Hot Game Magnet: Board Game Reviews



Alison and Justin, a hot couple and board game enthusiasts, review all their favourite hot board games, so you can be up to date on whats hot in the world of tabletop games. Reviews of exciting games from Kickstarter and established games. Discover the features of board games from replay ability, how to win, component pieces, cost, expansions and the impact board games have on a marriage. Join them as they discuss whatever games they feel magnetised to.


  • Century: Golem Edition Review

    13/02/2024 Duração: 21min

    Century: Golem Edition is a re-themed version of Century: Spice Road set in the world of Caravania. In Century: Golem Edition, players are caravan leaders who travel the famed golem road to deliver crystals to the far reaches of the world. We recently had the opertunity to play this popular reimplementation of Century: Spice Road from Plan B games.  We had the chance to play more than a few games at the time but we chose to play Century: Golem more because it's a very fun game. The Mechanics, which are exactly the same as Century: Spice Road, are well designed and elegent. The theme and components are what took the game a step above for us. It's beautifully illustrated and well crafted with colorful "gems" and great inserts for easy set up. Having played it we love it, but is it worthy of a spot in our collection? Listen to our Century: Golem Edition Review to find out.

  • Hadrians Wall

    30/01/2024 Duração: 39min

    When visiting the North of Britannia in 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian Augustus witnessed the aftermath of war between his armies and the savage Picts. In a show of Roman might, he ordered a wall to be built that would separate the Pict tribes from the rest of England. Grand in its design, the wall stretched 80 Roman miles, from coast to coast. In the game, Hadrian's Wall from garphill games and Bobby Hill with art by Sam Phillips, it's your job to spend 6 years building and improving a 1-mile section of the impressive megastructure. each year you receive resources which you must spend wisely to make your mile castle prosper and repel the pictish attacks. Although it is an intimidating game out of the box it is quick to learn and forgiving despite its complexity. If you enjoy games such as Dinosaur Island Roar and Write, or Raiders of Scythia this game might just be the perfect addition to your collection. 

  • Marvel Dice Throne

    15/01/2024 Duração: 26min

    This week we talk about and do our Marvel Dice Throne Review. We've been playing this one for a few weeks after I found it on sale in EB Games. I've kind of wanted this one for a while because I've heard good things about Dice Throne, and I like Marvel stuff. Alison was not so keen on the Marvel stuff, but it is fun to compare the mechanics between this and similarly themed Games.  In Marvel Dice Throne, you become one of eight of Marvel's most famous heroes, including Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, and Miles Morales Spider-man! We actually only played with Scarlet Witch, Loki, Thor, and Miles Morales Spider-man since the other four characters are sold seperately. That bieng said, we have had plenty of fun with just them. Is Marvel Dice Throne fun? Absolutely. Is it better than the other Marvel themed games that we have played? Listen to our Marvel Dice Throne Review to find out what we thought.

  • YEWU2023

    18/12/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Wow! 2023 is already almost over. The Holidays are on, and the new year is just around the corner. It has been a great year for us at HotGameMagnet. We got to play so many fantastic games. In fact, if i had any complaint it's just that we didn't have enough time to play every game all of the time. I guess that's somewhat unrealistic. Actually, I have another complaint. It was really hard to go through all the games that we played this year and pic only a few favorites. Let alone our top game of 2023! It took us a while but we managed to narrow down the list to a few absolute dynamite selections. These games were jsut amazing, but we can only pic one game of the year each. I wonder if you can guess which was my favorite.  Listen now to find out!

  • Septima kickstarter review

    05/12/2023 Duração: 44min

    We have a certain style of game that is what we consider to be perfect. It's not perfect for everyone but it's perfect for us. We like an upper medium weight game with great art, and an interesting theme that takes about 90 minutes to play for two players. There are a ton of games that fit these criteria but not all of them have the magic that makes a game great. Luckily this week's game, Septima from Mindclash games, is all about magic. Septima is a competitive, high-interaction strategy game of witchcraft. As the leader of a coven, you strive to overcome your rivals to become the worthy successor of Septima, the High Witch.  Don't be misled. Septima is not a competitive blood bath of dark magic. You are not the villain, but instead you win the game by overcoming the suspicion of the towns folk and improving their quality of life. I wouldn't expect a thank you though. The towns folk have a lot of suspicion to overcome, so you can look forward to evading witch hunters and saving your coven from the dreaded wi

  • KSRU NOV-2023

    20/11/2023 Duração: 42min

    It's time for Kickstarter Round-up November 2023! Hello fellow board game addicts. It's time to find out what games are hot and why we think so! After all, we are called Hot game Magnet for a reason. It's not because we like magnets. We do like magnets, but not for podcasting purposes.  OMG! There are so many great games on kickstarter right now. In this episode we talked for 40 minutes and only got to about half of the ones we think are worthy. That being said the four games we do discuss are dynamite, and you should definitely buy all of them. LOL! Listen in as we discuss the pros and cons of each entry because that's what our Kickstarter Round-up November 2023 is all about. We do the hard work so you can get down to the fun of buying all the games we ourselves might not be able to afford. Seriously. They should make a support group for people addicted to boardgames.  

  • Fuzzlets - creator interview

    07/11/2023 Duração: 33min

    We are always on the lookout for boardgames that the kids can enjoy. It's so important to find ways to engage with them and draw them away from wanting to spend all their time watching Youtube or playing video games.  Fuzzlets looks like a fun and easy to learn game that on it's own merits will porbably be a winner with the family. However, where it realy shines is it's unique use of generative AI to allow backers of the project to make high quality custom artwork using there own drawings. I know my kids will love this and I'm exceted to see how well the technology works. This week I speak with one of the creators of Fuzzlets, Fabrice Nadjari of Mini Studio. He has some really interesting ideas about the future of AI and custom print to order games. He also speaks about the origin of Fuzzlets and Mini Studio, as well has his plans for the future of the company. 

  • DAWN

    23/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    Social deduction games are really fun. However, it's hard to find social deduction games that work with low player counts. Many of the most popular require minimum player counts of five or even more. There are some that work well at three players and very few at all that can be played with two. Additionally, it is common to run into troubles with players being knocked out of the game too early and not having fun. All this is to say that we get really excited when we find one that addresses all these issues and is still fun. Dawn is a social deduction card game of choices. In Dawn, players come together to try to build a village in the hills of ancient northern Europe.  Some players will want to cooperate to build a flourishing community, but the temptation will always be present for people to underhandedly seek glory at the expense of everyone around them by building up their own personal treasure.  Dawn works really well at three players because of its unique semi-coop mechanism that allows players to choose

  • Kabuto Sumo

    10/10/2023 Duração: 36min

    It's generally frownded upon in civilized society to make your pets fight other peoples pets for entertainment. Their are a few exceptions, like pokemon, or when you have multiple suitors. Another exeption is Kabuto Sumo.  In Kabuto Sumo, you battle for supremacy in the ring with your own pet bettle wrestler. The gameplay of Kabuto Sumo resembles the coin-pusher arcade games in which you strategically drop quarters and anxiously anticipate coins cascading off the platform. This game features a similar experience, with you trying to strategically slide pieces onto the board and push the other players out of the ring. It's an exciting combination of dexterity, strategy, and luck.  

  • Fire Tower

    26/09/2023 Duração: 27min

    One bit of warning. If you are hoping to play a game about saving the forest from fire, then this is not that game at all. Your goal is basically the opposite, and you win by spreading the fire as much as you can to burn up every other player's fire tower and be the last player left alive. It's actually very fun! LOL!

  • campy creatures

    12/09/2023 Duração: 25min

    When I was a kid I used to pretend that I was a mad scientist and I used my science skills to make insain monsters. All for the greater good of Humanity of course. I recently discoverered Campy Creatures, a game about pretty much exactly that. I was imediately attracted to the cool retro-style artwork and the evil science theme. I was worried that it might be to simple but was plesently surprised by a level of engaging but simple game play that I haven't seen since love letter. Campy Creatures is a  game of bluffing, deduction, and set collection for 2-5 players. Players begin each round with the same hand of creatures. Their goal is to capture valuable mortals by outguessing their opponents with the creatures they play. Each player has perfect information at the start, so knowing what a person might do in a particular situation is key.  

  • Unmatched

    29/08/2023 Duração: 37min

    What's the most fun thing about board games? For me it might be the opportunity to explore stories and possibilities through imagination while being able to engage with others and the game. For others it might be to crush their enemies, see them driven before them, and hear the lamentations of their women. To each their own, I guess.  We recently got to play Unmatched battle of legends vol 2 and I absolutely love the imaginative and playful aspect of being able to match up legendary, mythical, and literary characters in a combat free for all for 2 - 4 players. It's highly asymmetrical but well balanced with simple rules. Plus, I get to find out how spiderman might do against Achillies, or how Sherlock Holmes would fair against Dracula. Alison likes being able to crush her enemies and see them driven before her. Unfortunately, this game does not come with the lamentations of women. 

  • viking see-saw

    15/08/2023 Duração: 34min

    Sometimes the simplest games are the ones you play the most. Viking See-Saw is a new game from Itten Games and game designer Dr. Reinerkunitia. I'm a big fan of this Japanese boardgame company. They make beautiful small games that are deceptively simple and surprisingly fun. Viking See-Saw is the first game from their new Funbrick series of games. 

  • expeditions

    01/08/2023 Duração: 36min

    Expeditions is a new game within the 1920+ universe that was created by artist Jakub Rozalski. The game designer Jamey Stegmaier previously partnered with Jakub to create Scythe, which is a hugely popular game with multiple expansions. It also happens to be in my top 5 all-time favourite games.  Expeditions is clearly something very new. It has the look and feel of Scythe, but the mechanics are substantially different. So much so that there is no way that one could consider expeditions to be another expansion to Scythe.  We absolutely love Scythe, but having played it to death it has been a long while since we have been able to enter into the 1920+ universe of Jakub Rozalski. In expeditions the art is still provocative and engaging. I was instantly drawn to the story. However, what really makes or breaks the game is how well the new mechanics work. Does this new game capture the same feel as Scythe? Is it different enough to be worth playing? Does it live up to the hype of being a true sequel to Scythe, or co

  • KSRU July 2023

    18/07/2023 Duração: 48min

    Hello fellow board game addicts. Are you looking for someone to help enable your cripling addiction? If yes, then you're in luck because this week we talk about all the games I currently want to buy and think that maybe you should buy as well. Listen in as we discuss the pros and cons of each entry and ultimately decide to buy everything. LOL! 

  • Strange Things -UPSIDE DOWN-

    03/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    I always want games based on IP that I love but most of the time games based on popular shows or TV are pretty terrible. Consequently, I avoid buying games that are officially licened for TV and Movie IP. That being said, there are some exeptions. So far a have encountered a few very good games based on popular IP. Usually these games are from game companies that specialize in high quality board games with a strong focus on well developed game mechanics and high production value. THus, when I saw that CMON had produced a striaght to retail board game for stranger things (one of my favorite netflix shows) I knew that the game would probably be pretty good. After all CMON produced and outstanding game for the Godfather among others. I expected high quality mini's and components, Thematic game play, and unique well developed mechanics. Does Stranger Things -UPSIDE DOWN- live up to my expectations, and also provide a good game experience, or does the alchememy of CMON+Netflix not quite work? You should probably l

  • Zombicide Gear Up

    20/06/2023 Duração: 31min

    Zombicide: Gear Up Review & Kickstarter Roundup. We have a few favourite things in boardgames. We like co-operative games. We like fast gameplay and replayability. We love Zombicide, but we also love compact games with quick set up and breakdown.  When we discovered Zombicide: Gear Up we honestly didn't think it was going to be very good. A Cool Mini or Not game with no miniatures? A Zombicide game with no modular map and senerio book? Flip and Write? How could this possibly work? It's just not Zombicide! We thought all these things and asked ourselves the questions but I bought it anyway because it was inexpensive and I was curious. I'm Glad we did! Holy cow! I continue to be amazed at how well CMON is able to adapt the Zombicide theme to new mechanics. The game is fast, fun, and absolutely feels like Zombicide. We talk about Zombicide: Gear Up more in the episode and we also do a very quick round up of some the the games on kickstarter and in retail that we think might be amazing!

  • Excavation Earth

    06/06/2023 Duração: 32min

    There are a lot of board games about buying and selling in a market. It's a very popular drama, and having played more than a few I can tell you it's actually very fun. Especially when you have a really cleaver premise combined with great art and solid mechanics. Ecavation Earth lets you play as an alien archaeologist scowerinng the ruins of humanity on an abandoned earth looking for cool stuff to sell or put in meusemums. It's full of helarious little easter eggs,but more importantly it's a very fun well designed euro. 

  • Rhino Hero Super Battle

    23/05/2023 Duração: 25min

    Sometimes the things you suspect you wont enjoy turn out to be the things you enjoy the most. For example, lots of people think PB&J is gross without even trying it, but their wrong. I never wanted to play Rhino Hero Super Battle because I didn't like the yellow box. How silly was I. This is easily one of the best kids/family games I've played. 5 out of 5! I guess you really can't judge a game by its box. In other words, everybody should at least try PB&J. LOL! Also, we talk a bit about whats currently on kickstarter that looks good or interesting.


    09/05/2023 Duração: 39min

    Hidden Movement is one of the most thematic mechanics in board gaming. There is just something about sneaking around the game board and springing traps on your opponent that really sucks you into the fantasy world of the game. Beast by Studio Midhall is a perfect fit for this mechanic. I can't say enough how fun it is to sculk around the shadows of a primordial forest as an immense mythological monster. It is very satisfying to see your opponent struggle to figure out your whereabouts before you strike. Almost as satisfying as when you are playing as a hunter and manage to smite the beast.  

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