Angry Devas Radio Show



The Angry Deva's Radio Show is a Mystic and Cosmically inspired show. We discuss awakening, Healing, Darkness as Strength and the Inherent Divinity of Black Wombnhood. If you'd like to be a speaker on the show, or have topic idea send me a Dear Deva note: Call into our show 347-826-9930. I keep it Rated R Raw and real, discussing topics that impact women and girls specifically. Angry Deva's is THE HUB for Healing and Restoration of the Divine Feminine after male sexual terrorism. We host our Opening of the Mouth Ceremony LIVE weekdays at 12pm EST.


  • Angry Devas Radio: The Black Sisterhood Graduating the School of Man

    20/10/2016 Duração: 37min

    Sign up for the book study here:   Together we will be studying who men are, how they got here and the True purpose of Man and Wombn. We have been kept in the dark for centuries on men and what they represent, as such many women FAIL to Graduate from the School of Man. They end up repeating a few grades, and some of us never gain enough "credits" to earn the Degrees of Knowledge we have attained. Through this book-study we will end this vicious cycle and WIN!  ?Join me for our School of Man Study. We Have to know what men are, so we know how to call in the Right One for us!

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Male Rape Lust and the Birth of a Nation of Raped Women

    08/10/2016 Duração: 45min

    My next blog post will be about the black womans attraction to, lust and desire for, black male rapists. As evidenced by their support of Nate Parker. If you saw the movie or plan to? Get off my page. I have survived male sexual terrorism and never reported it to the police. Because I know men stand together against us black women. I turned to the Dark Mother to handle my rapist and his female fan base of support. Black men always have female support no matter how heinous, abusive, useless and sadistic they are. And while Y'all are focused on the acquittal, George Zimmerman was acquitted too despite being told by police to get in his car and go home. Despite the fact that Trayvon died! Despite the fact that he had no right, as a civilian, to profile and follow that young man. His ass is scott free! Just like the rapist Nate Parker. And you all still bytch about that. If you support birth of a nation, if you think this is natural and normal because it is black male sexuality? Because black males are sexuall

  • Angry Devas Radio: Tignon Laws 2.0, Becky With the good hair, stay in yo lane

    26/09/2016 Duração: 24min So the courts have decided that it is perfectly legal to racially discriminate against bw's natural hair? They have decided to allow companies to hire and fire bw based on our natural tresses. They have legislated against Gods Nature, in the banning of our natural hair. We allowed it to get to this point. When they came for the trees, we said nothing. When they came for the water, we said nothing. When they came for the womb, we said nothing. And now they have come for the Crown. Not on my watch! Arise you Dark Witches! Your Mystic Powers and Potent Essences are needed once more. As a Loc Godis myself, I will not sit back on this one. I wear my love proud! They represent my Spirituality, my Power, my Authority, my Splendor, my Cosmic Connection to the Dark Mother, these Locs Breathe and divine. They alert me to dangers near and far, I hear better because my Antennas are always up! And as the Dark Divine Feminine rises, they seek to snuff us

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: No Honor Among Thieves, the MESSY Sisterhood

    01/09/2016 Duração: 30min

    Black women say they want sisterhood. But they don't.  Because they HATE that they needed that Oracle Blessing to even conceive of their "new" ideas. It is the Inspiration and the Blessing of the Black Oracle, THIS Black Oracle that I Am: has blessed all you black women. This is how you all are even growing and making new things. And you are blasphemous and dishonorable. You black women, unfortunately, all are cursed and deserve to be, because you want the world to believe YOU did something on your own. Because you dishonor the Oracle, you dishonor the gifts and the lessons. Because you hate yourselves, and you hate that there is a Black Woman wiser than you, more together than you, walking in her power and authority in ways your cowardice will never permit!     

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Moonday Madness, Black Sisterhood Accountability

    22/08/2016 Duração: 20min

    To all who are frightened? ?????? You don't have to worry about your children being harmed by MY Legion. Unless you were wagging your tongue. Lol They are cursed already, because •you• are their mother. You are ignorant, & ignorance is a curse. Your broken womb, cursed them. Breeding in captivity, cursed your children. Breeding while in pain, cursed your children. Breeding while oppressed, cursed your children. Birthing the bloodline of men who abandoned you and left his children for dead, cursed your children. If you seek Wisdom, Gnosis and Power for any reason? Let it not be for Facebook cheerleader wenches. Let it not be for fear of me, because you attacked me without reason and fea my Dark Ones will Respond in Kind. LET IT BE TO RESCUE YOUR CHILDREN FROM YOUR IGNORANT CURSED SELF! Let it be for you to perform Ritual with Anointed Priestesses, to fix the mess you made with your wagging tongue and your emotional ignorance. sign up for my class Dark Magic 101: Dark Angels and Powers, here: http://www.

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Season of the Seer: OWN YO SHYT

    19/08/2016 Duração: 39min

    Sign up for my Dark Magiv 101 Dark Angels Course here:   "You all will listen to these pseudo witches who started that wannabe witch hunt. And in 3 months, you will come running to Angry Devas. Asking me to help you fix what these ignorant and inferior "witches" did to your life, with your ignorant consent and willfully obtuse energy." I'm not worried. But you should be. No true Witch falls for another's glamour. Hehehe twice. Lol they have no damn power. Hence my spells worked on them, twice baby. It is to be expected of the Lemonade Era "witch." They lack wisdom, they have no spiritual connection and their gifts are weak and cannot be manifested at will, the way we Powerful Witches can and do. You will come to me asking for my help, after your ignorance and emotionalism gets you caught up with a fraud. "Never disrespect another woman. You never know which witch is which."

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Why WISDOM is Dark

    18/08/2016 Duração: 54min

    Learn More Here: Tonight, I explain to the sisters why WISDOM is Dark; thus why most black women lack it. Darkness requires a level of mastery and selfishness that most women are uncomfortable with. They are socialized to be sacrifices, for the advancement or comfort of others. And most women never break beyond this. Moreover, many do not want to. I teach against that. I understand why women don't dwell in the Dark. They fear their shadow, and they fear the Shadow Side of others too. One thing I found to be powerful? Is when Tina Turner began chanting in "What's Love Got to Do with it." She was terrified, and her Shadow self was holding her back. Even in the face of physical abuse by a man, her socialization to remain the sacrifice, was crippling. " Aquarius helps us see a bigger picture, to value the freedom to experiment with all manner of behavior, expression, lifestyle and extend that experimental attitude forward to others believing all

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Dark Magic 101 Dark Angels and Powers

    03/08/2016 Duração: 25min

    This show will clarify the Ignorance most people hold of the DARK, meditation, totem spirits, hexing, sexual ties and more. There are many false teachers out there, with no clue what they are saying. Ignorance will not protect you, Ignorance is a CURSE. Sign up for my class here:   to be come a member of my mailing list sign up here:

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Redefining the Feminine Part 3, Dark Femme Art of War

    27/07/2016 Duração: 20min

    Women need to know what it means to be feminine and live in the feminine energy.  Witch is dangerous. Men get addicted and ain't even had ya. They call us many things. Sprite. Nymph. Mermaid. Siren. God. The Holy Spirit. Shekinah. Rhema. But it all references the Cosmic Yoni Frequency. The further into the feminine we go, the easier it gets. But the more the men come. Which is why I often step into my Masculine frequency. It is not safe, as a BLACK Wombn, to be fully feminine. In the Dark Divine Feminine Art of War, I will be sharing with you some key strategies on how to maneuver through life as the Savvy Femme you were borne to be. We will be studying a book (details upon signup and the book is gifted to you!) and more. Sign up below: Contact me for a Session and Healing at If you would like to be a part of our Mailing List, Sign Up: This show is sponsored by the Bitchhouse Sisterhood!  W

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Redefining the Feminine Part 2,The Power of Being

    22/07/2016 Duração: 24min

    #RedefiningtheFeminine Tonight is part 2 of my 3 part series Redefining the Feminine. Women need to know what it means to be feminine and live in the feminine energy. It's time for us to remember how to BE.    Join us @ 6pm Contact me for a Session and Healing If you would like to be a part of our Mailing List, Sign Up: This show is sponsored by the Bitchhouse Sisterhood! We are appreciative of their generous donations!

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Redefining What the Feminine Means Part 1

    21/07/2016 Duração: 36min

    Women need to know what it means to be feminine and live in the feminine energy. Contact me for a Session and Healing at If you would like to be a part of our Mailing List, Sign Up: This show is sponsored by the Bitchhouse Sisterhood! We are appreciative of their generous donations!  

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Blacks in the Media, Imagery Matters

    06/07/2016 Duração: 25min

    Discussion: Blacks in the Media, Imagery Matters The Black Community is presently falling out over a CONVICTED child rapist. Our black community HATES black women and girls, and have no problem with express it. The gross lack of protection given to black women and girls has destabilized the race all around the globe. When black men are killed by cops, is it their karma for raping us? At what point do we decide which Black Lives Matter most? Do the lives of black men who rape black girls and women, matter more Than the women they rape or assault? What about when black men beat and attack black women? Tonight, I offer a Dark Priestess perspective on this. Karma, the law of attraction and more! Guest Call-in: 347-826-9930

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Politics of Penetration 4

    01/07/2016 Duração: 22min

    I went to reach for the bags and he gave me that "don't you touch it" look and I drew my hand back. I admit, I'm still learning and breaking that mammy mule training my mother gave. I watched my mother do it all, even with a husband.  We walk home. I make him laugh and he teases me. We enjoy the scent of the flowering and fruiting trees blooming. We laugh at squirrels. We discuss our plans for autumn. As we near home, my Haitian female neighbor calls out to us. I don't hear her at first. I turn to my husband, trying to see if he heard her?  "What did she say to us?" I asked. And before he could reply, the Haitian woman was up on me. She admonished me for "breaking" my 6'4 husband down. She was gesturing and was visibly upset by me not carrying any bags "a woman gets lazy when she relies on a man too much. This is unequal yoke. You need to be helping him out with the groceries. It doesn't make sense for one person to carry everything." She has a house full of sons, I watch her struggle with the groceries, th

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Politics of Penetration 3

    30/06/2016 Duração: 15min

    I went to reach for the bags and he gave me that "don't you touch it" look and I drew my hand back. I admit, I'm still learning and breaking that mammy mule training my mother gave. I watched my mother do it all, even with a husband.  We walk home. I make him laugh and he teases me. We enjoy the scent of the flowering and fruiting trees blooming. We laugh at squirrels. We discuss our plans for autumn. As we near home, my Haitian female neighbor calls out to us. I don't hear her at first. I turn to my husband, trying to see if he heard her?  "What did she say to us?" I asked. And before he could reply, the Haitian woman was up on me. She admonished me for "breaking" my 6'4 husband down. She was gesturing and was visibly upset by me not carrying any bags "a woman gets lazy when she relies on a man too much. This is unequal yoke. You need to be helping him out with the groceries. It doesn't make sense for one person to carry everything." She has a house full of sons, I watch her struggle with the groceries, th

  • Angry Devas Radio Show:Taboo Tuesday, Politics of Penetration 2

    28/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    I went to reach for the bags and he gave me that "don't you touch it" look and I drew my hand back. I admit, I'm still learning and breaking that mammy mule training my mother gave. I watched my mother do it all, even with a husband.  We walk home. I make him laugh and he teases me. We enjoy the scent of the flowering and fruiting trees blooming. We laugh at squirrels. We discuss our plans for autumn. As we near home, my Haitian female neighbor calls out to us. I don't hear her at first. I turn to my husband, trying to see if he heard her?  "What did she say to us?" I asked. And before he could reply, the Haitian woman was up on me. She admonished me for "breaking" my 6'4 husband down. She was gesturing and was visibly upset by me not carrying any bags "a woman gets lazy when she relies on a man too much. This is unequal yoke. You need to be helping him out with the groceries. It doesn't make sense for one person to carry everything." She has a house full of sons, I watch her struggle with the groceries, th

  • Angry Devas Radio Show: Moonday Madness, Politics of Penetration 1

    27/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    I went to reach for the bags and he gave me that "don't you touch it" look and I drew my hand back. I admit, I'm still learning and breaking that mammy mule training my mother gave. I watched my mother do it all, even with a husband.  We walk home. I make him laugh and he teases me. We enjoy the scent of the flowering and fruiting trees blooming. We laugh at squirrels. We discuss our plans for autumn. As we near home, my Haitian female neighbor calls out to us. I don't hear her at first. I turn to my husband, trying to see if he heard her?  "What did she say to us?" I asked. And before he could reply, the Haitian woman was up on me. She admonished me for "breaking" my 6'4 husband down. She was gesturing and was visibly upset by me not carrying any bags "a woman gets lazy when she relies on a man too much. This is unequal yoke. You need to be helping him out with the groceries. It doesn't make sense for one person to carry everything." She has a house full of sons, I watch her struggle with the groceries, th

  • Angry Devas Radio:Mama's Lessons on the Feminine Part 3:Princess and the P(enis)

    22/06/2016 Duração: 23min

    My husband grew up watching his mother struggle. He watched his father be insufficient. He watched his brother cry himself to sleep at night because he was hungry. It stuck with him. It made him the man he is today. He survived his childhood, his mother's foolish breeding choices and got to work. He then put a plan in action to always be bringing in more money for his family. The wonderful thing is, even if we should part? He will continue to care for me, protect me and provide for me. This is what a real masculine does. I never saw this level of investment or protection before in my life.  When I met my husband? I didn't know how to be taken care of. I didn't know how to get out of a man's way doing what he should do. I didn't know how to allow him to cherish and provide for me. I felt like I was going crazy. I really did, it was a crisis of identity. The wo-man my mother raise me to be vs the Godis I Am.  Mama lessons told me "don't ever rely on a man" because mama bred with addict peen. She didn't have

  • Angry Devas Radio:Mama's Lessons on the Feminine Part 2: Pussy/Yoni Power

    21/06/2016 Duração: 31min

    Sign up for our Deva Nation Sisterhood here: I am teaching a course called Mama Lessons.    You will receive 3 classes. Pre-sign:

  • Angry Devas Radio:Mama's Lessons on the Feminine Part 1: Head vs. Heart

    20/06/2016 Duração: 28min

     "My mama didn't protect me as a child I was molested and then raped by her boyfriend and she never believed me.I'm an adult and I let my mother watch my daughter, & she didn't put her bathing suit on and let her get in the pool in her panties. Why would she put my daughter at risk like this around men?" The better question is, why would YOU allow a woman who is a failure at prioritizing girls; to have access to your daughter? You have first hand knowledge that this woman enables predators and doesn't protect little girls. She both failed to protect you, and sided with your rapist against you!  Most cases of serial assault started with the man's sexual or physical assaulting of women and children. They are unstable and not safe to give a benefit of doubt. Why do you think your daughter will be any different? Your mother needs to be cut off from your lives.  Even if she apologizes. She still failed you and can not be trusted around children. Ignoring the Dark Divine Wisdom will enable your daughter to be s

  • Angry Devas Radio: Empowering Women who self harm into self healing 2

    15/06/2016 Duração: 24min

    Thankful to my sister B. Nyx for sharing her story.  We don't often talk about self harm in the black community. It is something we, ignorantly, dismiss as a white girl problem. This stems from internalized intra-racism against black womanhood. We expect black women to mule and mammy and never ever hurt. We treat black women as if we are less than human and not capable of making a mistake. (Something I work to check in myself.) The black woman is a "superhero" without the celebration. Everyone turns To ya but no one congratulates and celebrates is. Rarely do we get the hero's welcome.  Self-harm is a serious issue. In black girls and women it looks like: Over eating Rough sex, for black men who pressure you into it and have no regard for your womb  Raw sex with black men who pressure you into it Cutting herself Cutting her hair Engaging in dangerous and risky self-defeatist behaviors Risky life choices Accepting bottom of the barrel men.  We have to stop this. For the sisters who have made it

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