Janet Mefferd Today



Podcast by Janet Mefferd Today


  • 8 - 12 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Peter LaBarbera (Netflix's "Pray Away" Documentary)

    12/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    The new Netflix film "Pray Away" purports to expose the dangers of so-called "conversion therapy," but its bias, selective editing and one-sided interviews expose it as just more LGBT-activist propaganda. Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, will give us his review. Plus: Don Hawkins stops by to talk about his book, "Master Discipleship Today: Jesus' Prayer and Plan for Every Believer." Join us for Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 11 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Chuck Donovan (Advancing the Pro-Life Cause)

    11/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    Pro-abortion activists condemn Mississippi's 15-week ban on abortion as "extreme," but a new study from the Charlotte Lozier Institute shows it's mainstream when compared with abortion laws in liberals' beloved Europe. CLI's president Chuck Donovan joins me to talk about it. Plus: How can understanding the power of mass movements and the truth of Romans 1 help us understand the increasing demonization of white evangelicals from voices within the church? That's next time on JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 10 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jeremy Adams (A Warning about America's Next Generation)

    10/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    Today's students show a lack of interest in family and even the idea of objective truth. What will that mean for our country, long-term? Jeremy Adams joins me to talk about it and his book, "Hollowed Out: A Warning about America's Next Generation." Plus: A prominent physician at the forefront of COVID-19 information has been sued by the health-care giant who used to employ him. His attorneys say the suit is just an attempt to silence Dr. Peter McCullough. We'll talk about it on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 09 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Rebekah Koffler (Russian's Secret Plan to Destroy America)

    09/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    What is Russia's secret plan to destroy America? I'll talk it over with Russian native and former U.S. national intelligence expert Rebekah Koffler, author of: "Putin's Playbook." Plus: How is Facebook plotting to shape the future of religious experience, and what might that portend for preachers who run afoul of its progressive totalitarianism? That and more on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 06 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Owen Strachan (Christianity and Wokeness)

    06/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    The Social Justice Movement has swept through the culture like a grassfire -- and now, it's damaging the church of Jesus Christ in the form of a new religion that is neither just nor biblical. How can God's people stand firm against this anti-gospel? Dr. Owen Strachan, provost and research professor of theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary, joins me to talk about it and his book, "Christianity and Wokeness," on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 05 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jason Lancaster (God's Purpose and Glory in Your Life)

    05/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    Why do our lives so often move us toward the frivolous, and how can Christians live lives that are grounded in God's purpose and glory? Jason Lancaster joins me to discuss it and his book, "The Trivial Life." Plus: What's really buried in the Democrats' infrastructure bill? A provision to tax you for driving and language to further the sexual radicals' agenda, among other things. I'll explain what you need to know on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 04 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Chip Ingram (I Choose Peace: How to Quiet Your Heart)

    04/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    Divisive ex-Southern Baptist leader Dr. Russell Moore had a lot to say this week to PBS about evangelicals' "crisis of credibility." Yet he refused to call out SBC president Ed Litton over his sermon plagiarism or his SBC elite friends for covering it up. So who really has the credibility problem? We'll talk about it. Plus: Living on the Edge's Chip Ingram discusses his book, "I Choose Peace," all on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 03 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - David Closson (Taking Control of Your Kid's Education)

    03/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    The CDC issues new mask guidelines as more vaccinated Americans contract and spread the Delta Variant, while Republicans call for an audit of this increasingly mistrusted government agency. And will the Biden Administration attempt to lock us down again? We'll talk about it. Plus: As parent-school board showdowns heat up over Critical Race Theory and mask mandates, what should Christian parents do to oversee their children's education? I'll talk it over with David Closson from the Family Research Council on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 8 - 02 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Becky Pippert (Evangelism) Kim Erickson (Surviving Sorrow)

    02/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    Many in our postmodern, post-Christian society have rejected the idea of God and absolute truth, but could this pandemic open new doors to reach lost people with the gospel of Jesus? I’ll talk it over with Becky Pippert as we discuss her book, “Stay Salt: The World Has Changed; Our Message Must Not.” Plus: Kim Erickson joins me to discuss her book, "Surviving Sorrow: A Mother's Guide to Living with Loss." That and more on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 29 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jeff Myers (Unquestioned Answers) Lonnie Berger (Manhood)

    29/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    How do Christian cliches prevent us from understanding the depth of God's Word? Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, joins me to discuss his book, "Unquestioned Answers." Plus: How can the church effectively disciple men? Lonnie Berger, TWR Global Men’s Ministry Director, joins me to discuss his discipleship study series, “Every Man a Warrior.” That and more on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 30 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Doug Gehman (Staying Faithful) Thann Bennett (Giving Glory)

    29/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    The Bible says, "We count them blessed who endure." But how can we keep persevering in following Jesus when we feel like giving up? I'll talk it over with Doug Gehman, president of Globe International and author of the book, "Before You Quit." . Plus: How can we better proclaim the mighty deeds that the Lord has done? I'll discuss it with Thann Bennett, director of government affairs for the American Center for Law and Justice and author of "My Fame, His Fame." That's next time on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 28 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Michael Petrilli (Education) Deron Spoo (The Bible)

    28/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    What is the conservative vision for tomorrow's schools? I'll talk it over with education expert Michael Petrilli, co-editor of the book, "How to Educate an American." Plus: Deron Spoo, pastor of First Baptist Church of Tulsa, Okla., stops by to discuss his book, "The Bible in 10 Words: Unlocking the Message of Scripture and Connecting With God." That and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 27 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Joe Dallas (Christians in a Cancel Culture)

    27/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    Back in 2019, a book by Genesis Biblical Solutions founder and counselor Joe Dallas was cancelled by Amazon. Now, Joe is encouraging and advising Christians on how to prepare to speak biblical truth in love amid a growing animosity against God's people. Joe will join me to discuss it as we talk about his book, "Christians in a Cancel Culture." That's next time on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 26 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - David Harrell (Why America Hates Biblical Christianity)

    26/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    How can we pursue Christlikeness in an increasingly hostile culture? I'll talk it over with David Harrell, senior pastor-teacher at Calvary Bible Church and author of the book, "Why America Hates Biblical Christianity." Plus: Muslim extremists want to overturn a Florida law protecting Jews against anti-Semitism. Why hasn't the Florida Democratic Party purged these bullies from its ranks? That's next time on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 23 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Stephen Black (Finding Freedom from Homosexuality in Christ)

    23/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    The same-sex-attracted pastor of the PCA church that hosted the first Revoice conference is casting doubt on the idea that God can forgive and transform homosexuals through faith in Christ. And he's making false assertions about gospel-centered ministries in the process. Stephen Black, executive director of First Stone Ministries, joins me to respond to that and the upcoming anti-Christian Netflix film, "Pray Away." That's next time on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 22 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Aaron White (The Spiritual Role of Husbands)

    22/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    Sen. Rand Paul says he’s requesting a criminal referral for Dr. Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress over Wuhan lab funding. We'll bring you up to speed about it. Plus: Author and pastor J. Aaron White stops by to discuss the important spiritual role that Christian men must play in the lives of their wives. His book is called, "Man Up, Kneel Down." Join us for Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 21 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Patti Garibay (Growing Girls in Christ)

    21/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    The Conservative Baptist Network is calling for the resignation of the Southern Baptist Convention's new president, based on multiple instances of evidence that he plagiarized. Will Ed Litton finally do the right thing? We'll talk about it. Plus: How is God using a Christian-based scouting organization to bring hope and encouragement to young girls' lives? I'll talk about it with Patti Garibay, founder of American Heritage Girls and author of: "Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle?" And a Hasbro whistleblower reveals how the company is committed to indoctrinating kids with Critical Race Theory. That and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 20 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Shane Idleman (Revival & Repentance) M. Woolworth (Bibles)

    20/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    What will it take for the Lord to revive His church and lift His judgment on the United States, which both have fallen into deep-seated ungodliness after receiving so many abundant blessings? Shane Idleman, lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship, joins me to talk about it. Plus: Why Americans are steadily losing their freedom of speech and why that matters so much to our republic. That and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 19 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Reggie Littlejohn (Vaccine Passports) Trent England (Voting)

    19/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    Are vaccine passports actually about protecting the public health, or are they gateways to mass surveillance and violations of our liberties? China expert Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, stops by to talk about it. Plus: The National Popular Vote interstate compact is failing to catch fire. Trent England, executive director of Save Our States, stops by to discuss why that's good news. Join us for Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 7 - 16 - 21 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Michelle Easton (How to Raise a Conservative Daughter)

    16/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    How can parents raise their girls to reject the insanity of the Left? I'll talk to Michelle Easton, founder of the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women, about her book, "How to Raise a Conservative Daughter." Plus: Progressives are ramping up their COVID-19 vaccination threats, and science has nothing to do with it. We'll discuss that and more on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY

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