Joel 2 Generation Podcast



This is a Podcast for people who are hungry for more of God - hungry to encounter Him, and hungry to see the Gospel preached with clear demonstrations of Kingdom Power. Talk is cheap (and frankly, people are sick and tired of being 'preached at')! God is raising up a generation, a Joel 2 Generation, who will not settle for anything less than everything the Lord will release at this time in history. Join us in this journey - a journey into God's Presence, a journey into the miraculous!


  • Contending for God's Power

    18/07/2009 Duração: 16min

    Mike Bickle rightly notes that many Christians take a passive approach when it comes to moving in God's power - his commentary on such an approach however is devastating, it is "how you are guaranteed to end up with no power in your midst". This podcast is about the issue of pursuing God's power - to fight for it, to relentlessly go after it UNTIL you've got it and are moving it in on a regular basis.

  • Accuracy in the Word of Knowledge

    03/07/2009 Duração: 17min

    The other night I had one of the most accurate (and therefore spooky) words of knowledge that I've ever received. As much as I have pursued, and have desired the word of knowledge and as much as I have flowed in it, there might have been a different reason why it came the other night in particular as accurately as it did. Listen and find out what my theory is....

  • is healing a secondary issue?

    01/06/2009 Duração: 30min

    many Christians think that healing the sick is really a secondary issue when it comes to the Gospel. Was healing a secondary issue in the life and ministry of Jesus? Sure, He proclaimed a MESSAGE but He also demonstrated the truth of that message by HEALING the sick and CASTING OUT DEMONS. this podcast explores this question.

  • the primacy of the Kingdom message

    21/04/2009 Duração: 22min

    Jesus' primary message - the focus of His preaching was the KIngdom of God. Many Christians throughout the centuries shifted their focus from the Kingdom to the Church. Some mistakenly teach that the Church and the Kingdom of essentially synonymous terms. The Kingdom is more comprehensive than the Church. Whereas the living Church is a part of the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God is far more widespread. This is a topic that I explore a bit in this podcast.

  • Baptized in the Spirit

    28/03/2009 Duração: 20min

    So much controversy surrounding the topic of being "baptized in the Holy Spirit" - I still like what Billy Graham said, "I don't care how you get the Holy Spirit, just get HIM". Acts 19:1-7 was highlighted to me this week (also my wife independently). Different Christians have argued over what is going on in this passage - but one thing is clear, PROPHECY was one of the fruits of the encounter these people had. That's what this podcast is all about.

  • Character vs. Power

    15/03/2009 Duração: 21min

    Some Christians have focused upon character and de-emphasized the need to pursue power. Others have focused more on the power side of the equation. To emphasize either one, and neglect the other is to be Biblically unbalanced. We need to pursue Character AND Power (or as some would say - the FRUITS and the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. This podcast is all about this very issue. Let's blow up this false dichotomy for good. We need BOTH.

  • Do we lack any spiritual gift?

    20/12/2008 Duração: 19min

    Paul writes to the Church at Corinth that they didn't lack any spiritual gift (1 Cor. 1:7) - an amazing affirmation when you consider all the negative things commentators have said about the Corinthian Church through the ages. What about us? The community we are a part of? Could Paul address a letter to us with the same words of affirmation? Listen and see.

  • releasing the word of knowledge

    17/10/2008 Duração: 20min

    God has given us gifts. As Jack Deere describes, "they are tools that God has given us to express His love". This podcast is about the way this week that God released through us words of knowledge. Don't neglect the gift(s), Paul wrote to Timothy that he was given through the laying on of hands. If we're honest, we have to admit that we sometimes neglect the gifts that God has given us like Timothy. I want this podcast to be an encouragement for us all not to neglect these gifts but to make the most of every opportunity that the Lord gives us.

  • God's will and healing

    29/07/2008 Duração: 21min

    What is God's will when it comes to healing? This is not a new question that we've considered, but in recent weeks in the midst of numerous physical healings, the question comes up all the time (especially when we don't see breakthrough in healing). May this podcast help us to become the Kingdom healers God intends!

  • power TEACHING

    30/04/2008 Duração: 18min

    I know we focus almost exclusively on signs, wonders and miracles. what about the "Gift of Teaching"? This podcast is for all you out there who don't really go for the healing and prophetic stuff - fasten your seat belts as we EXPLORE THE SPACE yet again - could be the most controversial podcast i've done yet - I sure hope so:)

  • establishing "pain-free" zones

    28/02/2008 Duração: 12min

    We are instructed to pray for God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done - on earth AS IT IS in heaven. Establishing "pain-free" zones in people's bodies is part of this mandate. Revelation 21:4 tells us that in heaven there is NO PAIN, and therefore we need to bring that 'pain-free' realm and release it into the lives of the people we minister to - physical pain, emotional pain. All types of pain are absent in heaven and therefore we can and should seek to eliminate them here.

  • charismatics "trapped" in the Old Testament

    02/02/2008 Duração: 14min

    too many charismatics (if not most of them) are still living/modeling/expecting no more than an OT model of charismatic ministry - wherein a select 'few' had the anointing and everyone else stood around and watched. The model of a select group of 'superstars' (prophets, apostles, etc) seem to 'perform' while the vast majority of charismatics clap their hands (and write their checks). EVERY believer in the NT is expected to move in God's supernatural power - to heal the sick, to prophesy and do the things the "Apostles and Prophets" did/do. Let's get out of the OT!

  • the fear of man

    28/01/2008 Duração: 14min

    Arguably the fear of man is one of the greatest, if not the greatest hindrance/obstacle we face as we seek to live a life of miracles. Most of us don't often recognize it as it can so easily disguise itself behind subtle (or even overt) excuses. If we can overcome our fear of man, we will be able to do the things God asks us consistently and destroy the works of the devil.

  • Demonstrate 1st - Talk 2nd

    09/01/2008 Duração: 15min

    I believe we live in a world where it is critical for the Church to demonstrate the Kingdom in some supernatural way 1st AND THEN, 2nd we begin to talk (preach/teach or whatever) to the unbelieving world. Talk is cheap and is to be found in every religion and every philosophy. The Apostles NEVER intended that we would reduce our message to a gospel of words. Somehow many have lost sight of that!

  • how to get started in a life of miracles

    17/12/2007 Duração: 18min

    in response to a question I was asked recently, I've put together this podcast to really address the whole question of how in the world we get started in seeing miracles happen in and through our lives. Oftentimes in the beginning, we see some incredibly gifted person flowing in a gift of the Holy Spirit and wonder "how will I ever get there"? This podcast explores that question.

  • answering Christians who follow Job

    16/10/2007 Duração: 13min

    We no longer live in the days of Job. Satan was NOT a defeated foe at that time. He simply cannot do now what he could do then. Too many Christians read the Book of Job not taking into account that the tables were turned on the Kingdom of darkness when Jesus came onto the scene. His life, death and resurrection changed everything. Assuming that the way things were in Job's day are the way things are today is simply bad theology!

  • the 'Fear of Deception' (crippling believers everywhere)

    28/09/2007 Duração: 10min

    The fear of deception is one of the greatest hindrances for Christians pursuing God's power and His Kingdom. Let our God be bigger than our devil. In the end, the ones who will be susceptible to deception will be those who have not matured in the things of the Spirit.

  • how did the Christianity spread after 100AD?

    21/09/2007 Duração: 12min

    A look at how the Gospel spread in the beginning - What were the factors that allowed a persecuted faith to take over the Roman Empire? Depending upon the theological background, the answer to this question (what were the factors that enabled a persecuted, minority faith to take over the Roman Empire?) is extremely varied. A Yale professor, Dr. Ramsey McMullen (a secular scholar), SHOCKED the Christian world with his answer. You may be shocked as well!!

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