Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Why I Ignore Podcast Critics (And Maybe You Should Too) - PTC Episode 051

    25/07/2014 Duração: 31min

    Why I Ignore Critics (And Maybe You Should Too) PTC Episode 051 There are a few reasons why I ignore critics, and maybe you should, too. I was listening to Pat Flynn's “Smart Passive Income” podcast today. Pat received some feedback that was crtical of his style and motivation. The critic felt Pat was putting on a unauthentic persona in order to sell affiliate programs. Pat spent a bit of time at the beginning of the episode explaining his approach and defending his character. He didn't get defensive. His comments were positive toward his critic. Some great points were offered which made me like Pat even more. I love Pat's show.  He sounds like a great guy.  I just think he is wasting his time trying to persuade a critic to change his mind.   There are five reasons I tend to ignore critics like this.   Mic Time By spending time on negative comments, you're just giving the trolls exposure. The time on your show is valuable. Use it for great content. Do not let the trolls hijack your podcast. You've worked hard

  • 8 Questions To Better Podcasts

    17/07/2014 Duração: 23min

    8 Questions To Better Podcasts - PTC Episode 050   Today, we discuss how you can follow 8 questions to better podcasts.   On the Podcast Review Show the other night, Dave Jackson mentioned he was reviewing his own episode and discovered something he could do to make his show better. I'm a big proponent of show reviews in real time in order to get better. One of my free worksheets at PodcastTalentCoach.com is dedicated to reviewing your show. Here are eight of the questions on that worksheet that can help you improve your podcast.   Pick an episode from a few weeks back. Listen to it in real time. Then ...   Ask yourself these questions   Did you accomplish the goals you set for this episode? How did you make the audience care? How did you include the listener, making them part of the story? Where were the “oh wow” moments? What was memorable about the show? At what points did you introduce and reset the show/topic? What stories did you tell? Where did you use active language? (walking instead of walked, eati

  • Get More Podcast Traffic - PTC Episode 049

    10/07/2014 Duração: 27min

    Get More Podcast Traffic PTC Episode 049 How do I get more podcast traffic? I hear that question all of the time. I recently conducted a survey of my subscribers. The question asked most often had something to do with traffic and engagement with their podcast. “How do I get more podcast traffic?” I knew the subject was a hot topic, because I see discussions everywhere. How many product launches have you seen that promise to teach you how to get more traffic? In 1962, Time magazine called David Ogilvy “the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry.” David Ogilvy is quoted as saying, “Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.” Be careful what you wish for. First, make your product great. Then, bring people to the party. Let’s make your content engaging and memorable before we invite your prospects to the show. If you create a unique experience, your engagement will be much more effective when people come to the party.   Let’s discuss how we become unique. Then, let’s discuss a few org

  • Find Your Motivation - PTC Episode 048

    03/07/2014 Duração: 24min

    Find Your Motivation PTC Episode 048   Are you like me? There are times when I find it difficult to find the motivation to take myself to the studio and create a great show. Sometimes it is so much easier to stay on the couch and watch some television. This week, I received this e-mail.   I have a podcast about fly fishing that has pod faded. Because I am a fly fisher I thought such a podcast would be ideal. But, it became so much work from pre-production, to post-production, to hitting the publish button on iTunes, that I stopped after 10 months. I enjoyed interviewing the people on the podcast and the preparation, but quickly grew tired of all the other work it took to publish. 4-6 hours for a 1 hour podcast. My current challenge is that I enjoy doing several recreational things, but I am not “passionate" about any of them. I just enjoy doing them. Also, I did not have a product or service to sell and still do not. Since this is not a hobby for me, I want to make a good income from this. I have purchased yo

  • Storytelling Transform Your Podcast

    25/06/2014 Duração: 24min

    Storytelling Transform Your Podcast   Have you noticed a lot of the business interview podcasts sound the same? We are hearing the same guests answer the same questions time and time again. How do you become unique in this sea of sameness? Storytelling can transform your podcast. People do business with people they know, like and trust. Stories help you develop that knowledge, likability and trust. Your stories define you and will touch many more people than typical information. The stories you tell and the details you include reveal many things about you. That begins to develop that like and trust. It can be a bit scary to reveal things about yourself on your podcast. Develop the ability to recognize your unique thoughts and the courage to reveal them on your show. Two radio coaches have influenced me greatly over the years. They each have similar views on storytelling. Radio consultant Randy Lane says use stories to “make it human by making it humorous, compelling or tragic”. Radio talent coach Bill McMahon

  • Where To Begin Podcasting - PTC 046

    19/06/2014 Duração: 25min

    Where To Start Podcasting – PTC 046 I recently had lunch with the guys from the “200churches” podcast. Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig are pastors at a 200church in Northwest, Iowa. They want to encourage and support other pastors of “smaller” churches. As we were having lunch, Jeff was telling me about their start in podcasting. They had all of the equipment and were ready to roll. As they were about to record their very first episode, Jeff said he didn't know where to start. What was the first thing he was supposed to say? Where to begin is a natural problem. You know what you want to say. You simply don't know where to start it all. How far back to the beginning of your message should you go? You have all the equipment. You have set up the technical details of the podcast. How does the show content begin? Whether you are a brand new podcaster, or someone with hundreds of episodes under your belt, this episode will help you with your content. If you are just beginning, this will help you create your framework. W

  • Your Effective Call To Action - PTC045

    11/06/2014 Duração: 27min

    Effective Call To Action - PTC045   I was listening to an interview CD that accompanies each issue of Success magazine. Publisher Darren Hardy was talking with Founder and President of Piranha Marketing, Inc. Joe Polish. During that interview, Mr. Polish proclaimed great marketing makes selling easy and unnecessary.   Selling is Easy   You may not be selling in the traditional sense of products or services in exchange for money. However, you are making a call-to-action within your podcast. It may be selling for money. It may also be inviting your listener to come again, asking him to visit your website, requesting that she join your mailing list, inspiring him to get involved with a cause or any other action. It all involves selling yourself.   Polish's statement was bold. As he went on to explain himself, Polish made perfect sense. In fact, his comments were very similar to the marketing and branding information we've been discussing with regard to your podcast.   We have discussed the call-to-action in prev

  • Your Podcast Brand Revisited - PTC044

    05/06/2014 Duração: 34min

    Your Podcast Brand Revisited - PTC044   This week, we revisit my most popular episode.  This episode has been downloaded almost twice as many times as any other episode I have released. Maybe you missed it.  Maybe you caught it and this will be a great refresher.  Either way, I have received great feedback on the content and I am sure you will enjoy it. On this episode, we discuss how to turn you, your content and your podcast into a brand.  How do you create that powerful podcast brand to stand out amongst the sea of podcasts that are available online?   Find the original show notes HERE.     A few housekeeping notes this week.   Get a one-hour coaching session with Dave Jackson and me for only $50 if you act before June 30, 2014. Dave and I are now hosting the Podcast Review Show together. Our guests appear on the show to have their podcast reviewed by the two of us. Typically, hiring the two of us individually for an hour would be hundreds of dollars. Not only do you get an hour of consulting from us on th

  • Powerful Podcast Stories - PTC Episode 043

    28/05/2014 Duração: 29min

    6 Ways Stories make your podcast powerful PTC Episode 043   Zig Ziglar used great stories in every point he made. He was a wonderful storyteller.   Dave Jackson and I spoke with the Contractor's Secret Weapon podcast this week on the Podcast Review Show. They hosts told a great story about earning the #1 spot on Google.  The story really helped solidify their points.   You don't need to include constant stories in your podcast. You only need a few memorable stories to make your podcast stronger.   6 ways stories make your podcast powerful.   Transport your listener to other places using stories Visual words Theater of the mind   Would I enjoy taking a one-hour car ride with this person every week? Develop friendships Like a one-on-one conversation in a car   Do I know the host by listening to the show? Reveal things about yourself People get to know and like you   Stories define your character People begin to trust you   Let others live vicariously through your stories They can enjoy your journe

  • Memorable Podcast Brand - PTC Episode 042

    22/05/2014 Duração: 29min

    Memorable Podcast Brand Episode 042   Have you noticed all of the interview shows popping up lately? It seems everyone wants to have an interview podcast. Many simply copy the other successful interview podcasts and hope to stand out. How can you be different while being the same? Jared Easley and I were talking the other day. He publishes the wonderful podcast “Starve The Doubts”. We were discussing his approach to make his interview show stand out amongst the sea of sameness. Jared creates a unique approach to the interview show in a couple different ways. First, he not only has a guest to interview on his show, he also has a guest interviewer join him to ask the questions. This gives the show an extra dimension. The questions on every interview have a little different perspective. Second, Jared asks unique questions. He opens every show asking about the guests favorite concert. He then sprinkles in “would you rather” and “fill in the blank” questions. Jared does his homework on every guest to create questi

  • The Show Funnel Solution - PTC Episode 041

    15/05/2014 Duração: 32min

    The Show Funnel Solution – PTC Episode 041   If you listen to online business podcasts, you've surely heard the business funnel discussed. Online marketers move a large group of people into the big end of the funnel. As the price increases, the funnel gets smaller indicating fewer people buying.   Similar to the business funnel, we want to move our listeners through a show funnel. We want to engage our listeners, hook them by piquing their interest, and finally moving them through our content.   The size of the listener pool gets smaller as the group moves through the funnel. Many people will see our headline. A portion of those people will move further to read the description. An even smaller group will continue to move through the funnel by beginning to listen to the show. A subset of that group will actually get to the end of the episode.   How can we move our listeners through the episode more efficiently? How can we get more of our listeners to reach the end of the episode?   In this episode, we discuss

  • The Gender Marketing Difference - PTC Episode 040

    08/05/2014 Duração: 32min

    THE GENDER MARKETING DIFFERENCE – PTC EPISODE 040   There is a big difference between marketing to men and marketing to women. The book “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” by John Gray, Ph. D. discussed in great detail the communication and relationship differences between men and women. These differences are critical in marketing. They are also important elements to your podcast strategy.   I'll be speaking at the Podcast Movement in Dallas August 16th & 17th. My affiliate link is online at PodcastTalentCoach.com. I will be doing a session on this very topic showing you how to make use of these marketing tactics in your podcast.   Today, we are going to cover five major differences you need to consider when marketing to the different genders. Keep these differences in mind when you are shaping your podcast content.   Please understand that I am speaking in generalities. I understand these statements won't hold true for every person. These points are are simply how most men and women react in common

  • Defeat The Podcast Jitters - PTC Episode 039

    30/04/2014 Duração: 36min

    Defeat the Podcast Jitters - PTC Episode 039   This week we discuss how to properly prepare for your podcast, and how to overcome the podcast jitters.   I began my broadcasting career when I was 19. It was completely by accident. I was going to college to get my architecture degree. Since I was 12 I had been tailoring my education to be an architect or engineer.   In college, I had the same fear of public speaking as most people. In our design classes, we had to do presentations in front of a panel of judges. I absolutely hated doing these presentations.   During class, four or five students would present during the hour. It would take about a week to get through the entire class. That was the worst part. The anxiety would build for presentation day only to not get your name called. I would have to live through the anxiety again in anticipation of presenting during the next class.   I never envisioned being a public speaker, radio talent or any other presenter.   My younger brother worked for a radio station

  • 2-Person Podcast Tips - PTC Episode 038

    23/04/2014 Duração: 28min

    2-Person Podcast Tips   A few notes before the episode this week. I am speaking at the Podcast Movement in Dallas August 16th and 17th, 2014. It is a national podcast conference that has an amazing roster of presenters and speakers. It is less than $135 (including fees) for the standard ticket before June 1, 2014. I would love to have you join me there using my affiliate link. Get your ticket by clicking the logo in the bottom right corner online at PodcastTalentCoach.com.   Dave Jackson recently invited me to join him on the Podcast Review Show. You can find the show and listen at PodcastReviewShow.com. Each week we invite a podcaster on the show for a critique of the entire business from content to website to revenue opportunities.   If you would like to be featured on the show, click the “Get Reviewed” link at PodcastReviewShow.com.   Joining a two-person show forced me to review my tips for shows with multiple hosts. How do you maintain the level of quality and professionalism? How do you maintain the foc

  • Focus Of Your Podcast - PTC Episode 037

    17/04/2014 Duração: 27min

    Focus Of Your Podcast – PTC Episode 037 A few notes before the episode this week. I am speaking at the Podcast Movement in Dallas August 16th and 17th, 2014. It is a national podcast conference that has an amazing roster of presenters and speakers. It is less than $135 (including fees) for the standard ticket before June 1, 2014. I would love to have you join me there using my affiliate link. Get your ticket by clicking the logo in the bottom right corner online at PodcastTalentCoach.com. Dave Jackson recently invited me to join him on the Podcast Review Show. You can find the show and listen at PodcastReviewShow.com. Each week we invite a podcaster on the show for a critique of their entire business from content to website to revenue opportunities.   If you would like to be featured on the show, click the “Get Reviewed” link at PodcastReviewShow.com.   I was listening to the Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal this week. His show is one of my regular, weekly listens. The podcast frequently features

  • Podcast Negativity Trap - PTC Episode 036

    09/04/2014 Duração: 35min

    Podcast Negativity Trap PTC Episode 036 A quick note … Dave Jackson of School of Podcasting has invited me to join his Podcast Review Show podcast. Each week, we invite a podcaster on the show and review their podcast with them. Dave and I help our guest refine their content, delivery, production, branding and website. If you would like to find our more, head over to PodcastReviewShow.com.   This week on Podcast Talent Coach, we get a question submitted by Steve Stewart of the “Money Plan SOS Podcast” Steve brings up two questions. With all of the negativity surrounding us and pulling us in, how can we keep on a path of positive messages? How can you be passionate without being negative?   It is good to recognize the negative influence in our content. Negativity surrounds us everyday, making it difficult to stay positive. The nightly news uses the philosophy “if it bleeds it leads”. The political talk shows are typically more about the negatives of the opposition rather than the virtues of their position. The

  • Creating Podcast Avatars - PTC Episode 035

    03/04/2014 Duração: 16min

    Creating Podcast Avatars Before you can create a great podcast with meaningful, powerful relationships, you need to define your target listener.  Most podcasts decide they are focused on a niche and leave it at that.  I hear, "My podcast is for entrepreneurs."  A broad category of listeners isn't defined nearly well enough to help you focus your content. When creating content, you will approach fans of the Oakland Raiders of the National Football League different than you would talk to fans of the New York Philharmonic.  You will speak differently to young men in college than you would to grandmothers who enjoy knitting.  When you define your target audience, you will define your strategy to reach that audience. If you are creating a podcast around retirement, your target audience may be defined by gender and age, such as men in their early twenties or 50-year-old women.  Their age is the commonality. Your target audience could also be defined by a common passion.  The podcast could cater to fans of Harley Da

  • More Podcast Engagement - PTC Episode 034

    27/03/2014 Duração: 30min

    MORE PODCAST ENGAGEMENT I received an e-mail the other day that contained a question I'm asked quite often. For quite some time, I've tried to solve the problem myself. I've read books, listened to interviews, purchased products and reviewed tons of notes and articles I've collected over the years. The question? How do we create more engagement with our podcasts?   Before we jump into engagement, let's review your checklist from last week. On the last episode, we discussed ways to sound more confident in your content. Your checklist included four items. Be yourself. Tell a story on your podcast this week that will reveal something about you. Do everything in your own style. Start by defining that style. Move beyond information by defining what is in it for your listener. Stir emotion. Review a past episode while actually listening like a listener.   Now that you have some time between posting the episode and reviewing it, this might be a good week to listen to your show like a listener. See if you

  • More Podcast Confidence - PTC Episode 033

    19/03/2014 Duração: 28min

    How To Develop More Podcast Confidence Self-confidence is a battle we all face.  Most recently, I received nearly the same question.  How do I become comfortable as a speaker? We have discussed this topic in the past on the Podcast Talent Coach podcast.  In episode 012, I offered tips to become more comfortable with the timber and sound of your voice.  This week, I would like to give you a few ideas to use to develop more confidence in your content. I had a coaching call and received an e-mail in the past couple weeks that included this topic. Both podcasters were unsure of their speaking ability.  They felt they may lack authority on their topic. I had a coaching call with a gentleman who had recently launched a new podcast. His career to this point had involved public speaking and presenting. He was self-conscious of how he sounded on his podcast. He asked if he should get a voice coach. The second question came in an e-mail. "So far I have interviewed and recorded 3 people and when editing I'm realizing h

  • Your Professional Podcast Sound - PTC Episode 032

    13/03/2014 Duração: 28min

    Your Professional Podcast Sound PTC Episode 032 When I first started in broadcasting, I doubted my voice, my sound and my ability. I doubted whether I belonged with the other professional broadcasters. Would they find me out and end my broadcasting career before it began?   Everyday, I would search for ways to sound more professional. Any idea that would come along to help me sound more prepared I would put to use. If I thought an idea would help me sound organized, I would give it a shot.   Overnight radio is where most broadcasters begin. I did overnights for the better part of four years trying to find my way. The desire to belong in the category burned inside of me. My passion to sound like a professional drove me show after show.   After years, I realized the fear of sounding unprofessional, unprepared, and unorganized is perfectly common amongst broadcasters. The desire to be credible and belong in the category burns inside of most that go on to become successful. The inner critic is present in all of u

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