Zera Today With Pastor Lorenzo Neal

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 299:58:00
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Faith. Race. Politics. Education. Global Issues. No topic goes untouched when it comes to Pastor Lorenzo Neal. Lorenzo Neal is pastor of New Bethel AME Church of Jackson, MS. author, educator, and political commentator. Launched in June of 2010, Zera Today provides a fresh insight from the perspective of pastor and commentator. The show has played host to prominent guests in its short time and it is receiving good ratings from the online broadcasting community. Pastor Neal is also a highly sought after speaker and lecturer and author of the book A Breach in the Family available at all major retail outlets. In his spare time, he is an amateur composer and poet.


  • Who's Fooling Who? Why Pandering for Black Votes is Unimpactful for Blacks

    26/08/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    As Election day inches closer, even during this pandemic, politicians from both parties are canvasing black communities with their usual pandering. As both major parties host their conventions, the race to bait the black vote is front and center. Conservatives, Liberals, Moderates, Progressives, and even Socialists are weaponizing the BLM movement and protests/riots as tools to sway black voters to their platform and eventual vote. Recently rapper and actor Ice Cube proposed a question that all blacks should consider before casting a vote for either party. Join Dr. Neal discusses this and other topics of the day.

  • Black Lives and the Black Inefficacy Narrative

    20/08/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    In his book "The Souls of Black Folk" WEB introduced the concept of black double conciousness or the idea that blacks in America experience a "a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity." As the BLM Global Movement has garnered international attention, the general narrative presented by it is one of black inefficacy or inability to help ourselves or fix our own problems without the full assistance of non-blacks who in turn may reinforce this narrative to prove they are less racist than other non-whites. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day. Feel free to share your comments. Become a patron of the show here: www.patreon.com/lorenzotneal and visit Dr. Neal's website www.lorenzotneal.com 

  • The Global God Divide, China and Christians, and Kanye Rallies

    22/07/2020 Duração: 01h08min

    This week saw the passing of legends of faith and freedom John Lewis, CT Vivian, and JI Packer among many others, A new Pew Research report states that globally, more people are questioning the necessity of belief in God for moral goodness and China forces Christians to remove crosses and replace them with photos of Communist leaders. Finally, in his first campaign rally this past weekend, Kanye West opened up on his views of abortion and said something about Harriet Tubman that may have ended his portential run before it even began. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day.

  • Covid, Entanglements, and an Imperfect Jesus

    16/07/2020 Duração: 01h00s

    As the beginning of a new academic school year comes closer, concerns about how to educate students are brought the torefront. CNN anchor Don Lemon makes a very bold statement about an unperfect Jesus and superstar celebrities Will and Jada Smilth acknowledge the frailties of their marriage leading to an "entanglement with a younger mentee. What could be the church do to address issues of the character of Jesus and infidelity in relationships? Listen as Dr. Neal discusses this and other topics of the day.

  • The Supreme Court Rules, Kanye Runs, COVID Resurges

    08/07/2020 Duração: 01h00s

    The US Supreme Court makes favorable rulings for religious organizations regarding healthcare exemptions and employee dismissals that can affect all religious schools and organizations. One July 4th, Kanye West tweeted out his announcement to run for POTUS and as states revisit their re-opening plans, churches are faced with the challenges of dealing with rising COVID cases and returning to in-person worship services. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses these topics of the day.

  • 10th Anniversary Show Black Liberation vs Black Lives Matter

    30/06/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    The 1960's and 70's saw the rise of black identity and a militant black liberation movement. The 2010's saw the emergence of the Black Lives Mattter movement. Both have a connection to the moral and social injustice that plague Black Americans have been facing since the beginning of post Reconstruction.Jim Crow society. Is the BLM movement the ideological child of the Black Power Movement and if so what is the end goal for today? Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day.Black Liberation vs Black Lives

  • June 2020 Remembering Emanuel and Juneteenth 155 Years Later

    17/06/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    This June is more meaningful as we observe the 5th Anniverssary of the massacre at Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC and 155 years since the announcement to slaves in Galveston, TX that they were officially freed. Both are significant and relevant to the wave of protests occuring across this country. What should the end game for this day be for American Descendants of Slaves and how can the Black Church contribute and maintain relevance and moral authority and influence to this new movement? Join Dr. Neal for this and other topics of the day

  • Race, Riots, and Virtue Signaling: Enough is Enough

    03/06/2020 Duração: 48min

    Looting and riots have become normalized following race or police related violence towards black lives. From Ferguson to Baltimore, it is an unfortunate after effect of an injustice against black Americans. What has made the looting and rioting following the death of George Floyd is the virtue signaling from political leaders that is further dividing the country along political and faux religious ideaologies. The leading political figures used the Bible as a prop this week to one up each other as to whose more right and righteous. Dr. Neal speaks to this on this broadcast.

  • Karens and Killer Cops: Creating Greater Distrust in Black Americans

    28/05/2020 Duração: 56min

    It's another week of Covid and viral videos that reveal the deep disconnect in America between black Americans and whites. We viewed white women now dubbed generically as Karen calling 911 for simply feeling threatened in a black man's presence and one raging for a manager because of her dissatisfaction with an encounter by a retailer. We viewed a police officer who happens to be white exert his power granted by the state to excessively subdue a black man to death while looking completely content with his position of power over the man. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day

  • Going Back to Church: Are We Prepared for the Adustment?

    20/05/2020 Duração: 55min

    "The Doors of the Church are Open" are words that are uttered regularly during many worship experiences after the sermon during the invitation to Christian discipleship. As the country slowly reopens, so are many churches in spite of the growing concerns of how this could impact the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. There are many adjustments that must be made but are some churches willing to make the adjustment? Listen in as Dr. Neal discusses this and other topics of the day.

  • The Distrust of Black America

    13/05/2020 Duração: 59min

    As more details emerge about the Amaud Arbery shooting and as states and cities slowly reopen economically, there is a growing sense of distrust and mistrust within the African American community for state and federal agencies and policies. How will this affect economic, health, and racial policiries and relationships between black communities and the agencies that are supposed to support and protect them?.  What should be the role of the Black Church in this time? Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day.

  • Rebroadcast "Are We in the Time of Anti-Christ

    29/04/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    This is a rebroadcast of "Are We in the Age of  Anti-Christ that originally aired four years ago. If you've been in church long enough, you've probably heard of end time prophecy warning about the mark of the beast, and the anti-christ. There is much debate about end time things, but one thing is sure: there is nothing new under the sun. With all the news of global despair and social issues contrary to traditional Christian faith tenets, are we living in the age of anti-Christ? Games like Charlie Charlie, the rise of the LGBT movements in the church, and the decline of church attendance in the US are all signs that something is changing and it is not for the better of the church. Is the life of the church being threatened by secularism to the point of destruction? Join Pastor Neal to discuss this and other news of the day.

  • The Church, Conspiracies and Covid 19

    22/04/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    The Covid 19 pandemic has challenged and changed church operations and praxis. It has also brought forth new conspiracies that many Christian believers are buying into. How can church leaders stay on task and provide apolitical voices and leadership during this pandemic? Join Dr Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day 

  • The Church and the First Amendment Right to Assemble

    16/04/2020 Duração: 46min

    The Founding Fathers of the United States were men who viewed religion through the eyes of the Enligtenment and though most were deists, they wrote religious freedom and assembly into the first amendment of their organizing document. Today churches across the country are protesting federal, local, and state ordinances to not have large gatherings of 10 or more persons and they're using the First Amendment to do so. What does this say about religious freedom, separation of church and state, and the Kingdom of God? Dr. Neal discusses this and other topics of the da 

  • The Passion in the Pandemic

    08/04/2020 Duração: 58min

    The world has seemingly become paralyzed by the Covid 19 virus. In the US there have been over 1 million people diagnosed worldwide and over 80,000 deaths worldwide. In the midst of this pandemic, we are in the holiest time of the Christian year, Holy Week and Easter Sunday. How can the Passion of Christ provide hope in the midst of the pandemic? Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this topic and others

  • The Church’s Witness Amidst Social Distancing and Quarantine

    25/03/2020 Duração: 38min

    The Covid-19 pandemic has placed the global church in a unique place. There have been periods of time in history where the church functioned during tumultuous times in history but has there ever been a time when the church has not been able to gather together for public worship? As the pandemic spreads, many churches are having to retool their worship and redirect their witness. Will this change the way church is done or give rise to a state church or will the church begin to cease to exist? Join Dr. Neal for this and other topics of the day

  • The Church and the Pandemic

    18/03/2020 Duração: 45min

    The Covid-19 virus pandemic has had a tremendous affect on the way the world functions and interacts. As more cases are made public, world and national health officials are discouraging gatherings of more than 10-50 persons. Many churches are canceling services and providing online formats only. What does this mean for the future of church worship across the world? Join Dr Neal for this and other interesting topics of the da

  • Suffering Well: Lent and Christian Service to God and Humanity

    26/02/2020 Duração: 06min

    Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten Season for many Christians. Most who observe these sacred days will spend the next 40 days fasting from various foods, activities, and behaviors. It will be a light affliction that some lead to some changing behaviors, embracing faith, Join Dr. Neal as he discusses the connection between suffering and faith and how both can be used to better serve God and humanit

  • The Threat to Black Male Identity

    12/02/2020 Duração: 01h00s

    Last week, Gayle King came under fire for her interview with retired WNBA player Lisa Leslie as she pressed for negative commentary about Kobe Bryant following his and his daughter's death in a tragic helicopter crash. This week, retired NBA player Dwayne Wade and his wife Gabrielle Union-Wade made headlines as they are now referring to their 12 year child as a transitioning male to female. The main stream media has seemingly been working to threaten black male identity through a number of means. What can be done to stop this and what role should the church play in changing this perspective of black male identity? Join Dr. Neal for this and other topics of the da

  • TrayvonTurns 25: Why Gun Violence Is Important for Black History Month

    05/02/2020 Duração: 59min

    Today marks the birth of Trayvon Martin whose tragic death sparked the Black Lives Matter Movement. The first week of February is also National Gun Violence Survivors Week. Trayvon would be 25 years old if he were alive. Unfortuately like him, many young black boys and men (including my own nephew) lose their lives to senseless acts of gun violence in our nation as both perpetrators and victims. As we celebrate the legacies of Black Achievement and Excellence this month, this epidemic should also be highlighted durng Black Hiistory Month. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics fo the day 

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