Mere Fidelity



We discuss the shape faithfulness to the Gospel should take in the twenty-first century. We talk a lot about theology, but may take up anything pertaining to politics, culture, or society as well.


  • Neo-Calvinism, with Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto

    31/03/2023 Duração: 50min

    Neo-Calvinism is in the air. But is it theologically relevant or merely a political phenomenon? Or did the Americans just mess it up? Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto join Matt, Derek, and Alastair to make the case for Neo-Calvinism and discuss their new book on the subject. Full show notes at Timestamps: Family Friendly [0:00] More than Politics [2:10] Misunderstood Doctrine [9:15] Lost in Translation [13:47] Apartheid [20:12] Too Programmatic? [24:01] Necessary Context? [30:11] Common Grace [34:44] Doctrinal Development [41:43]

  • The Age of AI, with Jason Thacker

    21/03/2023 Duração: 57min

    When students started turning in papers written by artificial intelligence, educators were caught flat-footed. We knew that machines would replace many human tasks, but we thought the humanities were immune to that. Have our writing standards fallen so low that we can no longer write better than computers? Or are we about to experience the awakening of Artificial Consciousness? Matt and Alastair discuss this situation with Jason Thacker, the Chair of Research in Technology Ethics at the ERLC. Full show notes at Timestamps: Written by a Bot [0:00] The ChatGPT Panic [2:45] What is human? [6:48] Is intelligence important? [11:09] Going Full Hobbit [20:57] Did we do this on purpose? [28:00] Inevitable Arms Race [34:44] Covid Tech-lash [45:20] AI(dolatry) [52:34]

  • Protestants & History, with Paul Gutacker

    07/03/2023 Duração: 49min

    On this episode of Mere Fidelity, historian of history Paul Gutacker joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to talk about the changing and sometimes fraught relationship that Protestants have had with the notions of “history” and “tradition.” Paul’s book, The Old Faith in a New Nation, particularly examines how nineteenth century debates about slavery, etc., influenced our ideas about the roles of Scripture and Church in regard to history. Full show notes at Timestamps: Neo-Calvinism [0:30] My Fellow Subjects [2:08] Meta-history [3:22] What is Biblicism? [4:37] Misusing History [9:54] Scripture’s Changing Role [14:42] Tradition or History [18:41] Church Disputes [23:36] Foreigners [27:06] Spirit and Letter [29:35] Hermeneutical Precedent [42:42] How should pastors use history? [46:05]

  • A Billion Dollars

    28/02/2023 Duração: 51min

    What would you do with a billion dollars to strengthen the Western Church? The question is straightforward enough, but the answers are where it gets interesting. The full Mere Fi cast and crew (Andrew, Matt, Derek, and Alastair) put their heads together to figure out what project would move the needle most. Christian billionaires, pay attention! Full show notes at Timestamps: An Expensive Museum [0:00] Matt: The Role of the Church [3:23] Barking Up the Money Tree? [9:22] Alastair: Think Bigger [11:24] Derek: Think Longer [15:16] Deep and Wide [19:02] Andrew: Doubts and Questions [22:14] What Would God Fund? [25:29] Denominationally Opaque Commercials [31:47] Formation [37:37] Collective Funding [44:14]

  • The Man of Lawlessness

    22/02/2023 Duração: 48min

    When you come across a passage of Scripture that just throws you for a loop, who do you go to for guidance? Matt turns to Alastair and Derek. Let the Mere Fi cast and crew be your Scriptural support group. Today we look at another passage from the Apostle Paul that just doesn’t really sound like what we’d expect. Along the way we encounter the beasts of Revelation, ancient dictators, and fractal Mini-Me’s. Full show notes at Timestamps: Matt Works Out His Apocalyptic Pauline Issues [3:12] The Substance & Symbols of Lawlessness [10:18] Don’t Dehistoricize (Beasts of Revelation) [17:54] Preview Eschaton [24:19] The Restraining [33:09] How would you preach it? [41:02]

  • The Genesis of Gender, with Abigail Favale

    16/02/2023 Duração: 48min

    It seems anymore like anyone without a PhD in biology can’t tell men from women. How did it come to this? And what can be done? Andrew, Matt, and Alastair talk to Dr. Abigail Favale, author of The Genesis of Gender, about how the gender paradigm arose, swallowed the concept of sex, and brought into question the very existence of human nature. Full show notes at Timestamps: The Gender Paradigm [0:00] Sex Becomes Gender [8:24] Is Human Nature Real? [16:15] Practical Excursus [18:12] Contraceptive Context [24:11] Contradictions [31:52] Corrections [38:57]

  • Tolkien Dogmatics, with Austin Freeman

    01/02/2023 Duração: 47min

    J.R.R. Tolkien is known as the language professor who created a fantasy world and constructed several languages for fun. However, those who get to know his writing and thought well discover that behind those seemingly frivolous projects lie deeply seeded theological ideas. And where better to discuss the intersection of theology and fiction than here on Mere Fidelity. Austin Freeman, author of Tolkien Dogmatics, joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to delve into the wealth of thought hidden in Middle Earth. Full show notes at Timestamps: Theology & Literature [0:00] Imaginary World [4:45] Actual World [10:37] What Dogmas? [14:28] Gift of Death [20:26] Peer Comparison [27:13] Sub-Creation [35:08] The Bombadil Question [42:39]

  • MAID in Canada

    26/01/2023 Duração: 48min

    Why are so many Canadians choosing to make use of “medical assistance in dying” and ending their lives prematurely? The Mere Fidelity crew (including Alastair’s new Plus One) tackle this vexing question and disturbing trend. Full show notes at Timestamps: A Problem in Canada [0:00] The Situation [3:10] The Terminology [8:04] The Act Itself [14:22] Passing the Buck [16:22] Death Catechesis [20:39] Conditions of Dying [28:35] “Good” Death [35:04] Life Extension [42:43]

  • Antisemitism in Thessalonians

    19/01/2023 Duração: 43min

    There is a passage in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians that is so jarring some have doubted whether Paul could actually have written it. On its face it seems like an easy tool for antisemites to grab on to. Even Matt is having issues with these few verses. So he and Andrew and Alastair got together to talk about, Mere Fi style. Full show notes at Timestamps: Uncomfortable Questions [0:00] Doesn’t Feel Pauline [2:54] What Pauline Means [5:56] A Sudden Shift of Tone [11:01] The Real Bombshell [15:26] There’s Jews and There’s Jews [21:27] But Antisemitism! [26:06] In this Case, Read the Greek [38:57]

  • Mere Fidelity for Mere Orthodoxy

    26/12/2022 Duração: 03min

    Learn more about Mere Orthodoxy at

  • End of Year Extravaganza

    20/12/2022 Duração: 56min

    At the end of each year, we like to take one episode of Mere Fidelity to give the hosts a chance to talk about their own projects and what has been their intellectual focus of the past year. We are blessed this year to have all four of the regular cast and crew together at once: Matt, Andrew, Alastair, and Derek. So listen in as they… [checks notes]… um… disagree over the first amendment, recite the meaning of every number in the Bible, and prevent one of Derek’s existential justifications from unplugging the internet? Hey, it’s Mere Fidelity, folks! Timestamps: Tolkien Dogmatics [0:31] Looking Backward and Forward [4:14] Andrew is writing books. [5:27] Alastair is making connections. [18:44] Derek is thinking about life. [34:56] Matt is revisiting and rewriting. [46:39] Full links and show notes at

  • Gratitude, with Dr. Kent Dunnington

    22/11/2022 Duração: 47min

    Talk of thankfulness pervades the Scriptures. But how well do we really understand the concept of gratitude. Matt has done some thinking about this recently with a fellow scholar from Biola University, Dr. Kent Dunnington. Along with Alastair, they tackle some tricky questions about gratitude. How should we understand the relationship between the gift and the giver? How important is it to have the emotions of thankfulness? And do you really need to send thank you cards? Full show notes at

  • Uncommon Unity, with Dr. Richard Lints

    15/11/2022 Duração: 54min

    Our times are fragmented. Political and cultural differences rage, even among people who otherwise show goodwill. But what if Scripture actually provides the key for thinking about unity in diversity? Dr. Richard Lints joins Matt and Alastair to explore the nature of diversity as he wrote in his new book, Uncommon Unity. There are no easy answers, but there is a lot of good discussion. Join us! Full show notes at Timestamps: What Kids Want [0:00] What This Book Is [1:23] Marital Difference [5:07] Anxiety about Discrimination [7:24] Created Constituently Different [12:53] Wisdom About Real Differences [16:41] Regional Differences [22:15] Why Difference Qua Difference? [27:44] The Public Good IS the Public Good [37:25] Unity & Diversity in Church [41:20]

  • The Thrill of Orthodoxy, with Trevin Wax

    02/11/2022 Duração: 54min

    Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy and to drift with cultural currents. So every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy, and experience the astonishment that comes from stumbling afresh upon the electrifying paradoxes at the heart of the Christian faith. Trevin Wax wants to turn the tables on those who believe Christian teaching is narrow and outdated. In this episode, he joins Matt and Alastair to discuss how he accomplishes this in his new book, The Thrill of Orthodoxy. Full show notes at

  • On Earth as in Heaven, with Dr. Peter Leithart

    27/10/2022 Duração: 57min

    When one advocates for good practices that are quite old and abandoned, these things that have been forgotten can seem new and radical. Peter Leithart returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss the vision and principles of the Theopolis Institute, especially as written in his new book, On Earth as in Heaven. The book is large but it reads as well as a manifesto of how the church and the Bible are related in liturgy. It is also offered at a significant discount as Mere Fidelity’s Lexham Full show notes at

  • Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith, with Dr. Todd Hains

    12/10/2022 Duração: 54min

    For generations of evangelicals lacking good catechesis, Martin Luther is often seen as a primitive, unsophisticated, or backwards reformer. Into this negative environment, Dr. Todd Hains is bringing forth the richness of Luther’s thought and Lutheranism’s tradition. There is so much more than just justification by faith. Alastair and Matt discuss with Dr. Hains his latest book, and they get at the central question: What does it mean to interpret Scripture with Scripture? Full show notes at Timestamps: The OG Reformer [2:06] Reading Scripture with Luther [10:55] Christian Pedagogy [17:40] Catholic Luther [25:52] Catechesis from Scripture [30:33] Gimme the Lutheran Pitch [39:48] Practical Advice for Churches [48:39]

  • Virtuous Persuasion, with Dr. Michael Niebauer

    27/09/2022 Duração: 52min

    What counts as doing God’s mission? How do we measure the success of Christian mission? It’s very tempting to turn it into a numbers game, or to rely on our own strategies. But Dr. Michael Niebauer has written the Mere Fidelity Book of the Month about this very topic. Matt and Alastair examine with him this very crucial aspect of our Christian life. Full show notes at

  • On the Monarchy

    20/09/2022 Duração: 43min

    In light of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the two British and one Canadian member of the Mere Fidelity cast & crew ruminate upon the peculiarities, virtues, weaknesses, generalities, and specificities of the institution of the British monarchy. Full show notes at

  • Introspection

    13/09/2022 Duração: 49min

    What are the limits of introspection as a Christian discipline? Is introspection advocated in Scripture? When you listen in silence to the voice inside you, is there a danger in paying attention to it? Alastair, Derek, and Matt take up these questions and more. Full show notes at

  • Lying

    06/09/2022 Duração: 49min

    The Bible has some tricky passages. Occasionally here on Mere Fidelity the crew likes to pick one of these up and try to unravel it. On the discussion table today: How do we reconcile clear laws and murky narratives? For instance, it seems that the commandments against lying are absolute, and yet in Exodus 1, God blesses the Hebrew midwives for their deception. Let’s dive in with Matt, Alastair, and Derek. Full show notes at

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