Cindy Cox Ministries

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 200:58:23
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THE HEALING COLLECTION - Cindy Cox was divinely healed of stage-four melanoma in 2002, and our amazing God has captivated her heart and her life. She has authored 3 books about divine healing, and shares the gospel of Jesus the Healer in her teaching and healing ministry.


  • Possess the Land – Part 5

    28/07/2020 Duração: 59min

    "Exalt the Truth Over the Facts" Where do you rank God’s word of truth? It is critical to rank it ABOVE the facts (the diagnosis, the statistics, the symptoms, etc.). Until you make God’s word the highest authority in your life, it will not have complete authority in your life!

  • Possess the Land – Part 4

    14/07/2020 Duração: 46min

    "Only Believe" Hebrews 3:19 says, So we see that they were not able to enter [into His rest – the promised land] because of unbelief and an unwillingness to trust in God. Unbelief has the potential to cancel out our belief, and keep us from entering the rest of God. We don’t need big faith, we just need a pure faith that isn’t canceled out, counterbalanced, or negated by unbelief pulling in the opposite direction. Unbelief has to be fed and nourished in order to survive. In this teaching, Cindy shares very practical strategies on how to starve unbelief, and how to feed faith!

  • Possess the Land – Part 3

    30/06/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    "Possessing Healing and Health" Through God’s extravagant grace, children of God have already been gifted divine healing, divine health, and a divine life! These are deposited within our spirit man at our new birth. However, in order to take possession of our healing and health in your body and soul, we must first possess the truth of God’s word regarding His healing grace. We must also take possession of our new identity as the healed of the Lord. Say, “I am not a sick person trying to obtain my healing. I am a healed person defending the healing that’s already been gifted to me through God’s grace!” THEN we will be prepared to enter our promised land of healing and wholeness in any and every area of our life!

  • Possess the Land – Part 1

    16/06/2020 Duração: 52min

    "Possessing Truth" Grace is God’s entire provision for man – spirit, soul, and body – and was purchased through Jesus’ sacrificial death, burial and resurrection. But we must POSSESS God’s grace which was purchased for us. It is NOT automatic! The greatest attack on the Word and humanity today is the enemy’s never-ending attack on Truth. Since the beginning the enemy has attacked men by sowing doubt about God’s nature and His Word. God’s truth must be possessed! It must become the foundation of our life!

  • Surrounded, Not Isolated

    09/06/2020 Duração: 01h19min

    In this message, Cindy shares revelation received through Danielle Hermiller, her spiritual daughter. Danielle has renewed her mind to God’s truth in and is walking in greater degrees of freedom in God’s kingdom. You can too!!! • There is NO isolation for those IN Christ! • We are created to be “relational”! We NEED connection! • There is NO MORE bondage for those IN Christ! • Our position, inheritance and true identity IN Christ will NEVER change! • Surround yourself with people who are faith builders, not faith killers! • Surround yourself with the living, powerful Word of God! • Surround yourself with the loving embrace of your Father!

  • God Is Good! Period!

    02/06/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    In this world, many have mixed the truth of God’s Word with life experiences and tried to make God’s truth fit into their experiences. In the process they’ve unknowingly started to perceive evil as good, and good as evil, and they’ve bought a dangerous lie of the enemy that causes them to question the goodness of God. The foundation for overcoming this deception of the enemy and to receive God’s best for our lives (including healing) is to know deep within our hearts that God is good. This foundational truth must be the bedrock of our theology. God is ALWAYS good. God is ONLY good!

  • Trust God through the COVID-19 Pandemic

    26/05/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    Many believers confuse having faith in God with trusting in God. Faith is confident belief in God, and in His Word, and in His will. Trust is faith in action! It is the manifestation of our faith in our thoughts, our words, our choices, and our actions. The big question is: Am I thinking like I believe God? Am I talking like I believe Him? Am I living like I believe Him? My spiritual daughter, Danielle Hermiller, joins me in this livestream video. She shares how she has grown in the area of truly trusting our good, good Father!

  • Loving and Living God’s Word Through the COVID-19 Pandemic - Part 2

    12/05/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    In this teaching, Cindy and Pastor Fran Viers continue a discussion of several actions our country has taken to protect and save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic … and how God’s Word actually affirms these actions. In this livestream recording, Cindy and Fran discussed the power of words of life, and the reopening and restoring of the U.S. economy. We have a beautiful opportunity to love and to live God’s Word in the midst of this pandemic, to grow in our maturity as disciples of Jesus, and to rise up as more than overcomers through Christ!

  • Loving and Living God’s Word Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

    05/05/2020 Duração: 58min

    In this teaching, Cindy and Pastor Fran Viers began a discussion of several actions our country has taken to protect and save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic … and how God’s Word actually affirms these actions. In this livestream recording, Cindy and Fran discussed the “shelter in place” order, and the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force. We have a beautiful opportunity to love and to live God’s Word in the midst of this pandemic, to grow in our maturity as disciples of Jesus, and to rise up as more than overcomers through Christ!

  • 5 Crowns Awarded to Believers

    28/04/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    In this livestream video, Cindy shares an amazing facet of our “Divine Exchange” through Jesus’ sacrifice. He gave up His heavenly crown, His divine privileges and took the humble position of a servant … and then humbled himself even further as He accepted a criminal’s death on a cross. He wore a crown of thorns … driven deep into His brow. And now, as children of God, we receive crowns of blessing! Throw off the “crown” of the corona virus! It may be a “fact” in our life … but God’s truth is far greater, far stronger! Cindy’s guest, Jenny LaCasse, shares a powerful testimony of God’s love and truth over the attack of the coronavirus on her son’s life.

  • Out of Darkness, Into Light!

    21/04/2020 Duração: 56min

    Jesus overthrew the ruler of this dark world. Everyone who believes and trusts in Him as Savior has been rescued from the dominion of darkness, and we are now sons and daughters of the light! We ARE the light of the world! But it is critical that we walk in the light, and allow the light to shine brightly in us and through us. Our fountain of light is found in Jesus. In His light, we see light … even through challenges or difficult circumstances in life! Light extinguishes darkness … it’s NOT the other way around!!!

  • The Power of Praying God's Blessing Over COVID-19

    14/04/2020 Duração: 56min

    Dawn Anderson shares her testimony of walking through her healing journey with God, in peace and in faith in His promises! All glory to King Jesus!!! Cindy shared 3 powerful truths about praying God’s Word over the problem: 1) When we pray God’s Word, faith is conceived, incubated, and delivered! 2) Praying God’s Word carries creative power! 3) Praying God’s Word is spiritual medicine to your physical body! Included with this teaching are a beautiful set of personalized promises from the living Word of God.

  • The Powerful Prayer of Blessing Over COVID-19

    07/04/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    In this message, I meditate on the Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6:22-27. As believers, we have been made kings and priests to our God (Revelation 1:5-6; 5:9-10). When we pray the prayer of blessing in faith and authority over ourselves, our loved ones, and our specific needs, God says that He WILL bless us! Invoke the blessing of our Mighty God and His powerful grace, NOT the curse of the coronavirus and its destructive power!

  • Psalm 91: God's Shield of Protection During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    31/03/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    Psalm 91 is a powerful promise of protection for those who abide continuously in the secret place of our Most High God, and remain under the shadow of El-Shaddai, our All Sufficient God! We are promised deliverance from every evil known to mankind; including pestilence … the Coronavirus … IF we choose to remain steadfast under His protective wings; and use the authority we’ve been commissioned!

  • Our Victory in Peace!

    25/03/2020 Duração: 35min

    The peace of God is not merely an absence of strife, anxiety, or fear. The peace of God is the Presence of a Person that DESTROYS the presence of darkness! The peace of God is in God’s will for us, purchased by Jesus! In this teaching, Cindy shares how to obtain your inheritance of God’s peace, and how to release that peace into the storm … and overcome that storm!!!

  • Faith Triumphs Over Fear!

    17/03/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    We are in the midst of a global pandemic right now, and fear is running rampant al around us! God has given us natural fear that is a healthy function that serves us well. With this natural fear, we are cautious to utilize healthy behaviors and to enforce safe boundaries. But God did NOT give us the spirit of fear. The spirit of fear is satan’s destructive power that, when received, enables the enemy’s purpose to be fed, fueled, and fulfilled. In this teaching, Cindy shares 5 practical strategies to overcome the spirit of fear!

  • Biblical Ways to Receive Healing – Part 1

    10/03/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Healing can be received today in the same way that it was received during Jesus’ ministry on this earth! And, we see the disciples of Christ carrying on Jesus’ mission after He ascended into heaven. We too, are called to advance God’s Kingdom … not just with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power!

  • YOUR Faith, YOUR Move

    04/03/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    The promises of God are NOT automatic, even though each one is the will of God for His children. The will of God is not going to come to pass without our participation! The truth of God’s will to heal must be real and genuine to you. Receiving the healing purchased by Jesus is according to YOUR faith … not the faith of someone else. AND it’s YOUR move. It is very important to take action … action that reflects your faith in Jesus and in His finished work!

  • Let Go of Control

    26/02/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    Humility, Submission, Obedience, Dependence, Surrender, Trust God’s best for His children is to live in humility, in submission to God, depending upon Him, and trusting Him! That’s not what the world sees as powerful … but God’s way is SO MUCH BETTER than the world’s way! Isaiah 1:19 says, If you have a willing heart to let me help you, and if you will obey me, you will feast on the blessings of an abundant life! The truth within this powerful message is life changing!

  • The Fear of the Lord

    12/02/2020 Duração: 56min

    Fear of the Lord is reverential awe, respect, honor, trust, love and submission towards God. Jesus modeled a life that delighted in the fear of the Lord. His first priority was pleasing His Father. He waited on His Father’s timing and initiative before moving out and taking action. He was not moved by people or circumstances – but only by His Father. Scripture clearly commands US over and over to live in the fear of the Lord. In this teaching, Cindy shares what that looks like in our lives today.

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