Catalog Of Interviews And Bits



The past interviews and comedy skits and bits along with past air checks and Advertisements, I have made or participated on. Included here for your enjoyment and ridicule.


  • Blaine L. Pardoe


    Blaine Pardoe is a New York Times Bestselling and award winning author of numerous books in the true crime, science fiction, military history, political thriller, horror, humor, and business management genres. He is a regular contributor to a number of mainstream conservative news sites including American Thinker, PJ Media, American Greatness, Bizpac Review, and others. Mr. Pardoe has been a featured speaker at the US National Archives, the United States Navy Museum, and the New York Military Affairs Symposium. He was awarded the State History Award in 2011 by the Historical Society of Michigan and is a silver medal winner from the Military Writers Society of America in 2010. In 2013 Mr. Pardoe won the Harriet Quimby Award from the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame for his contributions to aviation history.

  • An interview with sleep researcher Lee Gerdes, founder of Cereset


    ABOUT LEE GERDES Sleep researcher Lee Gerdes is the founder and CEO of Cereset, developers of state-of-the-art neuro-technology to improve sleep and wellbeing. A trauma-induced brain dysregulation caused Lee eight years of agonizing sleeplessness. Utilizing his background in mathematics, physics, software development, theology, and psychology, Lee was able to develop a simple, painless, non-invasive procedure to end his sleep problems by resetting and harmonizing his brain by listening to his own brain waves.

  • Producer Peter Bahlawanian


    Renewed Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Underlines Russia’s Waning ... Op-Ed: Why is Azerbaijan blockading Armenians? Russia played a … Jan 13, 2023 · Armenians were under attack from an Azerbaijani military not interested in The Desire to Live is a devastating documentary of an active, unprovoked attack. With brutal honesty the film captures the beginning of the final stage of the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Christian Armenian population . \ Baroness Caroline Cox, the House of Lords (United Kingdom), said, “If nations are allowed to commit genocide with impunity, to hide their guilt in a camouflage of lies and denials, there is a real danger that other brutal regimes will be encouraged to attempt genocides. Unless we speak today of the Armenian genocide and unless the Government recognizes this historical fact, we shall leave this century of unprecedented genocides with this blot on our consc

  • Blaine Pardoe


    Talk to the Author of Confederacy of Fear, and Find Out What a Left Totalitarian Regime Looks Like

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