Dr. Melissa Grosboll Show



Discover simple tips and tools to help you achieve better health using the five keys to ultimate health - nutrition, exercise, rest, mental attitude, and properly functioning nervous system.


  • Mindset - How's yours?

    16/09/2013 Duração: 10min

    I've heard this talked about several times in the last few weeks, so it's time to take it seriously! We're talking about mindset this week and how important it is in reaching your goals. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • Taking Time for Self Care

    10/09/2013 Duração: 10min

    Fall is arriving. Back to school for many folks. Now is the time for those of us (especially parents) who have neglected our health all summer due to busyness to start taking care of ourselves again. Like the flight attendants say, you must put your own oxygen mask on first before helping anyone else. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • The Brain's Safety Mechanism

    03/09/2013 Duração: 10min

    Did you know you have a mechanism in your brain that is designed to keep you safe and alive at the expense of all other functions? This week's podcasts talks a bit about the science behind that and how you can learn to get around it so you don't stay stuck in safety and fear. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • Back Pain - Causes and Relief

    27/08/2013 Duração: 10min

    We've talked about back pain before. As a chiropractor, it's the number one reason people walk into my office. Today's podcast brings up some causes of back pain you might not have thought of before, and some ways to get relief. Seeing a chiropractor is always a great option as well… For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • Chiropractic Myths l Melissa Grosboll Lone Tree Chiropractor

    19/08/2013 Duração: 10min

    I have heard some very interesting things about chiropractic from people over the years. I think I've just about heard it all, but I'm sure there's something I haven't heard yet. There are a few things that I hear over and over - myths, I call them - and I'm addressing some of them in this week's podcast. Tune in to find out if you've heard these things about chiropractic and hear the truth. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • Staying on Track during Vacations

    16/07/2013 Duração: 10min

    Is summer the time when you get off track with your health? Vacations and summer schedules and festivals, oh my! Today's podcast gives some practical advice on how you can stay on track while still having a fun summer! For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • Grieving - Necessary for Good Mental Health

    01/07/2013 Duração: 12min

    Grieving a loss is never easy, or very much fun, whether it be the death of someone you love, a divorce, or just grieving loss of any kind. But it is so important for your mental health. Today's podcast is a little about my grieving process and how to get through a loss. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations…

  • Are You a Food Addict? I am...

    18/06/2013 Duração: 10min

    It's taken me most of my adult life to finally realize this. Do you struggle with your weight? Do you eat in private? Do you want to stop eating, but can't? Do you feel guilty or depressed after eating? These are all signs you might be a food addict. Today's podcast talks about my struggle with food addiction and some resources to help. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations… Jill's website is www.jillbirth.com. You can order her book, Finding the Voice Inside You, on her home page. It's really helping me and can help you too.

  • …You Might Need a Chiropractor

    10/06/2013 Duração: 10min

    Today's podcast talks about some of the major reasons that you might need to see a chiropractor. I've done it in the spirit of one of my favorite comedians, Jeff Foxworthy, only I'm not nearly as funny as he is. If you answer yes to any of these reasons, you might need to see a chiropractor. For more information, you can contact me at 720-201-4292, email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com, check out my website at www.grosbollhealth.com, of like us on Facebook at Grosboll Health Center. I always offer free consultations...

  • Unplugging for Health

    04/06/2013 Duração: 10min

    How often do you "unplug"? I mean getting away from all technology? Ever?? I was forced to yesterday as my internet was down all day and so was the signal on my phone. It was a real eye-opener for me how dependent I am on technology. Today's podcast talks about the importance of unplugging and how we can all do it, even if it's just for short periods of time… For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • Personal Growth for Health

    28/05/2013 Duração: 10min

    I love the saying, "Either you're growing, or you're dying." Personal growth and development are essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. So is experiencing and processing emotions. In today's podcast, we talk about the four main emotions, and why it's important to experience them for what they are and not get stuck. We also talk about different types of personal development and how to take that first step. For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • Foods to Avoid for Better Sleep

    21/05/2013 Duração: 10min

    Sleep is so important for health. Most of us don't get enough. This may be a part of the reason. Today's podcast identifies some foods to avoid if you want to get better sleep and other things you can do to increase your sleep time. For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, Isagenix information at www.mgrosboll.isagenix.com, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • Got Water?

    14/05/2013 Duração: 10min

    As summer is approaching in the northern hemisphere, everyone needs to start paying more attention to how much water they are drinking every day. How much is enough? Benefits or proper hydration and symptoms of dehydration on today's podcast… For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, Isagenix information at www.mgrosboll.isagenix.com, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • Victim or Victor - Taking Responsibility

    07/05/2013 Duração: 09min

    Do you just seem to have bad luck? Do things always seem to happen TO you? Is someone or something else always seem to be to blame for things not going right in your life? Not a lot of power in that, is there? Today's podcast talks about the difference between being the victim and the victor and how you can change your mindset. For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • The Importance of Stretching

    29/04/2013 Duração: 10min

    We've all heard it. You must stretch! Why? When is the best time? How do you do it? Today's podcast answers these questions and more. For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • Is Organic Food Really More Nutritious?

    23/04/2013 Duração: 09min

    I just learned of a study that was put out late last year comparing organic and conventional foods. It was a real eye opener for me. This is the discussion in today's podcast. I'm sure you'll all be interested in the findings… For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, Isagenix information at www.mgrosboll.isagenix.com, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • Dealing with Tragedy - Boston Marathon

    15/04/2013 Duração: 08min

    Today's podcast is a little different. I've been hit hard by the tragedy in Boston today and wanted to share my thoughts and what I'm doing to be of service. Don't let tragedy taint you. Go out there and do good in whatever way you can.

  • When is the Best Time of Day to Exercise?

    09/04/2013 Duração: 10min

    Once again, a new study comes out saying that everything we know about something is wrong… Today's podcast helps determine when the best time of day is to exercise to get the most benefits. It may not be what you think… For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • The Importance of Relaxation

    01/04/2013 Duração: 09min

    In this fast paced, high stress life most of us lead, we forget the importance of shutting down and taking some time to relax. It is more important that I can even tell you. Today's podcast talks about why we need to take time to relax and how it's working in my life right now. For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

  • The Dirty Dozen (Pesticides in Produce)

    25/03/2013 Duração: 10min

    "I want to eat more organic but just can't buy everything organic. Which are the most important fruits and vegetables to buy organic?" Well, today's podcast answers that question. We list the Dirty Dozen Plus - produce with the highest levels of pesticides - as well as the Clean 15 - produce least likely to be filled with pesticides. For more information, please check out www.grosbollhealth.com, my Facebook page, Grosboll Health Center, or email me at drgrosboll@grosbollhealth.com. I offer free 30 minute health and chiropractic consultations. Call to schedule or schedule a chiropractic evaluation at 720-201-4292.

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