Free Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, life coaching and self development audios. In a world of never ending challenges how would your life be improved by reducing stress, anxiety, low self esteem, worry or changing bad habits that you just cant seem to shake? Become a master of your own life and unlock your full potential with this free podcast. Each episode includes practical self help tips and advice covering a wide range of challenges that you might be facing in your everyday life. Alternative Process Therapies are here to support you through whatever life throws at you.
Overcome flying phobia with hypnotherapy
24/04/2019 Duração: 35minPodcast 29: How to overcome flying phobia with hypnotherapy Today I’ll be briefly talking about Pteromerhanophobia – flying phobia Why and how some people experience this type of phobia And my 5 top tips to help you overcome this type of phobia which includes how you can use hypnotherapy to make your next flight more enjoyable. There will also, as usual be a free audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. This week’s podcast is part of a mini series which started with episode 26 where I talked about anxiety, in episode 27 Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy I looked at general overview of phobias. If you have a fear of flying you’ll probably already know a lot of the information in this podcast so we’ll take a general overlook of the fear. It’s a very common fear, one I’m contacted about quite often, especially this time of year and towards summer when people are thinking about going on holiday. As with all fears and phobias it might be one of many differe
Overcome dentist phobia with hypnotherapy
26/03/2019 Duração: 40minPodcast 28: How to overcome dentist phobia with hypnotherapy Today I’ll be briefly talking about Odontophobia – dentist phobia Why and how some people experience this type of phobia And my 5 top tips to help you overcome this type of phobia which includes how you can use hypnotherapy to make your next dentist appointment more enjoyable. There will also, as usual be a free audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. This week’s podcast is part of a mini series which started with episode 26 where I talked about anxiety, in the last episode Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy I looked at general overview of phobias. The NHS website states that 1 in 4 people dread going to the dentist, if you are one of those who go cold at the thought of the dentist this podcast is for you. You might have had a bad experience or felt a build up of negative feelings around the dentist. Perhaps you’ve heard a horror story or been influenced by horror movies. However you have
Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy
16/11/2016 Duração: 40minPodcast 27: Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about What a phobia is Why we experience fears and phobias And my 5 top tips to overcoming phobias including how you can use hypnotherapy to change your phobic reactions. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. In episode 26 I talked about anxiety and how you can manage this with hypnotherapy. This week's podcast follows on from this so please go back and listen for more information on anxiety. A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or an animal. Phobias are more exaggerated than fears. A fear might make you feel a bit anxious where a phobia can become so severe that a person might begin to organise their whole life around an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation, an object, an animal or a bodily function. This can be very restrictive and can cause a lot of unnece
Overcome anxiety with hypnotherapy
19/10/2016 Duração: 43minPodcast 26: Overcome anxiety with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about Back to school stress The different challenges you might face And my 5 top tips to help you control anxiety including how you can use hypnotherapy to reduce anxiety There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. In episode 15 I looked at stress and how you can manage this with hypnotherapy and I’d highly recommend listening to this as it will give you more information on how stress affect us and the other challenges that stress and anxiety can create within us. I also don’t want to repeat all of the info from that podcast so please, go back and have a listen after this podcast! Anxiety is a by product of stress, that old saying there’s no smoke without fire well, there’s definitely no anxiety without stress. You might experience Racing thoughts Rapid heartbeat Sweaty palms Blushing Tightness in your throat A churning in your stomach Th
Overcome morning routine stress with hypnotherapy
20/09/2016 Duração: 38minPodcast 25: Overcome morning routine stress with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about Back to school stress The different challenges you might face And my 5 top tips to help you overcome any unwanted feelings during the school run, including how you can use hypnotherapy to manage your back to school stress and make your mornings more enjoyable. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. At the beginning of the school holidays I spoke about how to overcome summer holiday stress so now the kids have gone back to school it seems like a great time to talk about how to overcome morning routine stress. There are some common challenges most parents face in the morning which include Not eating breakfast Arguing they want the TV on Not getting dressed or washed when you ask Not brushing their teeth properly Lost lunch bag Can’t find the book bag Can’t find their shoes How many times do you have to ask them
Keep healthy with hypnotherapy
29/08/2016 Duração: 36minPodcast 24: Keep healthy with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about Keeping healthy Why we experience random illness And my 5 top tips to keeping healthy including how you can use hypnotherapy to boost your immune system and fight off any random illnesses. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. When I talk about feeling healthy in this podcast I’m referring to your usual state and illness as those pesky colds, coughs and other bugs we catch from time to time, especially as the weather starts to cool down over the next few weeks. These illnesses could be a bacterial infection, which is caused by bacteria, or a viral infection which is caused by a virus. Each of these types of infection can cause fever or irritability so it can make it difficult to figure out where you got sick. Both types of infection are spread in basically the same way. When we pick up an illness it can leave us feeling pretty wiped
Improve sports performance with hypnotherapy
15/08/2016 Duração: 37minPodcast 23: Improve sports performance with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about How to make the most of your skills when you’re playing sport Why some people experience performance anxiety And my 5 top tips to help you improve sports performance which will include information on how you can use hypnotherapy to perform with confidence. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. The Olympic games Rio 2016 are at the halfway mark and with another week of action to come I thought now would be a great time to talk about getting the most out of your skills and improve sports performance. You need to train your body so you are performing at your best ability but what happens if our mind isn’t part of this training regime? I quite like the analogy of being in a boat that needs to be rowed towards your goal. One oar is training hard and making sure you keep your body fit and healthy, trying to row with just thi
Overcome alopecia or hair loss with hypnotherapy
08/08/2016 Duração: 38minPodcast 22: Overcome alopecia or hair loss with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about Stress related hair loss and alopecia How stress can cause hair loss 5 top tips to help you manage stress and also how you can use hypnotherapy to help you overcome the symptoms of alopecia There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. There are many reasons this could be hereditary, a side effect from medication, age related pattern baldness or many other reasons so if you are experiencing hair loss it’s always a good idea to speak to your GP. We’ll be focusing on stress related hair loss today but if you’re losing your hair because of another reason hypnotherapy can still be helpful, if you’re stressed because of the hair loss the stress could cause more hair loss so reducing stress is always a good idea! There are a few different types of alopecia Alopecia areata – this is patches of baldness that are a bit bigger tha
Overcome summer holiday stress with hypnotherapy
01/08/2016 Duração: 35minPodcast 21: Overcome summer holiday stress with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about Summer holiday stress Some of the challenges parents face in the 6 week holiday The common effects of longer term stress and 5 top tips to overcome summer holiday stress including how you can use hypnotherapy to manage summer holiday stress. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. The summer holidays are here, 6 weeks of holiday for the kids which can be quite difficult to manage as an adult. Whether you work or not children can be a challenge! Juggling your responsibilities is hard enough when the kids are at school so having the kids at home can cause all kind of different challenges and more summer holiday stress. If you work you might need to take time off or need to cover the cost of a childminder. Which is difficult if, like me, you’re self employed. It can be a challenge trying to get everything done and stil
Stop nail biting with hypnotherapy
19/07/2016 Duração: 35minPodcast 20: Stop nail biting with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about Why people bite their nails The negative impacts this can have And my 5 top tips to help you stop the habit We will also look at how you can use hypnotherapy to change your subconscious patterns and stop nail biting for good! There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. Why do people bite their nails? Nail biting is usually a subconscious pattern that you're unaware of doing. Is it just your nails or do you chew or pick the sides of your fingers or your cuticles too? This is usually a bad habit that kids grow out of in time, or are shamed into stopping but some people continue to bite their nails long into adulthood where it can have many different negative impacts Are you more prone to nail biting when you're Bored Tense Stressed Anxious Tired Busy People bite their nails for different reasons. Is it a time killer or a stress manag
Fly with confidence with hypnotherapy!
11/07/2016 Duração: 36minPodcast 19: Fly with confidence with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be talking about fear of flying, how this is commonly experienced and how you can use hypnotherapy to help you fly with confidence. Listen to the podcast for my 5 top tips for a calm, relaxed state of mind. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. Are you one of the many people who find it a bit nerve wracking to fly? Does the thought of it give you butterflies or knots in your stomach? Fear of flying is one of the most commonly experienced phobias, ranging from mild anxiety to full blown panic which can feel irrational at times. A fear of flying can interfere with holidays with loved ones or business travel which could make you avoid that career you’ve always wanted or going to that country you’ve always wanted to visit. A holiday is supposed to be relaxing, if the thought of flying makes your blood run cold it can make what should be a relaxing experien
Motivation to exercise with hypnotherapy!
04/07/2016 Duração: 33minPodcast 18: Motivation to exercise with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be talking about exercise, what happens if we don’t exercise and the benefits of regular exercise. And also how you can use hypnotherapy to build your motivation to exercise. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. In the last two podcasts I’ve talked about building a better body image and how to manage your weight with hypnotherapy. These podcasts link together with this week’s to form a strong base that will help you achieve the ideal you. We live less active lifestyles nowadays, we relax in front of the TV or computer and we walk less than ever. Using cars or public transport to get around. Fewer people are doing manual work, more jobs involve sitting at a desk now. Machines wash our clothes and dishes which is really helpful but means we move less and burn less calories than we would have in past generations. I love my dishwasher and I couldn’t im
Manage your weight with hypnotherapy!
21/06/2016 Duração: 47minPodcast 17: Manage your weight with hypnotherapy. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you change your weight in a relaxed and stress free way. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. In the last podcast I talked about how you can build a better body image with hypnotherapy. If you haven’t heard this yet I’d highly recommend going back to this if you’d like to feel better about yourself and love the skin you’re in. Next week I will be discussing how you can build motivation to exercise with hypnotherapy. Before you listen to this podcast you need to decide if you just want to lose weight, or do you actually need to lose weight. Do you have an altered body image. This can be hard to judge if you think friends are just “being nice” wen you ask them about your size or shape. Always speak to your GP before losing weight, you might be experiencing thyroid or other problems. Check your BMI, is this over 25 Pain in your
Build a better body image with hypnosis
13/06/2016 Duração: 36minPodcast 15: Build a better body image with hypnosis. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you manage the symptoms of stress effectively. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. It’s good to be aware of how you view yourself, body image is how we see ourselves, having a negative or distorted body image can cause some serious problems if left unchallenged. Being overly critical can lead to you feeling self conscious about the smallest perceived imperfections, things other people wouldn’t even notice are blown out of proportion until they become an obsession, a source of unnecessary anxiety. With body shaming posts asking if you’re “beach body ready” already appearing on social media do you feel beach body ready? If you’re on a beach and you have a body you are beach body ready! No matter what your shape or size, why not try loving the skin you are in imperfections and all. Are you a perfectionist or overly critical
What is stress and how can hypnotherapy help
06/06/2016 Duração: 45minPodcast 15: What is stress and how can hypnotherapy help. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you manage the symptoms of stress effectively. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. So what is stress? A good definition of chronic stress is having too many demands and not enough resources. On the other side of the scale having too few demands and too many resources will leave you in a state of boredom or apathy which can be just as damaging. You need to get to a level where your demands match your resources even if this is at a bit of a stretch at times. Our bodies try to maintain an ideal balance, a constant internal environment, this ideal balance is called homeostasis -Homeostasis in a general sense refers to stability or balance within a system. Maintaining this stable internal environment requires constant monitoring and adjustment as conditions change. A stressor is anything that knocks you out of this balan
Chronic pain management with hypnotherapy
30/05/2016 Duração: 41minPodcast 14: Chronic pain management with hypnotherapy. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you manage the symptoms of chronic pain. There will also be a free hypnotherapyaudio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. Why do we feel pain? Pain is a signal that tells us something needs addressing. Our bodies can only communicate with us through sensations. This includes telling us where the pain is, is it continuous or varying and can range from mild pain to excruciating agony. We have many different word to describe pain and discomfort this might be sharp, dull, throbbing, nagging, it could be a burning sensation or itchy, an ache, a numb or pins and needles type feeling. Pain can be an indicator of many different things so it’s important you don’t self diagnose. Get checked out by your GP and make sure you follow any advice they give you. Chronic pain can be a mild inconvenience or totally incapacitating. Acute pain, this starts suddenly and is usually sho
Overcome depression with hypnotherapy
24/05/2016 Duração: 43minPodcast 13: Overcome depression with hypnotherapy. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you manage the symptoms of depression. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. Depression is a very complicated subject, people can experience mild, moderate or major depression. Major depression is among the worst diseases a person can suffer. To really understand depression we need to look at the biology of depression as well as the psychological factors. It can be hard to admit you are depressed as it can be judged as a self indulgence or an illness for those who don’t just pull it together in times of stress or anxiety. Have you ever been told to just “pull yourself together”? Would a person with a broken leg be told to just walk it off! Depression affects an estimated 350 million people around the world. Today’s podcast will include a technique you can use to build the resources you will need to overcome depression. The
Manage psoriasis and eczema with hypnotherapy
17/05/2016 Duração: 38minPodcast 12: Manage psoriasis and eczema with hypnotherapy. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you manage the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema with suggestions to reduce the amount of discomfort and disruption these cause. There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. Stress causes a strain on the immune system, short term stress can boost the immune system but long term stress causes a fatigue – this stress on your immune system can cause an outbreak of psoriasis or eczema. Do you find you experience a flare up of psoriasis or eczema when you’re under pressure? When you have a lot to get done or when an unexpected stress or drama in your life pops up? Hypnotherapy can be used in many different ways to reduce stress and to help build coping strategies to deal with the challenges you face on a daily basis. Hypnotherapy can also be used to boost your confidence and self esteem, it's common to need a bit of a boost if yo
Exam confidence with hypnotherapy
10/05/2016 Duração: 31minPodcast 11: Exam confidence with hypnotherapy. Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you build your exam confidence and keep calm during exams, including top tips for exam success! There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. In last week’s podcast I talked about how you can use hypnotherapy to help you study with confidence so if you haven’t listened to this yet and you still have some studying to do I would recommend having a listen to this, especially if you’re finding it hard to study as there are some great tips to help you study more effectively. With exams coming up for people of all ages I thought now would be a great time to talk about how stress can cause all kinds of problems if it’s not properly managed as you go into an exam. Today’s podcast will include suggestions to help you stay calm and focused during your exam. There are numerous techniques that can help you study with confidence so if you find you
Study with confidence!
03/05/2016 Duração: 37minPodcast 10: Study with confidence! Looking at how hypnotherapy can help you study more effectively, there will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again. The podcast was inspired by something I saw on facebook this week and thought now would be a great time to talk about how hypnotherapy can help you to study with confidence. In next week’s podcast I’ll be talking about exam success and how you can use hypnotherapy to help you succeed in exam situations. Relaxation techniques like hypnotherapy help you create the same calm and relaxed mental state you need for success, it's in you right now so all you need do is teach your sub conscious mind to narrow its focus and you will be able to study more effectively. You can train yourself to focus on any chosen goal where and when you need to, becoming the master of your own concentration! Imagine how confident you will be going into an exam knowing that you have studied to your full

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