reasons to eat Butternut Squash: #1.   1 Cup of Butternut Squash has about 500mg of Potassium, which helps lower your blood pressure. #2.   1 Cup also contains about 7 gms of Fiber, which will prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive tract by supporting the "good bacteria" in your gut. #3.   Butternut squash is loaded with vitamin A—one cup of squash has over 350 percent of the recommended daily allowance , which is important for healthy eyesight.     #4.    Manganese is also in Butternut Squash, which helps your body maintain healthy bones.  #5.   With half of the daily required dose of Vitamin C

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