Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Robert Evans: Why You Need An App – PTC 452

    06/08/2023 Duração: 35min

    CREATE AN APP FOR YOUR PODCAST, CONTENT AND MORE Something new is coming. I'm getting ready to launch the Podcast Talent Coach app. It will bring all of my content and tools together in one convenient place. It takes many platforms and services to build a funnel that will lead your podcast listeners to become clients. When you have a smartphone app, you can bring many of those platforms together in one place. CONTENT PURPOSE Your podcast content can drive people to your lead magnet and get them on your email list. When you create your content with a purpose, it will create a demand for your lead magnet. The content demonstrates the need for the resource. Show them how to use it and the transformation it makes possible. Platforms like ClickFunnels and LeadPages help you do this. LEAD MAGNET Your lead magnet encourages listeners to come to your webinar or discovery call through your email list allows by nurturing the relationship. MailChimp and ActiveCampaign are a couple platforms that will help you manage you

  • Coaching Call: How Do You Market Your Podcast? – PTC 451

    29/07/2023 Duração: 49min

    HOW DO YOU MARKET YOUR PODCAST FOR EFFECTIVE RESULTS When you're creating a business around your podcast, even if it is a side hustle, it feels like there is an endless amount of stuff to do. When you don't have structured time to do something, it expands to the allotted amount of time. That is where your flexible hours create an issue. There needs to be time when you work "on" your business. Michael Gerber's "The E-Myth Revisited" lays this out perfectly. First, determine the activities that actually drive downloads. This could include online activity in social media, marketing to your list or other activities that get you noticed. Then, determine the actions that drive your business. Who are your ideal clients? What type of clients make up the top 20% that drive 80% of your business? It is the Pareto Principle. Figure out how to reach those people. Now that you know the activities that attract listeners, and you know the activities that grow your business, find a day you can dedicate to those activities. De

  • YouTube Or Podcast – PTC 450

    23/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    This question has come up multiple times this week. Which is better to build your authority and grow your business – YouTube or a podcast? Should you spend your content time creating videos for YouTube or creating a podcast? You're not going to like my answer. I love podcasting. But, YouTube is also amazing. Your podcast allows you to create powerful relationships with your listeners. YouTube is a powerful search engine that is tough to match. So, which is better to embrace? Which one is better to grow your business? Well, it depends. What are you trying to accomplish? DIFFERENT Many people see YouTube and podcasting as two strategies to reach the same goal. That's simply not the case. In 1928 in Schenectady, New York, WRGB became the first television station in the United States. Soon after, people started announcing the death of radio. Now that you could see your favorite shows on video, why would you ever listen to the radio? Yet radio adapted and survived. It even thrived. The golden age of radio was the

  • Can Podcasting Still Be A Profitable Venture In 2023 – PTC 449

    15/07/2023 Duração: 20min

    HOW TO MAKE YOUR PODCAST PROFITABLE So many coaches struggle to make their podcast profitable, because they don't have a strategy. A strategy doesn't need to be complicated. It simply needs to be effective. PROFITABLE STRATEGY Many podcasters try to monetize their podcast with ads and sponsorships. MRI-Simmons just released data on podcast listening as it pertains to podcast ads. In the research, 42% of listeners surveyed say they will skip the ad if it is for something they don’t care about. 22% of those surveyed say they will skip if they don't support the brand being marketed. More importantly, 27% said they skip ads no matter what. That means over a quarter of your listeners don't want to hear the ads. Commercials are a negative experience for your show. It also doesn't benefit your advertiser. Why would you do that to your podcast? BETTER STRATEGY Rather than attempting to be profitable using ads and sponsors, use your podcast as a marketing vehicle for your own goods and services. Create great content o

  • Do You Really Need A Podcast Editor – PTC 448

    08/07/2023 Duração: 27min

    HOW CAN I PRODUCE A PODCAST IN AN HOUR? To create great content quickly, you're going to need help. Many coaches ask me if they need a podcast editor. It comes down to where you want to spend your time. Asking if you need a podcast editor is like asking if you need a car. I don't know that anyone "needs" a car. You can take the bus, pay for an Uber, ride your bike, walk, or catch a ride with a friend. Needing a car comes down to convenience. What do you value more? To produce a quality podcast episode in an hour, you'll need to spend your time performing and sharing your expertise. You'll then need somebody else to do the editing, uploading and sharing of your episode. TAYLOR SWIFT We went to see Taylor Swift this weekend. I've had the great fortune of meeting Taylor a few times and see how her business works from a unique perspective. Taylor Swift is so successful, because she spends her time overdelivering for her fans while others handle the tasks that don't require her genius. When my daughter Emma was in

  • How Do I Drive Traffic To My Podcast – PTC 447

    01/07/2023 Duração: 33min

    DRIVE TRAFFIC FOR SUCCESS How many listeners are enough? Just a few more. We all want more listeners. But, how do I drive traffic to my podcast? My son and I went to the movie theater this weekend to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It was good. I'm a big Harrison Ford fan. Do you ever wonder why the big movie studios are so quick to jump on the sequel bandwagon? It isn't simply easy money. It's easy marketing. When they release a sequel, they don't have to work as hard to drive traffic to the movie. The main character is already familiar to the audience. The basic famework of the movie doesn't need explaination. With a sequel, half the work is already done. They simply need to make fans aware that the movie is available. The same is true with your podcast. It is much easier to keep current listeners than it is to attract new ones. When podcasters reach out to me for their free strategy session, they answer a few questions before we get on the call. One question I ask is, "In what ways do you need help with y

  • 5 Reasons a Small Business Should Start a Podcast – PTC 446

    24/06/2023 Duração: 27min

    Many coaches wonder if they should start a podcast, be a guest on other podcasts, or create a YouTube channel. They treat each platform the same. Each of these three content platforms serve a different purpose and get a different result. This topic came up twice in conversations this week. In one chat, I was talking with the guy who will be running my summit this fal. He mentioned that he was doing another summit for an expert who teaches people how to be a guest on other podcasts. He said, "Let those hosts pay Erik to learn how to start a podcast and do all the work. She will just teach you how to be a guest." Being a guest has its place. But being a guest and having your own podcast are two completely different strategies with two completely different purposes. He clearly didn't understand the benefit you receive when you start a podcast. And many don't have a strategy to success when they do start. Before we discuss why small businesses should start a podcast, let's talk about the difference between these

  • Attract The Best Listeners – PTC 445

    18/06/2023 Duração: 34min

    HOW TO ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS Don't just create content. Create content to attract your best listeners. As you work to grow your coaching business, find those prospects that are perfect for your services. RAMIT SETHI I was listening to "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi. He helps couples with their finances and helps them get out of debt. I’ve been following Ramit since 2012. Over the years, I got a good feel for the content he shared. So when I started listening to his podcast, I expected the show to be something like Dave Ramsey. People struggling to get out of dept and find financial peace. However, Ramit's guests seemed to already be rich and successful. Here are the titles of some of his latest episodes. Guilt-free travel: How to plan, save and spend on amazing vacations I’m about to make $300k but we might have to live in our car We’re worth $1.25M, so why is he afraid to get a $15 gym membership? We make $280,000. Why does he keep shooting down my dreams? I make $33,000/month. He makes $

  • Where Do You Find Inspiration – PTC 444

    10/06/2023 Duração: 32min

    AS A CONTENT CREATOR, WHERE DO YOU FIND INSPIRATION? Creating great content begins with strong topics. And strong topics come from inspiration. Inspiration is available in many areas of life. In this episode, you will discover 7 ways to inspire you with great content ideas. PASSION Before you begin looking for ideas and inspiration, ensure you are passionate about your topic. If you are not a fanatic about your niche, you'll find it difficult to create any content. When you are passionate about your niche, content ideas tend to flow naturally. You can't create content simply because you think others will enjoy it. The idea well runs dry when you chase the passion of other. Don't worry about what others love. To be interesting, be interested. Talk about ideas that stir your passion. TWO ELEMENTS OF INSPIRATION Before you begin creating content ideas, you need to remember the two critical elements of great content. First, everything interesting is about people. When you create content, it cannot be information

  • Tips About Editing A Podcast – PTC443

    03/06/2023 Duração: 30min

    Do you feel like you're always editing a podcast? You're an expert in your niche. You don't need to spend all of your time editing. Live in your zone of genius. On this episode, I want to give you some tips about editing a podcast. There are five steps to producing a podcast each week. Those steps are plan, record, edit, publish and promote. You need to do these steps for every episode. But, you don't need to do these steps every week. What you need is a system. Let's see how you can save time in each of those areas to make your system more efficient and give you more time to work with your clients. GET HELP First, let me show you an option. You can always get someone to do all of the dirty work for you. How much time do you spend each week creating your podcast? If you could cut your podcast production time in half or more, how could you better spend the time you save? You could spend time finding clients. Use the time to serve your clients better. Spend time creating more digital products to sell. Double do

  • 7 Ways To Better Podcast Interviews – PTC 442

    28/05/2023 Duração: 26min

    HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PODCAST INTERVIEWS I was listening to a podcast interview today and got caught up in the nuances of the interview rather than enjoying the conversation. It inspired me to share with you these 7 ways to create better podcast interviews. Podcast Talent Coach was created to help coaches create better content. I saw so many podcasters struggling to create an effective show, because they didn't know what they didn't know. In 2009, I started listening to a lot of podcasts. At the time, there were about 80,000 podcasts. Many of them were hobby podcasts. I had been coaching radio hosts for over two decades while programming various radio stations and building winning shows. As I listened to these podcasts, I thought, "If only these hosts used a few of the tactics we use in radio, their shows would be much more effective at attracting an audience and growing their business." That's when I started coaching podcasters. Over the years, I really started to focus on coaches and information experts. How

  • Are Podcasts A Waste Of Time – PTC 441

    21/05/2023 Duração: 24min

    ENSURE YOUR PODCAST IS NOT A WASTE OF TIME Are podcasts a waste of time? Many coaches ask me about the return on investment for their podcast. Your return on investment is defined by two sides of the equation. We want to increase the return while decreasing the investment. So, what is your goal with your podcast? This is the best place to start. You can't determind if your podcast is a waste of time until you determine what you want to accomplish. This is the most common problem with coaches. They are using the wrong strategy, or worse no strategy. You can't hit a target you can't see. ADS ARE A WASTE OF TIME Many podcasts try to make money through ads and sponsorships. If you struggle to generate revenue with your podcast, stop chasing ads. With sponsors, you only make money once. Most podcasts aren't big enough to attract large sponsors with big dollars. And, your audience doesn't want to sit through a bunch of ads. Instead, use your podcast to market your services, network with others, and connect with pro

  • Monetize Your Message – PTC 440

    13/05/2023 Duração: 42min

    HOW TO MONETIZE YOUR MESSAGE We know who we help and what we help them do. But, have you ever considered how you monetize your message? You might say, "Yeah, Erik. I'm a coach." Or you might say, "I help people find a new career or launch a business." Those concepts are "what" you do, and not necessarily "how" you do it. Your "how" might include one-on-one coaching for six months at a time. You might offer a six-week course that helps clients achieve success. Those ideas would be your how. It is the vehicle that you actually sell. There are a variety of ways to monetize your message. MONETIZE YOUR PODCAST Your podcast gives you a great opportunity to attract your ideal clients. You can interview potential clients and open the door to that relationship. Your podcast content could demonstrate how you help people. Then, you could invite them to work with you. I have clients that use their podcast to sell affiliate products and services. You can't monetize your podcast until you figure out what you're selling. Ho

  • Jill Lublin On Publicity – PTC 439

    06/05/2023 Duração: 24min

    If you want to grow your audience and attract your ideal clients, you need to get in front of new prospects. You need publicity and visibility. If you keep talking to your current audience, your current email list and your current social media network, you won't grow. Those people are already in your circle. You need new connections. LINKS Here are the links mentioned in this episode: Jill's Publicity Crash Course free gift - www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/Jill. Apply for a strategy call with me - www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. PUBLICITY Many think publicity is getting mentioned in the media. But, it is much more than that. Publicity is defined as extensive mention in the news media or by word of mouth or other means of communication. It's all about getting other people to talk about you. Studies show that most podcast listeners discover a new podcast through word of mouth. They hear someone mention it. This doesn't necessarily mean somebody personally told them. They may have heard about it on another podcast

  • Creating Engagement – PTC 438

    30/04/2023 Duração: 32min

    Coaches will often tell me they struggle to create engagement with their audience. Does that sound familiar? People don't opt in for your lead magnet. Nobody is emailing you with questions. You aren't getting any discovery calls with clients. Does it sometimes feel like you are talking to yourself with nobody on the other end of the line? MORE DIFFICULT On this episode, I want to give you 7 steps to generate more engagement with your audience. I also want to give you 75 Ways to Drive Engagement. It is a free download at http://www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/engage. You might be making the problem more difficult than it needs to be? The solution is easy to understand, yet difficult to execute properly. Through all of my research and years of experience in both radio and podcasting, I've discovered a few key steps to create interaction. We are going to cover 7 steps to create more listener engagement. Some of these steps may sound a little too simplistic. Just remember … don't make it harder than it needs to be. St

  • Should I Rerecord and More Questions – PTC 437

    22/04/2023 Duração: 31min

    On this episode, we are answering podcasting questions. What is the difference between downloads and listens? How can I see around the mic? What is the best way to approach guests? Should I rerecord old episodes. Plus other great questions. YOUR QUESTIONS If you have a question, you can always shoot me a message. You can find my contact info at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/contact. Or better yet, let's have a conversation. If you have a published at least a dozen episodes and aren't sure where to go from here, or you're not seeing the progress you'd like, apply to have a complimentary strategy call with me. You and I will get on a call, determine where you are, define where you'd like to go, and develop your strategy to get there. You can apply www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. If we like each other and I have a resource that will help you, we can have that discussion. But this call is all about creating your strategy and getting clarity.   HOW OFTEN? I’m just staring to podcast. How often can one record a post

  • The First Step to Grow Your Audience

    15/04/2023 Duração: 26min

    The first step to grow your audience is obvious. You've heard it many times before. But, it is likely you have done it thoroughly enough. Maybe you've done it, but it has been a long time since you've considered it. YOUR FILTER This critical step serves as the filter for all of your content. It makes your audience growth strategy crystal clear. When you've completed the step, you'll know exactly which experts will make the perfect partners. If you hope to grow your podcast audience, your first step is to identify your ideal listener. And your ideal listener isn't entrepreneurs, or athletes, or anyone who wants to invest, or Christians. You don't have enough time, energy and money to find "anyone who wants to invest". That is everyone. You can't afford to reach everyone. THE RADIO AUDIENCE When I first started in radio in the late 80s, my first full-time gig was doing overnights at a Hot Adult Contemporary station. We basically played top 40 music after it was deemed same enough for your mom. Let's say I tell

  • The 3 Ps To Audience Growth – PTC 435

    09/04/2023 Duração: 20min

    Most podcasts don't grow, because they lack an audience growth strategy. And if the host does have a strategy, they are probably making it more difficult than it needs to be. To grow your audience, you need to do 2 things – Attract new listeners and keep them coming back for more. WHY DO WE PODCAST? When coaches come to me for help with their shows, one of our first steps is to determine where they are today. Why do you have a podcast? The answer to that question varies. The most common answer I hear is impact and influence. Coaches want to leave their mark on the world. One coach told me, "If we are able to generate leads, that is awesome. If we are helping change people's lives, and they are reaching out to us, that would be a success. Becoming a resource is the goal." What does success look like to you? You may want to spread your message or make an impact. Your podcast might exist because you want to grow your influence or leave a legacy. Having a strong "why" is an important ingredient to your success. W

  • Questions - How Long and More – PTC 434

    01/04/2023 Duração: 29min

    Podcasters often ask me how long their podcast should be. It isn't as easy as most would like. We'll get into that along with other questions like the legality of using TV audio on your show, finding intro music, and how to record. If you have questions, you can always email me at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. INFLUENCE TO INCOME Before we start, I'd like to remind you that early bird registration for Influence to Income is open. Right now more than ever, your voice matters. Because you and your message are unique. I am teaming with two other podcast experts to help you build your message, marketing and monetization for your podcast. Let's market your message and make money with your show. Are you ready to go from being the best-kept-secret in your niche to the epicenter of your industry? Now's the time to make podcasting profitable. Master our proven blueprint that will ensure you build a profitable podcast. Join us for this powerful, 3-day event to build your podcast profit roadmap. It's Influence to Income

  • Creating a Custom Intro – PTC 433

    25/03/2023 Duração: 34min

    The introduction of your podcast is probably the most critical part of your show. A custom intro takes it to a whole new level. A typical listener will give you between 90 seconds and a few minutes to entice them to stick around. Don't blow it. You can't catch up to a slow start. When you create your intro, tell your listener how they will be better after listening to an episode. Your listener is asking, "What's in it for me?" A custom intro adds show biz. It is unique to your show. And, it can be very affordable. The opening of your show will have 2 or 3 parts. You can use a highlight clip from the show, which is optional. It will be followed by the voiceover introduction of the podcast. Finally, you will give the introduction to this particular episode. HIGHLIGHT CLIP A sample highlight clip isn't required. If you plan to use a clip to tease the episode, you need to do it properly. A teaser clip should create some anticipation.  If you are going to use a highlight clip from the episode at the beginning, be

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