Paul Angelo, a Polish immigrant from Tarnów, is a gay matchmaker and a relationship coach working exclusively with gay professional men over 40 who are ready for a serious relationship and marriage. By 2016, Paul has spent over 7,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships. With over 50 video testimonials and over 350 YouTube videos, Paul is the worlds leader in gay education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality.
Gay Life Coaching: Authenticity Required For Happy Gay Life
22/03/2015I think it is impossible to live a happy gay life without authenticity. I don't believe it's possible to live your purpose, your vision, and accomplish your goals unless you are completely authentic as a gay man. So if you are living two kinds of lives, at work you are "straight acting" and at home and with friends you are yourself, you are setting up yourself for a life that doesn't work long term. This duality kind of life where you switch your mind depending on the environments, leads to confusion, depression and unhappiness. Additional explanationsWhat do we call such dual existence and why is it so destructive? We call it lack of congruence. When you don't have congruence, eventually your mind will start to create contradictions because in one area of your life you will become person A and in another area of life you will become person B.And when you have this split you will also not be able to be your best self - your highest self. You will spend so much energy on remembering on