Mysteries Abound



A podcast about mysteries from anywhere and everywhere - the unusual, the strange, the perplexing and the down-right odd.


  • EPISODE 30 - Mysteries Abound


    Russian camera can see the soul, Patience Worth proof of reincarnation, Is James Leininger reincarnation of Second World War fighter pilot, Schoolboy pianist, 10, hailed as new Mozart, Scientist reproduces the Turin shroud, Weave of the Gods: The real life golden fleece, Paranormal Stories, Giant Bat Sighting, Soldiers Ghost, The Paluxy Paradox: Did dinosaurs and men walk together, Top 10 fascinating facts about the Mayans

  • EPISODE 29 - Mysteries Abound


    Cave Complex Allegedly Found Under Giza Pyramids, In Search of British Dragons, Occult Mystery on Iona, Goat Gives Birth to Human Faun, Alien Baby or Elaborate Hoax, The Rock That Whispers, 10 Creepy Aspects of Victorian Life

  • EPISODE 28 - Mysteries Abound


    More On The Nineth Wave, Futility Closet - Oddities, Goats Crowning As King of Ireland In Doubt, The Lost Continent of Atlantis, Could Sardinia Be The Lost Island of Atlantis, The Captain Cook Conspiracy, Strange Cases of Unsolved Disappearances

  • EPISODE 27 - Mysteries Abound


    Stoned Wallabies Make Crop Circles, Human Role in Big Kangaroo Demise, The Magician Henry More Smith, Giants of the Dreamtime, The Legend of Molly Leigh, The Great Moon Landing Hoax

  • EPISODE 26 - Mysteries Abound


    Hong Kong Christens an Ark of Biblical Proportions, Futility Closet, Dimension Shifts in Yorkshire, Project Blue Book, Theft of the Sacred Cod, De-materialization at First Hand

  • EPISODE 25 - Mysteries Abound


    The Missing Chronovisor, The Wolf of Allendale, The Hexham Heads, Super Strong Kids, Huge Creature at the Window, Dropa Stones, Thylacine

  • EPISODE 24 - Mysteries Abound


    Is Bovine Hemoglobin The Smoking Gun in Cattle Mutilation Cases?, Paraplegic Man Suffers Spider Bite, Walks Again, The Fire Of St. Elmo, The Great Wall of China, Is It Good for You? Debunking 10 Myths About Guinness Stout, Charles Wade & the Ghosts of Snowshill Manor, Cornfield Creature

  • EPISODE 23 - Mysteries Abound


    Long Haired Skin Walker, What is a Skin Walker,Futility Closet, Sarah Wilson Fake Princess, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Dyatlov Pass Incident

  • EPISODE 22 - Mysteries Abound


    Futility Closet - Every Minute, CANADA REPORTS RACE OF MONSTER MEN IN ROCKIES, Pregnant for 60 years, The fabulous fabulist - Did Marco Polo really make it to China?, Near Death, The Riddle of the Sphinx, George Adamski - the first dis-information agent?, Siapan and the Mystery of Amelia Earhart

  • EPISODE 21 - Mysteries Abound


    Thomas Edisonâ??s Last Breath, A Leaf From Leif, New Loch Ness Photo, The 24 Digit Kid, King Of The Gypsies, Office Poltergeist, Pope Joan, The Mystery of the Hindenburg Disaster

  • EPISODE 20 - Mysteries Abound


    Christmas, Yule and the Winter Solstice, Out of Place Fossils, Yeti: Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas, Unmanned stealth bomber could have been UFO responsible for destroying wind turbine, Anne Jefferies and the Fairies - A Real Fairy Tale, The loot of Luzon

  • EPISODE 19 - Mysteries Abound


    Elemental Energy, How Spontaneous Human Combustion Works, Healing Stones, Granny Poltergeist, The Mystery of the Green Children of Woolpit, 7 of the Weirdest Human Enigmas, Dancing Rocks of the Race Track Playa

  • EPISODE 18 - Mysteries Abound


    The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Times, Morgellons Disease - Mystery Ailment Makes Oneâ??s Skin Crawl, The Controversial Aquatic Ape Hypothesis, Saved by a Doctor Who Listened, The Early Visitor, Under the Bed

  • EPISODE 17 - Mysteries Abound


    Buried Antarctic Mountain Range Shouldn't Exist at Al, Article Medieval Relic Trade, Paradise Field, The Ice is Falling! The Ice is Falling!, The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone, Time Travel

  • EPISODE 16 - Mysteries Abound


    An Impostor In The Family, Ants Can Teach Us How To Beat City Congestion, Hand of Glory, Mysterious Disappearance of Agatha Christie, Flying Saucers and The Third Reich, Bond Based On Elizabethan Spy

  • EPISODE 15 - Mysteries Abound


    Keepers of the Lost Ark, The Last Victorian Leviathan Steamship, Holes in the Ground in Russia, Solomonâ??s Mines, Haunted Youth Hostel, Plant in the Shape of Ganesh, Small Breast Epidemic, Aldworth Giants, The Surgeonâ??s Hoax

  • EPISODE 14 - Mysteries Abound


    Newly Released Files Contain UFO Mysteries, Tsunami, Japanese Team Finds Yeti Footprints,A Psychic Experiment, Flying Saucer Filmed in Turkey,The Mystery Pink Light Over London, Hitler Planned Big Brother Style TV to Broadcast Propaganda

  • EPISODE 13 - Mysteries Abound


    Project Serpo: Fact or Fiction, Brain-Piercing: Extreme Body Piercing Idea, What is the Philosopher's Stone, The Story of Gef, Mexico: Another UFO Videotaped over MCIA, Massive Self-Destructive Palm Found on Madagascar, The Great Texas Train Crash at Crush, UFOs 'have been here since 1947

  • EPISODE 12 - Mysteries Abound


    Animals Sealed in Stone, The Fairy Boy of Leith, Did evolution come before life, Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs, Hubble Finds Unidentified Object in Space, Scientists Puzzled, The "Mystery" of the Bermuda Triangle

  • EPISODE 11 - Mysteries Abound


    The secret code of diaries, Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet, Evolutionists Flock To Darwin-Shaped Wall Stain, Mystery Ocean Glow Confirmed in Satellite Photos, The Graveyard Hosts, Stone Age Venuses

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